John Coleman tells Congress: Man-Caused Global Warming Is False

Testimony of John Coleman before the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands of the Committee on Natural Resources of the United States Congress on April 7, 2009

Thank you to the Committee for the invitation to appear here today. And to any who listen to my remarks or read them later, thank you for your consideration of my testimony.I come before this Subcommittee with no allusions or expectations. I am aware that for the majority of the Committee and most involved government officials my conclusions will run counter to your interests and agenda and will be ignored. None-the-less, I have made the effort to be here today because I feel what I have to contribute should at least be in the record.

Here is what I know as scientific fact: There is no significant man-made global warming or climate change at this time, there has not been any in the past and there is little reason to fear any in the future.

I did not say that the activities of man do not alter the weather and climate, because it is clear they do. What I said there is no significant man-made climate change and none should be reasonably expected to occur in the future.

I have visited most of the National Parks in the United States and love them. I have enormous appreciation for the efforts to protect our environment and provide places and ways for the citizens to enjoy the amazing beauty and powerful natural forces at work around us and interact with the thousands of species that live in those parks and related natural areas. Clearly, it is a huge task to balance between access and protection. I honor that.

But here is crux of what I can contribute to the issue before us. The science behind this current global warming, man-made climate change commotion, has failed to verify. The hypothesis that our carbon footprints produced by our use of fossil fuels is producing a significant greenhouse effect that will lead to climate calamity has failed to verify. So I repeat, there is no significant man-made global climate change.

I have studied the research papers of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and examined the science presented by Al Gore in his books, his movie and his power point. I have traced the history of the development of the concept of carbon dioxide in the exhaust from our cars, power plants and industrial plants entering the atmosphere and interacting with the primary greenhouse gas, water vapor, to magnify warming. It all collapses into a failed theory when examined with scientific care. I am not alone in reaching this conclusion. In the past year, 34 thousand scientists, 10 thousand with PhDs, have signed a statement debunking global warming.

There is solid scientific evidence that by burning fossil fuels our civilization increases the amount of carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere. However, even after 150 years of burning fossil fuels, CO2 remains a tiny trace gas. To be precise only 380 molecules out of every one million are CO2. Scientists with an anti-fossil fuel agenda developed a theory of radiative forcing to explain how this trace gas could create runaway greenhouse warming. They put that theory into general circulation computer models. Their models then projected a continuous rapid rise in global temperatures year after year. In the 1980s and 1990’s the models seemed on track as temperatures climbed. But in 1998 the warming stopped. By 2002 a rapid cooling had begun. That cooling continues today. The computer proof has failed. It has become clear the warming in the 80s and 90s was at the peak of a solar cycle and now that the sun has gone very quiet, cooling has gripped the planet. Yet the models continue to predict warming that is not happening. There is no significant warming from CO2.

I am painfully aware that global warming has become a political issue. I deeply regret that. The latest Gallup Poll documents the wide divide on the issue: 66 percent of Republicans are of the opinion that the claims of global warming are exaggerated; only 22 percent of Democrats are of that position. I want to make very clear my conclusion is in no way politically based.

I was a science reporter for ABC News in the 1970’s when there was a similar flurry of excitement about a coming Ice Age. Thankfully our government and political parties didn’t get involved so when the science got things straightened out, the frenzy faded away. Unfortunately, this time people with the anti fossil fuel agenda had jumped on the global warming bandwagon and just won’t let go. They have calmed the rhetoric to climate change, but they are still all wrapped up in cap and trade to tax our use of fossil fuels. This will do great harm to our economy but do nothing of consequence to protect the environment.

My advice to the National Park Service and the Subcommittee is: Do nothing to mitigate man-made global warming or climate change, because there is none. Reject the extremist agendas and concentrate on your wonderful work protecting our natural resources and making natural experiences available to us citizens of today and generations to follow.

To any who have an interest in pursuing the sources behind my scientific conclusions I provide a list of internet links with my written testimony.

Again, thank you for allowing me to present my testimony and place it into the record.

Two Palm Springs TV stations were there. Their coverage also accepted the dominate line of the day, but both did include me in their reports. Links to their video are below:



Links referenced in John Coleman’s remarks

From Pete’sPlace

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