Just another myth used to steal your taxes

By RON HART, NewsHerald.com


As the attention of Americans is diverted by inconsequential TV shows like “American Idol,” “Jon and Kate Plus 8 Divorce Lawyers” and cheerleading competitions (NBC, CBS and ABC “news” for the Obama administration), we pay less attention to what is happening to our country.
We are all mindlessly watching speculation by the “news” shows on the Michael Jackson toxicology report while Congress is up to its old tricks of making stupid laws. Like a bunch of gangstas, our “leaders” are going to “cap our gas” with the cap and trade bill, which is just another tax on business that will make us even less competitive in the world.

And while a 1,000-page bill with a one-day imperative to pass it was being rammed through the House, 300 pages worth of pork amendments were inserted in the wee hours of the night in order to buy certain congressmen’s votes (a catfish museum is coming soon to a congressional district near you). Apparently, Congress is breathlessly trying to save the environment in one day.

The reality is that folks are catching on to the fact that man-made global warming is a hoax, an inconvenient truth attested to by more and more scientists. Like any good con man, Obama wants to hurry the shakedown before his mark figures out his game. Democrats actually said that “if we do not act now, the climate will soon be out of our control.” This, of course, raises the question: Just when was the climate ever under our control? Leave it to Obama to think he can control the weather.

While cap and trade is clearly being pushed by Nanny Pelosi and Obama, he has not really talked much on the subject for fear it might fail. In fairness, Obama seems increasingly uncomfortable talking about anything but himself.

After passing the House, the bill goes to the Senate, where a compromise might be struck. Instead of making companies pay the government for the privilege of conducting their business, perhaps Congress will take a page from the extortion/protection racket practiced by the Mafia for years and will just let the businesses write their checks directly to the Democratic National Committee.

Obviously, the big winner here is any business not located in the United States. Obama’s policies of empowering unions, making it easy for plaintiffs’ attorneys to sue, increasing regulation and raising taxes will chase more companies out of the United States to business-friendly countries overseas. It is no accident that more of the big IPOs of companies are now taking place on foreign exchanges.

The myth of man-made global warming was started by the left, fanned by Democratic outcast Al Gore with his “The Sky Is Falling/Chicken-Little” slide show, and perpetuated by attacking anyone who dared to question his dubious science. That is pretty much the MO of the left: Begin with a self-righteous premise, repeat it often enough, say things like “The science is conclusive on this,” and then personally attack anyone who disagrees. If Gore cares that much about the earth’s temperature, he could just walk around providing shade for cities.

We have been lulled to sleep by the media’s frivolous entertainment. Our newspapers are slowly dying because they have become cheerleaders and not independent purveyors of the truth, allowing our politicians to get away with egregious conduct and the waste of our national resources.

Obama said that “global warming is happening much quicker than we thought.” Then one of his handlers reminded him that it is now summer.

Undaunted by the dismal success rate of past scientists’ predictions (Y2K doomsday threats, the hole in the ozone layer scare, the dangers of nuclear power), the Democrats lumber forward. In fact, what was the last dire prediction of leftist scientists that actually came true? If you think of any, let me know.

Meanwhile, e-mail your senator and stop this bill while we still can.

Cap and Trade and the Illusion of the New Green Economy

By Dr. Roy Spencer, Ph.D., Climatologist, former NASA scientist

I don’t think Al Gore in his wildest dreams could have imagined how successful the “climate crisis” movement would become. It is probably safe to assume that this success is not so much the result of Gore’s charisma as it is humanity’s spiritual need to be involved in something transcendent – like saving the Earth. After all, who wouldn’t want to Save the Earth? I certainly would. If I really believed that manmade global warming was a serious threat to life on Earth, I would be actively campaigning to ‘fix’ the problem. But there are two practical problems with the theory of anthropogenic global warming: (1) global warming is (or at least was) likely to be a mostly natural process; and (2) even if global warming is manmade, it will be immensely difficult to avoid further warming without new energy technologies that do not currently exist. On the first point, since the scientific evidence against global warming being anthropogenic is what most of the rest of this website is about, I won’t repeat it here. But on the second point…what if the alarmists are correct? What if humanity’s burning of fossil fuels really is causing global warming? What is the best path to follow to fix the problem? Cap-and-Trade The most popular solution today is carbon cap-and-trade legislation. The European Union has hands-on experience with cap-and-trade over the last couple of years, and it isn’t pretty. Over there it is called their Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Here in the U.S., the House of Representatives last Friday narrowly passed the Waxman-Markey bill. The Senate plans on taking up the bill as early as the fall of 2009. Under cap-and-trade, the government institutes “caps” on how much carbon dioxide can be emitted, and then allows companies to “trade” carbon credits so that the market rewards those companies that find ways to produce less CO2. If a company ends up having more credits than they need, they can then sell those credits to other companies. While it’s advertised as a “market-based” approach to pollution reduction, it really isn’t since the market did not freely choose cap-and-trade…it was imposed upon the market by the government. The ‘free market’ aspect of it just helps to reduce the economic damage done as a result of the government regulations. The Free Market Makes Waxman-Markey Unnecessary There are several serious problems with cap-and-trade. In the big picture, as Europe has found out, it will damage the economy. This is simply because there are as yet no large-scale, practical, and cost-competitive replacements for fossil fuels. As a result, if you punish fossil fuel use with either taxes or by capping how much energy is allowed to be used, you punish the economy. Now, if you are under the illusion that cap-and-trade will result in the development of high-tech replacements for fossil fuels, you do not understand basic economics. No matter how badly you might want it, you can not legislate a time-travel machine into existence. Space-based solar power might sound really cool, but the cost of it would be astronomical (no pun intended), and it could only provide the tiniest fraction of our energy needs. Wind power goes away when the wind stops, and is only practical in windy parts of the country. Land-based solar power goes away when the sun sets, and is only practical in the sunny Southwest U.S. While I personally favor nuclear power, it takes forever to license and build a nuclear power plant, and it would take 1,000 1-gigawatt nuclear power plants to meet electricity demand in the United States. And no one wants any of these facilities near where they live. Fortunately, cap-and-trade legislation is not necessary anyway because incentives already exist – right now — for anyone to come up with alternative technologies for energy generation and energy efficiency. Taxpayers and consumers already pay for billions of dollars in both government research (through taxes) and private research (through the cost of goods and services) to develop new energy technologies. Whoever succeeds in these efforts stands to make a lot of money simply because everything we do requires energy. And I do mean everything…even sitting there and thinking. Using your brain requires energy, which requires food, which requires fossil fuels to grow, distribute, refrigerate and cook that food. Economic Competitiveness in the Global Marketplace Secondly, when instituted unilaterally by a country, cap-and-trade legislation makes that country less competitive in the global economy. Imports and trade deficits increase as prices at home rise, while companies or whole industries close and move abroad to countries where they can be more competitive. The Obama administration and congress are trying to minimize this problem by imposing tariffs on imports, but this then hurts everyone in all of the countries involved. Remember, two countries only willingly engage in trade with each other because it economically benefits both countries by reducing costs, thus raising the standard of living in those countries. The Green Mafia Third, cap-and-trade is a system that is just begging for cheating, bribing, and cooking the books. How will a company’s (or a farm’s) greenhouse gas emissions be gauged, and then monitored over time? A massive new bureaucracy will be required, with a litany of rules and procedures which have limited basis in science and previous experience. And who will decide how many credits will initially be given by the government to each company/farm/industry? Does anyone expect that these decisions will be impartial, without political favoritism shown toward one company over another, or one industry over another? This is one reason why some high-profile corporations are now on the global warming bandwagon. They (or at least a few of their executives) are trying to position themselves more favorably in what they see to be an inevitable energy-rationed economic system. Big Oil and Big Coal Will Not Pay for Cap-and-Trade Fourth, it is the consumer – the citizen – who will pay for all of this, either in the form of higher prices, or reduced availability, or reduced economic growth. Companies have no choice but to pass increased costs on to consumers, and decreased profits to investors. You might think that “Big Business” will finally be paying their “fair share”, but Big Business is what provides jobs. No Big Business, no jobs. The Green Jobs Illusion Fifth, the allure of “green jobs” might be strong, but the economic benefit of those jobs is an illusion. The claim that many thousands of new green jobs will be created under such a system is probably true. But achieving low unemployment through government mandates does not create wealth – it destroys wealth. Let me illustrate. We could have full employment with green jobs today if we wanted to. We could pay each other to dig holes in the ground and then fill the holes up again, day after day, month after month. (Of course, we’ll use shovels rather than backhoes to reduce fossil fuel use.) How’s that for a green jobs program? My point is that it matters a LOT what kinds of jobs are created. Let’s say that today 1,000 jobs are required to create 1 gigawatt of coal-fired electricity. Now, suppose we require that electricity to come from a renewable source instead. If 5,000 jobs are needed to create the same amount of electricity with windmills that 1,000 jobs created with coal, then efficiency and wealth generation will be destroyed. Sure, you can create as many green jobs as you want, but the comparative productivity of those jobs is what really matters. In the end, when the government manipulates the economy in such a fashion, the economy suffers. And even if a market for green equipment (solar panels, windmills, etc.) does develop, there is little doubt that countries like China will be able to manufacture that equipment at lower cost than the United States. Especially considering all of our laws, regulations, limits, and restrictions.

So, What’s the Alternative?
If anthropogenic global warming does end up being a serious problem, then what can be done to move away from fossil fuels? I would say: Encourage economic growth, and burn fossil fuels like there is no tomorrow! Increased demand will lead to higher prices, and as long as the free market is allowed to work, new energy technologies will be developed. As long a demand exists for energy (and it always will), there will be people who find ways to meet that demand. There is no need for silly awards for best inventions, etc., because the market value of those inventions will far exceed the value of any gimmicky, government-sponsored competitions. Why are Politicians so Enamored by Cap-and-Trade? Given the pain (and public backlash) the EU has experienced from two years’ experience with its Emissions Trading Scheme, why would our politicians ignore that foreign experience, as well as popular sentiment against cap-and-trade here at home, and run full-steam with eyes closed into this regulatory quagmire? The only answer I can come up with is: more money and more power for government. As a former government employee, I am familiar with the mindset. While the goal of a private sector job is to create wealth, the government employee’s main job is to spend as much of that wealth as possible. A government agency’s foremost goal is self preservation, which means perpetuating a public need for the agency. The idea that our government exists to help enable a better life for its citizens might have been true 100 years ago, but today it is hopelessly naïve. All Pain, No Gain And finally, let’s remember what the whole purpose of carbon cap-and-trade is: to reduce future warming of the climate system. Even some prominent environmentalists are against Waxman-Markey because they do not believe it will substantially reduce carbon dioxide emissions here at home. To the extent that provisions are added to the bill to make it more palatable to politicians from agricultural states or industrial states, it then accomplishes even less of what it is intended to accomplish: reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. And even if cap-and-trade does what is intended, the reduction in CO2 emissions as a fraction of global CO2 emissions will moderate future warming by, at most, around one tenth of a degree C by late in this century. That is probably not even measurable. Of course, this whole discussion assumes that the climate system is very sensitive to our carbon dioxide emissions. But if the research we are doing is correct, then manmade global warming is being overestimated by about a factor of 5, and it is the climate system itself that causes climate change…not humans. If that is the case, then nothing humanity does is going to substantially affect climate one way or the other. Indeed, given the fact that life on Earth depends upon the tiny amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, I continue to predict that more atmospheric CO2 will, in the end, be a good thing for life on Earth. Yet, many politicians are so blinded by the additional political power and tax revenue that will come from a cap-and-trade system that they do not want to hear any good news from the science. For instance, in my most recent congressional testimony, the good news I presented was met with an ad hominem insult from Senator Barbara Boxer. I can only conclude that some politicians actually want global warming to be a serious threat to humanity. I wonder why?

Breaking: Another moonwalker is a climate realist

By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent, Telegraph.co.uk

The second person to walk on the moon said that setting up habitation on the surface of the red planet was a “wonderful objective” for humanity. Given the backdrop of the ailing world economy, space exploration could offer younger generations much-needed goals, the 79-year-old said.
“I think we need to look quite a way down into the future to inspire our young people with that greatness. “America helped to take the world to the moon 40 years ago and America certainly can help lead the world in the direction of Mars.” After he entered the history books Dr Aldrin said he struggled through a dark time during which he did not know what he should be doing with his life. He battled depression and alcoholism, but has now been sober for 30 years and married to his wife Lois for 23 years. The former astronaut said he was aware he had a unique perspective on the universe and had tried to share this with others. “Not that many people have been on the moon and that’s why I have written two children’s books and I am involved in modern communication with a website and Twitter,” he said. “I try and communicate with people – recently I got together with a few experts and did a rap session that you can download.” But while trying to spread the word about the possibilities of space, Dr Aldrin said he was sceptical of climate change theories. “I think the climate has been changing for billions of years,” he said. “If it’s warming now, it may cool off later. I’m not in favour of just taking short-term isolated situations and depleting our resources to keep our climate just the way it is today. “I’m not necessarily of the school that we are causing it all, I think the world is causing it.” Dr Aldrin was in London to promote the publication of his memoirs Magnificent Desolation – a title taken from his comment when setting foot on the moon: “Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation.” The world watched the astronaut and his mission commander Neil Armstrong become the first humans to walk on the moon on July 20, 1960, as part of the Apollo 11 mission.

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, July 3rd 2009

By The Daily Bayonet
Al Gore blogged, Bollywood rocked and maybe John DeLorean was a genius. All this and hippie-mocking goodness galore in your July 4th weekend roundupalooza.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

Global Warming Profiteer Prophet Al Gore had a busy week. The Goreacle brushed off an inconvenient snub when his usual playmates asked him not to come to their party, and used the opportunity to blog to the masses. Al proclaimed to his sheeple that they had a crucial part to play in the Waxman-Malarkey vote. To be more accurate they will have more to do after its passage, like getting a 2nd job to pay for the increased taxes on their first job. Until both jobs only exist in China.

Al is all about the GreenAl is all about the Green

Al promised that the climate bill will only cost them the same as a postage stamp a day and that green jobs would magically drop from the sky. Spain? What about Spain? Oh, I see. Shut Up! There is something wrong with the math in the ‘cost of a postage stamp’ comparison, which the USPS will fix by increasing the price of each stamp to $7.00. Once the voting was done and Waxman was over the gall of minority leaders Boehner wanting to expose the detail of his cap and bend-over bill, The Goreacle appeared and Al made his official statement and immediately pushed the Senate to pass the bill. Al is worried that because Exxon has spent $9.3 million lobbying congress that his own $300 million might not be enough. Not to forget Canada’s own climate hysteric, David Suzuki, he came in for some mockery over some TV ads he’s appeared in. Worth far more mockery is a much older TV appearance. Viewer warning, the clip below features unedited hippies in a commune-type environment listening to a younger Suzuki talking, well, balls.Click on over to The DB to read the rest and check out this weeks global hottie!

Anti-cap and trade black ribbon campaign begins

By Gore Lied

Via the Houston Tea Party Society:

Cap and Trade will cause energy prices to skyrocket for ALL Americans – and that means the death of industry, small business, growth and prosperity. And THAT means the 1930s are going to look like child’s play when Cap and Trade is done with us.

We have to fight back NOW, before Congress CAPS our prosperity and TRADES our economic freedom away! That’s why we’re announcing: THE BLACK RIBBON CAMPAIGN To participate, all you have to do is purchase black ribbons, fabric, trash bags etc., and from now until the end of the Independence Day weekend, tie them to every light pole, street sign, public utility pole, car antenna that you can, especially things that use power. Targeting areas around heavily trafficked public buildings is best. The black ribbons will spring up all over town almost overnight, and cause people to ask questions.

This will have the potential to spark a hundred thousand conversations about what the Congress is trying to do to us, and why we can’t let the Senate pass it as well.

GORE LIED will participate in this campaign by placing the black ribbon in the upper right hand corner of each post through the end of the Independence Day holiday weekend, with an embedded link to the Houston Tea Party Society.—-I Love Carbon Dioxide proudly joins this campaign and we encourage everyone to do their part.

BREAKING: Scientists' Letter to Congress: 'You Are Being Deceived About Global Warming' — 'Earth has been cooling for ten years'


You have recently received an Open Letter from the Woods Hole Research Center, exhorting you to act quickly to avoid global disaster. The letter purports to be from independent scientists, but that Center is the former den of the President’s science advisor, John Holdren, and is far from independent. This is the same science advisor who has given us predictions of “almost certain” thermonuclear war or eco-catastrophe by the year 2000, and many other forecasts of doom that somehow never seem to arrive on time.

The facts are:

The sky is not falling; the Earth has been cooling for ten years, without help. The present cooling was NOT predicted by the alarmists’ computer models, and has come as an embarrassment to them.

The finest meteorologists in the world cannot predict the weather two weeks in advance, let alone the climate for the rest of the century. Can Al Gore? Can John Holdren? We are flooded with claims that the evidence is clear, that the debate is closed, that we must act immediately, etc, but in fact


The proposed legislation would cripple the US economy, putting us at a disadvantage compared to our competitors. For such drastic action, it is only prudent to demand genuine proof that it is needed, not guesswork, and not false claims about the state of the science.


Finally, climate alarmism pays well. Many alarmists are profiting from their activism. There are billions of dollars floating around for the taking, and being taken.

Robert H. Austin
Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Fellow APS, AAAS
American Association of Arts and Science Member National Academy of Sciences

William Happer
Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Fellow APS, AAAS
Member National Academy of Sciences

S. Fred Singer
Professor of Environmental Sciences Emeritus, University of Virginia
First Director of the National Weather Satellite Service

Roger W. Cohen
Manager, Strategic Planning and Programs, ExxonMobil Corporation (retired)
Fellow APS

Harold W. Lewis
Professor of Physics Emeritus
University of California at Santa Barbara
Fellow APS, AAAS; Chairman, APS Reactor Safety Study

Laurence I. Gould
Professor of Physics
University of Hartford
Chairman (2004), New England Section of APS

Richard Lindzen
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fellow American Academy of Arts and Sciences, AGU, AAAS, and AMS
Member Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
Member National Academy of Sciences


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Suppressed EPA scientist breaks silence, speaks on Fox News

By Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner
Alan Carlin, the senior EPA research analyst who authored a study critical of global warming that was suppressed by agency officials, has broken his silence and spoken on Fox News about his situation. Carlin told “Fox & Friends” Steve Ducy and Gretchen Carlson that his most important conclusion in the study was that the U.S. should not rely upon recommendations of the UN in making policy decisions regarding global warming. “The most important conclusion, in my view, was that EPA needed to look at the science behind global warming and not depend upon reports issued by the United Nations, which is what they were thinking of doing and in fact have done,” Carlin said. Asked what happened to his study once it was completed, Carlin said “my supervisors decided not to forward it to the group within EPA who had the responsibility for preparing an overall report which would guide EPA on whether to find that the emission of global warming gases would be something that EPA should regulate.” You can watch entire interview with Carlin here. Carlin has been at EPA for 38 years and until the Fox interview was telling reporters seeking interviews that he was instructed by EPA officials not to speak with them. He almost certainly risks retalitation by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and other Obama appointees within the agency. There are federal laws designed to protect whistle blowers like Carlin from political retaliation. It will be fascinating to watch how an administration of the Left deals with a whistleblower who for whatever reason opposes their political agenda. Will they persecute him or protect him? I’ve had occasion to deal with quite a few whistle blowers over the years and they generally fall into two categories: First are the sincere employees who see something they believe to be wrong, are rejected when they go through channels seeking change, and are then subjected to reprisals, big and small, which ultimately exact an incredibly high emotional, professional and financial toll. It is not uncommon for these folks to become obsessed with seeking vindication, to suffer nervous breakdowns or end up divorced. Then there are the others who somehow manage to maintain an emotional and professional balance while maintaining the rightness of their cause and pursuing it to a conclusion. It often takes years, but eventually they sometimes win vindication, though by that time the original controversy is usually long past and the wrong they exposed has either been forgotten, papered over or, occasionally, addressed and remedied. A great example of this second kind of whistle blower is William Clinkscales, a man I greatly admire who exposed hundreds of millions of dollars of waste and fraud at the General Services Administration (GSA) during the Carter years, and was put through hell as his reward. He was vindicated by President Reagan who honored his service and recognized the importance of what he had done. Bill once told me of his being reassigned to a do-nothing job as his boss in effect saying to him: “Now Bill, in this extremely important new job I am giving you, your task is to watch that flagpole out in front of the GSA headquarters and if it moves, you come tell me immediately.” I still chuckle when I think of Bill telling me that, but it was indicative of the lot that too often greets whistle blowers like Alan Carlin. Carlin told Fox that “things are a little tense, but as of last night, I still had a job.” Sounds like he is expecting the worst. My prediction in this case is that Carlin will be stripped of duties, given an office that was previously used as a broom closet and transferred to a duty location as far from EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. as possible. Or he will soon opt for retirement, which will then free him to write and speak as he pleases, secure in his receipt of a pension from the federal government’s old Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) broke the story about Carlin’s study being suppressed last week and has posted extensive information about the situation. It appears the story has generated so much interest that CEI’s web site is overwhelmed with traffic, as it is taking a loooonnnnnggggg time to load. UPDATE: CEI demands EPA hear public comments on suppressed study The good folks at CEI have issued a statement today demanding that EPA reopen the comment period on the proposed rule on the agency’s plans to regulate global warming emissions – CO2, the same thing every human being breathes out during the normal course of living – and to which the Carlin study was addressed.

DESMOG.ME: Your one-stop climate shop

By Justin Credible, ILCD Editor

David Suzuki and his greenwashed sheep should take note: We’re fighting back.

As of today, I’ve launched DeSmog.me, a very simple one-stop climate news shop for all the latest headlines and links around the web. Think of it as a giant RSS feed of all your favourite skeptic sites, so you no longer have to log onto each site one by one to check out today’s news.

I hope you find the site useful and I hope you especially like the name of it! I’d pay money to see the reaction from our counterparts at DeSmogBlog once they stumble across it! And here’s the best part: I run these websites from a location here in Vancouver that is only a few blocks away from those irrational hippies at DeSmogBlog.

I snatched up the domain name from the increasingly popular dot-ME registry and have been holding onto it for a while, but now I’m making it public. As The Daily Bayonet would say, “hippie heads are going to explode.”

I have also set the search bar to search ALL the websites listed in the sidebar. I hope this setup is helpful to many of you who look for info on climate topics, as you can easily search dozens of websites instantly. It should make things very easy for researchers and also just the curious!

The choice of live feeds on the main part of the page were chosen simply because they are sites which are updated regularly, therefore each time you visit Desmog.me it will be full of the latest breaking news and views. I will add a feed to those who request, and their content is relevant to the climate change hoax. (Your site has to allow RSS feeds, of course)

The site is slowly being developed to include more goodies soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you’d like your realist website, blog, product, or article to be featured on the top “featured link” please send an email to justin [at] desmog.me and I’d be happy to plug you.

