Valley Times Readers Not Falling For the CO2 Scam

Letter to the Editor, April 6, 2009

Warming scam
This regarding the April 2 headline “Hot state, extreme dangers.”Global warming caused by CO2 and cap-and-trade are con games, worse than Bernie Madoff. They have been created by the left wing to lead the world to a socialist world government financed by the U.S.CO2 makes up less than 0.04 percent of our atmosphere (386 ppm). And, 500,000 years of temperature and CO2 data have proved that CO2 increases have FOLLOWED temperature increases by an average of 800 years. There is absolutely no actual evidence that CO2 causes global warming.For the past 10 years, the Earth has been cooling, while CO2 has increased about 20 ppm (0.002 percent). There are more than 31,000 U.S. scientists who have signed a petition to our government that agrees with this view.CO2 is a beneficial element in our atmosphere and increases the growth rate of crops and forests, as many scientific studies have shown.The way to derail and then stop this swindle of the American people is to let your Congress person know that we’ve caught on to the scam and then vote out the remaining congressional supporters of CO2 reduction.Richard GibbsDublin
Read more here.

One thought on “Valley Times Readers Not Falling For the CO2 Scam”

  1. Another good one today: "This global warming farce is pure folly and its foundation is unproved and ridiculous propaganda conceived and nurtured by the pompous know-nothing: Al Gore.

    Clear thinking people everywhere know that global warming, as defined by Al Gore and his devotees (that it is strictly caused and perpetuated by man’s use of fossil fuel and such things as cow flatulence) is contrived and vehemently contradicted by many scientists and meteorologists"


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