City of Vancouver and VPD: Green police state has begun

By Justin, ILCD founder and editor

Here comes a very special and very personal post. Our website has just surpassed one hundred thousand unique visitors and over 500 articles from some of the best scientists, journalists, and freedom fighters on the planet. We thank all of the contributors, submissions, and news tips sent by all of you.

To mark this special occasion, I coincidentally had a run in with a very scary new “green” authoritarian organization right here in my backyard. This group of legalized criminals is better known as the Vancouver Police Department. Yes yes I know, they’re small potatoes compared to our real enemies at the US administration and the UN which we fight against daily. But nevertheless, the day that many people have feared has arrived. The day that carbon cops coming to visit and ticketing us for living our normal lives. It’s here.

So, what was the police visit about, you ask. Well, no, it had nothing to do with this website, our mission, and our constant fight for the green truth. They weren’t acting as thought police, don’t worry. In fact, it wasn’t about any real crime at all. It was all about the VPD enforcing a feely-goody nonsensical bylaw on a taxpayer who pays their fat salaries.

They decided to send a V8-powered Ford Crown Victoria all the way across town to, get this, tell me to turn off my truck engine! I’m not making this up.

As all our Vancouver readers likely know thanks to the hundreds of taxpayer-funded propaganda street signs all over the city, it is against a city bylaw to idle your vehicle engine for more than three minutes. It is, of course, a bylaw that makes absolutely no scientific sense and should be ignored and protested at every opportunity. Cops leave their cars running for full shifts, hypocrites. And any city bylaw that doesn’t apply to a police car running its engine most certainly doesn’t apply to my car. Police are not above the law, despite their actions to the contrary and whatever fine print is included in the bylaw. Public perception and how officers conduct themselves is all that matters.

It is below freezing tonight thanks to global warming, and as any good mechanic will tell you, it is best to ALWAYS run your engine for five to ten minutes to properly warm it up and get the juices flowing BEFORE you drive. Especially large engines and older engines. There is simply no such law or peace officer who has any right whatsoever to instruct a citizen how to properly start and maintain his/her vehicle.

Furthermore, all vehicles registered here in Vancouver are inspected by AirCare which ensures that vehicle emissions systems are functioning properly. To be precise, if your car passes AirCare, that means your catalytic converter is working properly and your vehicle is emitting primarily CO2 (plant food) instead of actual harmful substances. The officers didn’t get that memo. One of them even claimed “It’s for the environment!” as she handed me the ticket. Oh wait, you mean like pretty much every single eco-scam money grab in existence these days? Yeah, thought so. She’s the criminal, not me. Just like Gordon Campbell, our Premiere, is an even bigger criminal thanks to his carbon taxes imposed on all citizens of this province.

Thanks to the hugely successful environmentalist campaigns we always talk about here which have managed to convince many average Joe’s that CO2 is a “pollutant”, that has become the very basis for this city bylaw along with curbing “GHG” emissions they still believe are harmful. (“Bylaws” are certainly not the law of the land, and the more of them that are created the less significant they all seem to become. This one is beyond common sense)

At any given time you’re always doing something illegal no matter what, and therefore the police can harass you whenever they want. That’s not much of an exaggeration.

But here’s where it gets even more insane: Of course it’s perfectly okay to DRIVE AROUND for ten minutes, but if your vehicle is stopped, they can hit you with a fine! This is madness, a slap in the face to our rights, and due to the enforcement officers’ decision to serve me with a fine tonight, I’m fighting back. Funny, how the police actually cause their own battles, eh? They could have expressed their opinion on the matter or better yet, do what feels right. Instead, like the drones that they are, they must do everything by the book and trained to immediately intimidate if you show resistance. Or maybe they actually buy into the carbon-is-bad religion? I don’t know, but I attempted conversation. No dice. Here’s your fine, good night. As soon as they left I started my engine. Assholes. And yes, they were videotaped. I will catch them doing something wrong at any opportunity possible.

This entire issue must be fought, and I shall never pay any fine which is immoral to me. It’s immoral because there is no reason for this bylaw aside for making money for the city coffers and giving the police yet another reason to make themselves feel powerful. Any law or bylaw as assinine as this heeds no respect and I do not recognize the authority of anyone who attempts enforcement of it. I don’t give a rats ass if you have a badge, you’re not doing your duty as a peace officer if this is how you earn your payroll. And, as I told it to their faces, it’s beyond ridiculous and I will fight it.

It is unthinkable that it takes them over half an hour to show up if your house is broken into (if they show at all), but within ten minutes they’re harassing someone for the horrible crime of warming up their vehicle. Why? Easy money. Or perhaps some greenie complained thanks to their new “weapon”. If this is not the true beginning of a green police state, I don’t know what is. Now, just imagine if those UN criminals in Copenhagen manage to get even deeper into our lives. Will the VPD and RCMP attempt to enforce “carbon limits” through various laws and bylaws such as this? Will you be told to turn off and restart your engine at red lights and traffic jams, therefore ruining your starter and causing unneccesary wear and tear on your engine?

Time to speak up. And if the UN, federal government, RCMP, and local police start restricting travel rights and threaten property rights, then it’s time to arm yourself, Canadians. Not just physically but also with knowledge. This “bylaw” is a small step towards a much scarier picture, such as the proposed Cap-and-tax legislation being pushed by the Obama administration. Part of that legislation calls for issuing fines to homeowners if their house isn’t deemed “energy efficient” enough. And charging you with “unlawfully occupying” your own home. I know that Americans will not stand for that, and will fight back with force if necessary.

What I’m dealing with here is just the beginning of that nightmare. Cops already have a false sense of authority in many regards, such as driving rights VS what the police like to call driving “privileges”, dealing with “Motor Vehicle acts” and so-called bylaws that hamper our inalienable right to drive. Another unrelated matter I looked into was regarding the VPD being under the delusion they have any right to tell a citizen that they cannot be in a public park or beach after 10pm (yes, it’s another city bylaw with no teeth). Turns out the VPD are out to lunch on that one too, and consistently violate people’s rights anyhow. Is it just bad training? Probably. Is it also our fault? Yes. People need to learn their rights. But cops believe what they’re told, and they don’t expect us to be armed with knowledge they are either unaware of or don’t care about.

On this site, we usually hit much larger issues. But when bylaws that affect our everyday lives are applied, and are based on an ideology instead of facts and science, we’ll speak up. And never forget that your basic common-law rights supersede even the Charter and constitutions and cannot be affected by any legislations that impact your rights. Is idling a right? Well, owning personal property (your car) and being told you can’t use it as it was intended, use it for comfort (heat/AC), use it to keep it maintained (battery), warm it up properly in the cold, etc etc etc, is certainly unacceptable and outside the jurisdiction of those who supposedly serve and protect us.

This anti-idle bylaw is logistically unenforceable, is a money grab, scientifically invalid, and is nothing more than a PR campaign for the new “Green Vancouver” image our city officials have been trying to push on the world. And of course, it helps secure the voters on the left. I will absolutely not pay this fine, and any action to reach into my wallet, hamper my vehicle, impede my travel, or just waste my time, either by the city or VPD is equal to a criminal act in my opinion.

In protest, I will be running the truck every night for ten thirty minutes, and will record a video of this “unlawful act” while parked in front of the new Carbon Cop station itself. (Watch for video soon)

The pair who visited tonight (badge #’s PC2659, PC2553) should be ashamed, their boss should be held accountable, and the COV and VPD can take turns sucking on my exhaust. That’s the closest they’ll ever get to my money.

This article and my defiance would not exist if they had not decided to issue me with their fake fine for breaking their fake laws. This is not about the $45 ticket, it’s about honesty and common sense. If we allow this to continue, where will it end? And let’s put things in perpective while we’re at it. Millions of us fight against the UN and the world’s wealthy elitists who are pushing their CO2-is-evil hoax on the public, and we have been gaining strong ground. Thanks to the Climategate scandal and a massive 360 degree turn in public opinion, we are winning the green battle. Hundreds of people show up to anti-Al Gore protests on a regular basis. Imagine if the police started enforcing this phony CO2 bylaw on a wide scale!

The UN is beginning to run scared, scientists are speaking out, people are stepping down, and media coverage is helping our cause. Do local police departments and local city councils really think they’re going to intimidate and bully us? I think not. And I won’t play along.

Regards, and 100,000+ thanks to all our readers,


Email the Mayor with your thoughts:

Those interested in reading more about the VPD and RCMP “serving and protecting” Canada, please click here and here, and support your local Copwatchers such as this one. Although police power abuse is a subject for a different website, I’m sure many of you are interested. Especially now that it’s hitting home.

UPDATE 1: Prominent scientist emails the City of Vancouver.
UPDATE 2: Another local reader gets hit by the carbon clowns.

Please leave your comments. What would YOU do if you faced this situation? What should the Police do? Should this bylaw be fought in court? Your comments will be included in a submission to the VPD as well as to our Mayor and City Council. Thanks! (Comment approval is delayed up to a few hours so don’t be surprised if your comment takes a while to appear)

Climategate Round-Up #8

Alarmists act like rodents, Tony Blair says that science don’t matter and the Daily Mail won’t stop asking awkward questions. Life is good for skeptics and awful for weather hysterics, and there’s a hottie. Do Monday’s get any better than this?

The Leak/Hack

Deny, deny, deny. How damaging was the leak? Very, very damaging. And not just for the motley CRU:

ClimateGate doesn’t just bring down the scientists who wrote the emails, it brings down all the institutions and organizations that were supposed to have exacting standards and ought to have exposed the crimes years ago. The men whose work was so bogus, were lauded by the IPCC, published in Nature and Science, and defended by the National Academy of Science. This evidence of collusion, falsification, hiding data, and consistent deceit blows away the infrastructures of the practice of science. It doesn’t hurt the scientific method, but it destroys the premise that the IPCC expert review means anything, that peer review is capable of even picking up outright fraud, and that the National Academy of Science is functional.

Climategate Inconvenient Emails/Data

One atmospheric scientist suggests that the motley CRU “substituted the search for truth with an attempt at proving one point of view“. The UK Met Office doubles down on stupid, but wait, what’s that… coercion? Facts, damned inconvenient when you’re trying to hobble the world’s economic engine. Steve McIntyre, statistician and kryptonite to corrupt scientists everywhere, eviscerates the IPCC ‘trick’. I believe those are Michael Mann’s credibility entrails on the floor. It has much to do with this image, read it all:

end of the green line?end of the green line?

The climategate leak/hack broke the dam, and now there is more evidence of data being maniupulated coming from around the world. The 60 second video that destroys the hockey-stick myth once and for all: .. UPDATE: CRU has removed data from it’s website. What PR advice are these folks getting? They have even less clue about how to manage the fallout from their misbehavior than they do about the scientific method.

Climategate in the Media

CNN hosted a debate between John Christy and Gavin Schmidt wherein Schmidt plays the victim and spins the email content wildly: .. Canada’s Globe and Mail notices Climategate, sort of. Reluctant acknowledgement of the scandal, complete with extra-spin cycle from Australia’s National Times:

…accusations of fraud will persist because the so-called ”debate” on climate change has veered into the realms of fantasy. The fog on the public relations battlefield has obscured the real question: how to cut greenhouse gas emissions in a fast but sensible way.

The UK’s Daily Mail does a special investigation into Climategate and gets to be the must-read link of the Round-Up:

However, Warmergate strikes at something more fundamental – the science that justifies the basic assumption that the present warming really is unprecedented, at least in the past few thousand years. Take the now-notorious email that the CRU’s currently suspended director, Dr Phil Jones, sent to his IPCC colleagues on November 16, 1999, when he wrote he had ‘just completed Mike’s Nature trick’ and had so managed to ‘hide the decline’. The CRU’s supporters have protested bitterly about the attention paid to this message. In the course of an extraordinary BBC interview in which he called an American critic an ‘****hole’ live on air, Jones’s colleague Professor Andrew Watson insisted that the fuss was completely unjustified, because all Jones had been talking about was ‘tweaking a diagram’. Davies told me that the email had been ‘taken out of context’ adding: ‘One definition of the word “trick” is “the best way of doing something”. What Phil did was standard practice and the facts are out there in the peer-reviewed literature.’ However, the full context of that ‘trick’ email, as shown by a new and until now unreported analysis by the Canadian climate statistician Steve McIntyre, is extremely troubling.

The Economist, once a respected paper, beclowned itself over Climategate and is taken to the woodshed for it. Seth Borenstein of The Associated Press is far too close to those he was supposed to report on, and is exposed in great detail as a shill for the warmers. Another in-the-tank ‘journalist’ Andy Revkin of the NYT repairs his reputation with the warmistas. Awkward. Climategate questions in the UK Houses of Parliament. So much for the ‘nothing to see here, move on now’ spin. A hard editorial from the Washington Times, the tip of the Climategate iceberg. Got questions about Climategate in Copenhagen? Better bring a flak jacket.

Hexploding Hippie Heads

Absent any real defense for the dishonesty and lies revealed in the Climategate emails, most hippies try to draw attention to the ‘illegal hack’ that blew the lid off their cozy hoax. But, as Horner suggests, it’s the substance, stupid. You know the difference between an alarmist and a hamster? There isn’t one. armor pantsed Head of the UN IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri has his head buried in the sand with his fingers in his ears and denies that the CRU emails and code represent a problem with climate science. A memo to members of the global warming cult. Heh. Pielke Jr. rogers the HuffPo for telling porkies. Another IPCC scientist defects from the hysteric crowd and calls the behavior ‘fraud‘. Ouch. Tony Blair, not content with having wrecked a perfectly good country, wants to see action at Hopenchangen “even if the science is not correct”. Which says it all, really.

Climategate Hottie

Sticking with the hack movie linkery, 1995’s The Net told a tale of online chicanery. It also featured Sandra Bullock, which was nice. Welcome then, Mrs. Jesse James to the Round-Up:


Thanks for reading.Source

Farmer not allowed to farm because of climate laws, goes on hunger strike

By Justin Credible, ILCD Editor

An email we just recieved. Quite astonishing.


Peter Spencer is an Australian farmer conducting a hunger strike on his property. Peter is unable to clear his land and therefore earn an income. This is because the ban on land clearing is being used to enable Australia to meet its treaty commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. Our Prime Minister is in Copenhagen at the moment, he refuses to pay any compensation, talk to Peter or intervene in the case. Don’t let Peter become the first casualty of ‘Climate Change’ in the western world!

To help Peter’s cause you can spread this news around and join the network set up for him by clicking here.

Copenhagen Climate Conspirators should all Walk Home

For Immediate Release 13th December 2009 A Statement by Mr Viv Forbes, Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition, Australia.
“They should all Walk Home.”
The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that the Climate Conspirators attending the Copenhagen Carnival should all walk home.

The Chairman of “Carbon Sense” Mr Viv Forbes, added:

“Right now, over 15,000 green hypocrites, mostly funded by the world’s suffering tax payers, have winged their way in comfortable carbon-fuelled air travel to Copenhagen’s best VIP accommodation. There they will be seeking ways to forcibly reduce our carbon footprint while inflating theirs.

“Top rated airlines are booming as prominent people top up their frequent flyer carbon credits. Concierges are smiling as limousines glide in, full of exalted envoys with their entourage of minders and courtiers. Lights are blazing, air conditioners humming, kitchens cooking, champagne bubbling and caviar disappearing.

“The Global Warming Industry will also be there, creating scares, drowning polar bears, melting ice, generating publicity, demanding handouts, seeking exemptions, defending paper credits, and pushing for subsidies and special deals.

“And of course we will have battalions of largely gullible and fawning media, many also from government media monoliths touring on the tab of the tax payers.

“We are told that Australian tax payers have sent 114 official delegates there, all concerned to reduce our consumption of carbon fuels.

“If they are fair dinkum, they should all lead by example, use Green Energy, and walk home.”

Climate-gate aftermath: It’s now time to prioritize real problems

Last month the University of East Anglia’s (UEA) Hadley Climate Research Unit (CRU) was caught red-handed fabricating data on research of climate change. Phil Jones, the head of the CRU which consists of some of the preeminent climatologists in the world, has resigned in shame. Michael Mann, a Penn State climatologist who is also at the heart of this collusion is under investigation. This data is used by many all over the world to justify that man is causing global warming.And now NASA is being sued for fabricating data on anthropogenic global warming after changing their opinion on 1934 being the hottest year on record to 1998 without providing any shred of evidence.The effects of this travesty are reaching to all corners of the globe. India is refusing to go forward spending their time and treasure to combat this hoax. Australia has stood against the eco-radical agenda by shooting down a climate change bill similar to the cap-and-trade monstrosity currently being debated in Congress. Saudi Arabia has called for a formal investigation with the United Nations. The GOP here in the United States is also pushing for a formal inquiry.Oh boy, when it rains, it pours!There absolutely and unequivocally is no consensus in the scientific community that global warming exists and/or is caused fully, or in part, by humans. It is shocking that these discredited climatologists base their data on the temperatures from the last 100 years. The Earth is billions of years old and has witnessed many variations in temperature. Using the last 100 years to explain temperature changes for the history of the planet is utterly ridiculous. That is like saying that because it rained today that means it must have rained everyday this year.Don’t take my word for it; take a gander at some of the peer-reviewed articles arguing that global warming is cyclical. Or perhaps read the book, “Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1,500 years,” by Virginia’s own world renowned climate physicist S. Fred Singer.Do eco-radicals come from such privileged lives that they really think there aren’t serious problems in the world like starvation, poverty, war and disease? How do they justify creating problems out of thin air? I guess if there is a profit to be made then that makes it right in their eyes. The scientists at the CRU were receiving millions in research grants. As long as there was proof of anthropogenic global warming then they would continue to receive funding.The fact is that eco-radicals amount to modern day alchemists who wasted their lives trying to turn lead into gold. In the end, no matter how much you want something impossible to be true it just doesn’t add up.With this Climategate scandal, global warming is no longer a legitimate scientific fact, it’s a punch line. Additionally, the attacks that global warming alarmists level at detractors are shameful.The always courageous Sarah Palin punched eco-radicals in the mouth this week with a hard-hitting op-ed on the politics of climate change. Palin, who enrages the left every time she opens her mouth, signs a book, or walks down the street, increased their anger by having the boldness to publish it in the liberal bible that is the Washington Post.She was quickly lambasted by Al Gore and other eco-radicals, many of whom argued that she isn’t a scientist, has no basis for her opinions, and is a “flat-earther.”Of course, Al Gore, whose higher education resume on the environment includes taking one college course in 1967, somehow seems to qualify him as an “expert” on anthropogenic global warming.Never mind that Palin, who addresses this in her op-ed, created a subcabinet as the Governor of Alaska to address climate change and witnessed its cyclical effects first hand from the only arctic state in the country.The great Senator Inhofe (R-OK) perhaps summed up the hypocrisy of anthropogenic global warming the best when he said, “Until this year, any scientist, reporter or politician who dared raise even the slightest suspicion about the science behind global warming was dismissed and repeatedly mocked.’’ Now that time is over with the shame of the fabrication of scientific data.As he mockingly proclaimed, “We won, you lost, get a life.”Now let’s please start focusing our efforts on solving real problems.Source

UN Security Stops Journalist’s Questions About ClimateGate

By Mike Flynn

A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen. Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book. McAleer, a veteran journalist and film maker, has recently made a documentary “Not Evil Just Wrong’ which takes a sceptical look at the science and politics behind Global Warming concerns. He asked Professor Schneider about his opinions on Climategate – where leaked emails have revealed that a senior British professor deleted data and encouraged colleagues to do likewise if it contradicted their belief in Global Warming. Professor Phil Jones, the head of Britain’s Climate Research Unit, has temporarily stood down pending an investigation into the scandal. Professor Schneider, who is a senior member of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said he would not comment on emails that may have been incomplete or edited. During some testy exchanges with McAleer, UN officials and Professor Schneider’s assistants twice tried to cut short McAleer’s question. However as the press conference drew to a close Professor Schneider’s assistant called armed UN security guards to the room. They held McAleer and aggressively ordered cameraman Ian Foster to stop filming. The guard threatened to take away the camera and expel the film crew from the conference if they did not obey his instructions to stop filming Professor Schneider. The guard demanded to look at the film crews press credentials and refused to allow them to film until Professor Schneider left the room.
McAleer said he was disappointed by Professor Schneider’s behaviour. “It was a press conference. Climategate is a major story – it goes to the heart of the Global Warming debate by calling into question the scientific data and the integrity of many scientists involved.” “These questions should be answered. The attempts by UN officials and Professor Schneider’s assistant to remove my microphone were hamfisted but events took a more sinister turn when they called an armed UN security officer to silence a journalist.” Two officers corralled the film crew and one officer can be seen on tape threatening the cameraman. The Guard can also be heard warning that if the crew did not stop filming their would seize the equipment and the journalists expelled from the conference. McAleer says he has made an official complaint tabout the incident. “I have met Mr Christopher Ankerson the UN’s head of security for the conference and he has confirmed it was Professor Schneider’s staff who asked the security guards to come corral us at the press conference. Mr Ankerson could not say what grounds the security guard had for ordering us to stop filming.” “This is a blatant attempt to stop journalists doing journalism and asking hard questions. It is not the job of armed UN security officers to stop legitimate journalists asking legitimate questions of senior members of the UN’s IPCC.” Professor Schneider was interviewed for McAleer’s “Not Evil Just Wrong” documentary but lawyers later wrote to McAleer saying he was withdrawing permission for the interview to be used. McAleer, who is from Ireland, has gained quite a reputation for asking difficult questions of those who have been promoting the idea of man-made Global Warming. His microphone was cut off after he asked former vice-president Al Gore about the British court case which found that An Inconvenient Truth had a nine significant errors and exaggerations. Almost 500,000 people have watched the incident on youtube.Source

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 10th, 2009

Has the Universe forsaken Al Gore? Why did the Nepalese cabinet climb the mountain and what’s the Sun been up to these days? For Climategate news look here and here, and don’t miss your chance to vote in the Most Alarmist Alarmism by an Alarmist Awards.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

Al Gore is a man of many talents, and now we can add poet to the list. It’s not as bad as Vogon poetry, but it’s close. Unfortunately, getting facts straight is a talent that still eludes the global warming propheteer. Earlier in the week, before he jetted off to Hopenchangen in Copenhagen, Al canceled the event at which wealthy lemmings would pay $1200 for a book and a handshake. The Danes aren’t happy about it, and you don’t want the Danes mad at you, unless you like being pillaged. The Universe has turned its back on the Goreacle, but did it moon him or was that Uranus? You might remember that Saint Al of Gore was awarded an Oscar for his fictional documentary featuring stunning CGI. Well, some folks want their golden boy back. a gore story How has Al reacted to Climategate, the single biggest threat to his goal of becoming the world’s first carbon-billionaire? Badly, actually. He went on in later interviews to deny the deniers, which is just strange when you think about it. Unfortunatelty, Al got his facts wrong in that interview too. And he was nearly President… makes you wonder, no? Big Al won the real thing, but Canada’s poor widdle David Suzuki has to make do with an ‘alternative’ Nobel Prize. You know that just burns his hippies butt. Between bad sign reading and canceling lucrative events, Al had time to blog and congratulate the Air Force on a large solar project. Hopefully it won’t have the same bad economics as the Nellis AFB project:

President Obama traveled to Nellis AFB to celebrate their use of solar power. Now for the inconvenient truth; the 72,000 solar panels cost $100 million and saves the Air Force $1.2 million annually. So it’ll pay for itself in about 83 years. What a shame the useful life of a solar panel is only 20 years.

Is it possible that Al Gore can bend time? Or can he just not use a calendar? Proving that he is unable to jump on any passing bandwagon, Al jumped on the Palin-bashing wagon and called Sarah Palin a global warming denier. She responded, of course:

Vice President Gore, the Climategate scandal exists. You might even say that it’s sort of like gravity: you simply can’t deny it.

Ouch, that’s a 2-minute penalty for high-sticking-it-to-the-man for the hockey mom.

Part Two: AGW Scaremongers

We were warned this week (and in 2006, 2007, twice) that we only have 10 years to save the world. Well, throw those optimistic timelines out the window, an Aussie scientist says we only have 5 years left. Tom’s had enough. The eco-terrorist group Greenpeace invaded the Canadian Houses of Parliament with another vacuous protest. It’s time to give the dopes serious jail time in a cell next to Big Jacques, and let him show them how warming works. An alarmist in the UK’s Independent (of thought, methinks) indulges in some wish-fulfilment fantasy. You know what makes as much sense as holding a cabinet meeting underwater? Holding one on Everest, that’s what. As nations continue to up the ante in stupid stunts to get attention, can it be long before the first cabinet meeting in a volcano? Now that’d be a political move we could all support.

where's a Eiger Sanction when you need one?where’s an Eiger Sanction when you need one?

The Greens hate brown people. The mask slipped in Copenhagen this week, and the despicable OPT is overt about it. The Obama White House hates the environment, pictured at the link. Alarmist geezers say that geysers are doomed by global warming. You know what comes next, add it to the list. The EPA turned its back on science in favor of politics and declared CO2 a hazardous substance. Trees, plants hardest hit. epa gag Don Surber lists 15 reasons why people fell for the global warming hoax. Cut it out and ask your local dirty hippie which one applies to them, for fun results. An excerpt:

1. The pseudo-intellectuals fell for it because none of them ever cracked a science book.
2. The policy wonks fell for it because it gave the government more control.
3. The bleeding hearts fell for it because they always want to save the Earth.
4. The communists fell for it because it portrayed capitalists as destroying the Earth to make money.
5. The capitalists fell for it because they saw a new way to make money.
6. The Hollywood crowd fell for it because it made their pampered lives seem to have a meaning and purpose.

Of course, pretty soon it will be hard to find anyone that will admit to believing in global warming.Read the rest over at The Daily Bayonet!

Sarah Palin reacts to Climategate: "The President should boycott Copenhagen"

Copenhagen’s Political Science

By Sarah Palin

With the publication of damaging e-mails from a climate research center in Britain, the radical environmental movement appears to face a tipping point. The revelation of appalling actions by so-called climate change experts allows the American public to finally understand the concerns so many of us have articulated on this issue.
“Climate-gate,” as the e-mails and other documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have become known, exposes a highly politicized scientific circle — the same circle whose work underlies efforts at the Copenhagen climate change conference. The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather, but they would change our economy for the worse. The e-mails reveal that leading climate “experts” deliberately destroyed records, manipulated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures, and tried to silence their critics by preventing them from publishing in peer-reviewed journals. What’s more, the documents show that there was no real consensus even within the CRU crowd. Some scientists had strong doubts about the accuracy of estimates of temperatures from centuries ago, estimates used to back claims that more recent temperatures are rising at an alarming rate. This scandal obviously calls into question the proposals being pushed in Copenhagen. I’ve always believed that policy should be based on sound science, not politics. As governor of Alaska, I took a stand against politicized science when I sued the federal government over its decision to list the polar bear as an endangered species despite the fact that the polar bear population had more than doubled. I got clobbered for my actions by radical environmentalists nationwide, but I stood by my view that adding a healthy species to the endangered list under the guise of “climate change impacts” was an abuse of the Endangered Species Act. This would have irreversibly hurt both Alaska’s economy and the nation’s, while also reducing opportunities for responsible development.
Our representatives in Copenhagen should remember that good environmental policymaking is about weighing real-world costs and benefits — not pursuing a political agenda. That’s not to say I deny the reality of some changes in climate — far from it. I saw the impact of changing weather patterns firsthand while serving as governor of our only Arctic state. I was one of the first governors to create a subcabinet to deal specifically with the issue and to recommend common-sense policies to respond to the coastal erosion, thawing permafrost and retreating sea ice that affect Alaska’s communities and infrastructure. But while we recognize the occurrence of these natural, cyclical environmental trends, we can’t say with assurance that man’s activities cause weather changes. We can say, however, that any potential benefits of proposed emissions reduction policies are far outweighed by their economic costs. And those costs are real. Unlike the proposals China and India offered prior to Copenhagen — which actually allow them to increase their emissions — President Obama’s proposal calls for serious cuts in our own long-term carbon emissions. Meeting such targets would require Congress to pass its cap-and-tax plans, which will result in job losses and higher energy costs (as Obama admitted during the campaign). That’s not exactly what most Americans are hoping for these days. And as public opposition continues to stall Congress’s cap-and-tax legislation, Environmental Protection Agency bureaucrats plan to regulate carbon emissions themselves, doing an end run around the American people. In fact, we’re not the only nation whose people are questioning climate change schemes. In the European Union, energy prices skyrocketed after it began a cap-and-tax program. Meanwhile, Australia’s Parliament recently defeated a cap-and-tax bill. Surely other nations will follow suit, particularly as the climate e-mail scandal continues to unfold. In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” But instead of staying home from Copenhagen and sending a message that the United States will not be a party to fraudulent scientific practices, the president has upped the ante. He plans to fly in at the climax of the conference in hopes of sealing a “deal.” Whatever deal he gets, it will be no deal for the American people. What Obama really hopes to bring home from Copenhagen is more pressure to pass the Democrats’ cap-and-tax proposal. This is a political move. The last thing America needs is misguided legislation that will raise taxes and cost jobs — particularly when the push for such legislation rests on agenda-driven science. Without trustworthy science and with so much at stake, Americans should be wary about what comes out of this politicized conference. The president should boycott Copenhagen.
UPDATE: Steven Hayward has a great article in The Weekly Standard on the Climategate scandal. Be sure to check it out.

The response to my op-ed by global warming alarmists has been interesting. Former Vice President Al Gore has called me a “denier” and informs us that climate change is “a principle in physics. It’s like gravity. It exists.”

Perhaps he’s right. Climate change is like gravity – a naturally occurring phenomenon that existed long before, and will exist long after, any governmental attempts to affect it.

However, he’s wrong in calling me a “denier.” As I noted in my op-ed above and in my original Facebook post on Climategate, I have never denied the existence of climate change. I just don’t think we can primarily blame man’s activities for the earth’s cyclical weather changes.

Former Vice President Gore also claimed today that the scientific community has worked on this issue for 20 years, and therefore it is settled science. Well, the Climategate scandal involves the leading experts in this field, and if Climategate is proof of the larger method used over the past 20 years, then Vice President Gore seriously needs to consider that their findings are flawed, falsified, or inconclusive.

Vice President Gore, the Climategate scandal exists. You might even say that it’s sort of like gravity: you simply can’t deny it.

– Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin was the 2008 Republican nominee for vice president and governor of Alaska from 2006 to 2009.


Baby, It's Cold Outside

By Alan Caruba

One of the great ironies of the Climate Change Conference taking place in Copenhagen is that its focus is on “global warming” at a time when Planet Earth has been in a cooling cycle for the passed decade.

That fact alone is testimony to another one; the United Nations conference has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with a binding treaty that would ultimately transfer power from the individual sovereign nations whose representatives are attending to centralized governance by unelected bureaucrats.

Just as Communism concentrates all power in the “State” and relegates its citizens to “property” of the state, the UN Climate Change program would subjugate entire nations in the name of “saving the Earth.” It needs saving, but not from a fraudulent “global warming”. The present greatest danger to mankind is the various power centers represented by the delegates to the conference.

There is, however, another danger and it is the climate; not a warming one, but one that is at the tail end of the latest interglacial period between ice ages. The last ice age ended about 11,500 years ago, though some argue it was only 10,000 years.

The late Dr. Theodore Landscheidt, founder of the Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity in Waldmuenchen, Germany, was a giant in the field of climatology. This science looks at climate trends in terms of millions or thousands of years.

Before his passing in 2004, Dr. Landscheidt predicted a new Little Ice Age similar to what the northern hemisphere experienced from around 1300 to 1850. He based this on an analysis of the sun’s activity in the last two millennia and he believed it would arrive by 2030. Meteorologists are in general agreement that the current cooling cycle will continue for another two decades. Thereafter it gets really cold!

Meteorology is about the weather that is occurring now and predicting what that weather will be in the near future. As we know, even short range predictions of a few days are subject to variations. Modern meteorology depends on computer climate models, but none can factor in the role of clouds on the weather because they remain a mystery. Other unknown factors include countless active undersea volcanoes.

The Sun, however, can and is closely monitored and, since it is the primary source of warming and cooling cycles, predictions can be made. Dr. Landscheidt wrote, “The current 11-year sunspot cycle 23 with its considerably weaker activity seems to be a first indication of the new trend.”

Winter will grow colder and last longer. By 2030, people in the northern hemisphere will experience what occurred between 1300 and 1850. History is filled with examples from the devastation of Napoleon’s army when he invaded Russia to Valley Forge in America. In England, the Thames froze over.

My friend, Robert W. Felix, the author of “Not by Fire, but by Ice” and editor of the Internet site,, has been predicting not just a Little Ice Age, but a full-fledged Ice Age like the one that occurred about a million or more years ago and did not end until about 10,000 years ago.

“We’re beginning to realize,” Felix wrote, “that earth is a violent and dangerous place to live. We’re beginning to realize that mass extinctions have been the rule, rather than the exception, for the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on this planet.”

Civilization as we know it is relatively new. Homo sapiens, humans, began their dominance around 10,000 years ago and the development of agriculture and other aspects of modern civilization are only about 5,000 years old. When you stack that up against vast epochs, it is a historical blip on the radar screen. Not that long ago in America, the only means of transportation were horses.

What is occurring in Copenhagen is an obscenity. The fact that the President of the United States and other world leaders would attend and endorse its lies calls out for a massive repudiation.

The “science” on which it is based has been revealed to have been deliberately falsified by the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia and we may yet confirm that even NASA’s and NOAA’s data was inaccurate as well.

As the White House and Congress try to impose a “Cap-and-Trade” bill, a huge tax on all energy use, on Americans, what scientists have been trying to explain for years is that no evidence exists that carbon dioxide (CO2) effects global temperature.

This puts the lie to the Environmental Protection Agency’s announcement that it intends to regulate CO2 emissions in order to avoid a global warming that is not happening or that CO2 poses a health risk. We are witnessing gangsterism masquerading as regulation.

There isn’t even evidence that CO2 is a so-called “greenhouse gas” or that a greenhouse effect even exists. There is no evidence that the seas are rising at an alarming rate or that glaciers and polar caps are melting.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the sponsor of the Copenhagen conference, should be disbanded for being nothing more than a political instrument intended to coordinate a massive international fraud. All U.S. legislation based on “global warming” or “greenhouse gas emissions” should be repealed.

The worldwide mass media’s self-inflicted damage to its credibility requires a major effort to report the actual science and prepare the Earth’s population for some ugly consequences of the cooling that is occurring and is likely to accelerate in the decades immediately ahead.

It’s going to get colder and all the lies flowing from a morally debased United Nations will not change that.

Caruba blogs at He is an author, business and science writer.