Only 35% still believe in man-made global warming

That sound you hear is Al Gore sobbing. A new Rasmussen study that shows only 35% of Americans still believe in man-made global warming. When you subtract out all the people who make money off this colossal scam, we estimate that the resulting figure is about 2%. Here are the details from Rasmussen:

Questions continue to mount over the science behind years of studies that say humans are chiefly to blame for global warming. But reflecting a trend that has been going on for more than a year, just 35% of U.S. voters now believe global warming is caused primarily by human activity. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 47% think long-term planetary trends are mostly to blame, down three points from the previous survey in January. Eight percent say there is some other reason, and 10% aren’t sure. But 56% say President Obama still believes that human activity is the main cause of global warming. That’s the highest finding on that question since last March.The president went to a United Nations summit in Copenhagen in December in hopes of reaching an international agreement that would limit human activities that some scientists say contribute to global warming.

Thirty-five percent? Hell, Al, you could find a higher percentage of people who believe in flying saucers. And with good reason.Source: Rasmussen via IHateTheMedia

The Jig is Up! Climategate U-turn as Phil Jones admits: There has been no global warming since 1995

Oops. UK Times: ‘World may not be warming, say scientists’ — UN IPCC ‘faces a new challenge with scientists casting doubt on its claim that global temperatures are rising inexorably’ – –
‘Popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development’ — ‘IPCC’s climate data are contaminated with surface effects from industrialisation and data quality problems. These add up to a large warming bias’

Watch Now! Climate Depot’s Morano in MSNBC TV Debate with Daniel Weiss of Center for Am. Progress: Morano: ‘The whole entire [warming] industry has been exposed as sub-prime science’
Morano: ‘Now [the warmists] are trying to say global warming causes blizzards, that’s the level of climate astrology — it’s like a daily horoscope — nothing that happens falsifies the [warming] theory’ — ‘He (Weiss) need’s Tarot cards, that is what he needs, he is peddling astrology’

Hebrew University Scientists publish study in Nature: ‘AGW is refuted’ — ‘Claims that carbon emissions permanently increase global temperature are false’
‘Because the greenhouse effect is temporary rather than permanent, predictions of significant global warming in the 21st century by IPCC arenot supported by the data’ More info here.

Reuters on UN IPCC Train wreck: ‘Admitting yet another flaw’: UN climate panel admits sea level flaws

Via email

How to blame humans for anything

By Andrew Bolt

Niche modeller David Stockwell is profoundly unimpressed with what’s billed as the latest “proof” of man-made warming – that winds are now pushing rain away from Western Australia, and dumping snow on Antarctica. And the funny thing is that not even the man spruiking this ”proof”, Professor Tas van Ommen, seems to have much faith in it:

The basic conclusion is that if this is being driven by human impact then you would expect it to continue but as climate change continues to change, the current situation changes too.

So if this keeps going, that’s evidence of man-made warming. And if it doesn’t, that’s evidence of climate change. It’s a win-win. And when you see van Ommen’s reasoning for assuming man is to blame you see exactly the same kind of heads-I-win-tails-you-lose reasoning:

This pattern has strengthened in the past 30 years and some of the computer models that reproduce this are showing that it looks like it has happened because of greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide – and also ozone (being depleted).

The models that reproduced this warming must be believed, but the blame-man ones that didn’t should be ignored. And here’s the seal to the deal: this great change in the Antarctic oscillation just brings us to where we were in 1960. From Jones, J. M. and M. Widmann, 2004. Early peak in Antarctic oscillation index. Nature, 432, 290–291:

Here we reconstruct the austral summer (December–January) Antarctic oscillation index from sea-level pressure measurements over the twentieth century5 and find that large positive values, and positive trends of a similar magnitude to those of past decades, also occurred around 1960, and that strong negative trends occurred afterwards. This positive Antarctic oscillation index and large positive trend during a period before ozone-depleting chemicals were released into the atmosphere and before marked anthropogenic warming, together with the later negative trend, indicate that natural forcing factors or internal mechanisms in the climate system must also strongly influence the state of the Antarctic oscillation.


U.S. to launch new climate agency amid growing doubts about the theory

By Tony Hake
Despite Congress’ inability to agree to climate change legislation, falling public belief in global warming, and new questions about the science behind the theory, the Obama administration announced plans to launch a new climate change agency. Falling under the umbrella of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Climate Service would be the U.S. government’s one-stop-shop for climate change information. U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said, “By providing critical planning information that our businesses and our communities need, NOAA Climate Service will help tackle head-on the challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change.” Locke reiterated President Barack Obama’s oft-repeated refrain that ‘green jobs’ and technology will help the nation out of the recession. “In the process, we’ll discover new technologies, build new businesses and create new jobs.” The new service would bring together all of NOAA’s climate-related departments under a single agency called the NOAA Climate Service. NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco said it would look much like the National Weather Service but dedicated to climate change instead of weather. Carol Browner, President Obama’s ‘global warming czar’, echoed Lubchenco saying, “Through NOAA’s improved climate services we will be better able to confront climate change, and the many challenges it presents for our environment, security, and economy.” The timing of the announcement has raised eyebrows given the current state of climate science and growing doubt amid the public and policy leaders. One claim in NOAA’s press release has drawn been looked at with bemusement by some. Touting NOAA’s past climate work, the statement discussed, “The climate research, observations, modeling, predictions and assessments generated by NOAA’s top scientists – including Nobel Peace Prize award-winners.” This presumably is alluding to the work of many climate scientists on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for its work on climate science and the group’s AR4 report has been viewed as one of the most important pieces of work in the field. That very same report however has recently come under fire for dozens of errors and questionable citations. Claims of disappearing glaciers and rain forests, humanitarian disasters in Africa, increased natural disasters and more have all been disproven in recent weeks. Scientists that participated in the authoring of the report have said the spurious claims were included simply for political reasons. Some of those very same scientists were also at the forefront of the Climategate email scandal that continues to reverberate throughout the discussion on manmade climate change. The source of those emails, the University of East Anglia in Britain, has been found to have broken the law by trying to prevent the release of climate information. The head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the university, Dr. Phil Jones, continues to be investigated for his role. Jones and his fellow scientists at CRU were principal contributing authors to the IPCC’s work. In the United States, Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State University similarly finds himself under investigation. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, has similarly come under fire after it was revealed he chose to ignore the errors leading up to the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in Denmark. Investigations by British media have also shown that Pachauri has financially benefitted from his position raising calls that he has a severe conflict of interest. The attempt to create a new government agency is being viewed by some as an ‘end run’ by the Obama administration around Congress and the American people. Climate change legislation incorporating a cap and trade tax scheme was considered a hallmark of the administration but it has since stalled in Congress. While the House of Representatives passed a version of the legislation, a similar measure sits fallow in the Senate and it appears unlikely it will move forward any time soon. Public doubts about global warming are also on the rise as shown by recent polls. According to the Pew Research Center, it ranks last in what the public believes should be a priority for the federal government. The American people, already casting a wary eye on a growing U.S. government and ballooning debt are not likely to view the new agency favorably. The state of climate science has not been at a lower point than it is now. 2009 was dubbed “The year climate change and global warming activists would like to forget” for the many events that dealt significant blow to the theory.Source

“Snowmageddon” Versus “Overwhelming Scientific Evidence”

By Kevin Mooney

Washington D.C. and the Mid-Atlantic States have been hammered by another major snow storm, which exceeds the Dec. 19, 2009 storm that forced President Obama to curtail his time in Copenhagen. This is the first time since record keeping started that two storms of such magnitude have hit the region during one winter. Already some localities are reporting the largest snowfall ever recorded. To be sure, these events do not prove or disprove human caused global warming. But the momentum is now very much on the side of skeptical scientists who question these theories and President Obama should at least pull back from his awkward juxtapositions. Here’s what he said in The State of the Union: “I know there have been questions about whether we can afford such changes in a tough economy. I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change. But here’s the thing — even if you doubt the evidence, providing incentives for energy-efficiency and clean energy are the right thing to do for our future — because the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. And America must be that nation.” On Saturday, during a gathering of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in Washington D.C., Obama called this most recent storm “Snowmaggeddon” putting it on a par with what he experienced in Chicago. Looking ahead to the 2010 mid-term elections, Republicans should make more of an issue out of the “climategate” scandal involving leaked emails Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. It’s always possible to persuade the public on the basis of dire emergencies, which is why scientific evidence undermining alarmism deserves greater expression. The science the EPA has used to justify its finding that human emissions of carbon dioxide endanger public health and welfare should be subjected to vigorous criticism in the coming months. In the Federal Register, EPA states: “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level. … Global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries.” Last year The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) exposed how the EPA had suppressed a scientific study that concludes natural forces as opposed to human activity are largely responsible for temperature changes. Now is the time to attack the soft underbelly of unsubstantiated global warming alarmism. More snow is on the way tomorrow.

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Feb. 4th 2010

Big Green gets an endorsement from global terrorists, Al Gore pretends Bill Gates is his friend and ripples from Climategate continue to harsh hippie mellows. All this, a beach hottie and 10% more snark in your weekly round-up.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

Here’s a simple question. How can you tell that Al Gore’s schedule isn’t as crowded as it was? Answer: Al posts on his blog 10 times in a week, that’s how. Let’s see what the profiteer prophet had on his mind: He don’t like Sen. Murkowski one little bit, and he thinks that the noughties were the warmest years evah. He still reads the New York Times (so that’s who it is!) and likes it when they write fawning editorials on global warming. He quotes Bill Gates, but only where it suits him (more on that later), and goes on to find the one poll that suggests his AGW hoax isn’t deader than the average Ted Kennedy date. You’ll be happy to know that Al found time to attend the launch of the new iTampon, or whatever its called, but unfortunately for Mother Earth, Al took a plane. Why, oh why can’t he take the bus? Have savings? Not if Al has any say in it you won’t. He’d like them invested in Green things. Preferably green things controlled by Al Gore, natch. The Goreacle’s oddest blog post became the subject of one of my own posts, in which readers waded in with woeful tales of lives destroyed by global warming. Feel free to add your own to the list, there might even be a prize for the best entry. Or not. Conspiracy? Al Gore, Al Jazeera and Al Qaeda, united in greenity? Tell me that’s not fishy. Al Gore’s self-detonating AGW hoax received some much needed support in a brand new live-from-the-cave special from Osama Bin-Laden himself. Osama’s wars have gone about as well as Al’s recent battles, so he’s figured out it’s time to encourage the great Satan to self-immolate. Good luck with that, you evil hippie-bearded goat f-f-fancier.

Part Two: AGW Scaremongers

The Securities and Exchange Commission has decided that corporations must provide details to investors of the business risks of climate change. I wouldn’t worry too much, if the SEC is as competent at monitoring global warming as they are Madoff, Enron, Lehman et al, this initiative can be filed under idiotarian greenwashing. KalliVornya might be bankrupt, but the valiant state lawmakers can still reach out and make a difference. So, take that, evil Free Parking. wait, what?CLICK HERE TO THE READ THE REST!

David Suzuki tries to hijack the Olympics

By Justin Credible

When it rains, it pours. And in the environmental movement, it’s a torrential downpour of idiocy!

With the recent Climategate and Glaciergate scandals, the so-called science of global warming has been rapidly crumbling into oblivion faster than anyone could have ever hoped for. The head of the IPCC has been called out for being just as fraudulent as Al Gore’s claims. Scientists and media have been demanding his resignation and the public is quickly realizing the climate change farce. But somehow, a few stubborn eco-terrorists are still making their crazy claims.

It was bad enough that someone actually blamed global warming for the Haiti earthquake, and now we have an even better funny farm minute for the 2010 Olympics.

Here in the one Canadian city famous for warm winters we are about to begin the Winter Games. There is little snow on Cypress Mountain, which happens every few years normally. I know, I worked there for years. The mountain is less than 20 minutes from Vancouver beaches. Warm? Huh? It’s not rocket climate science. So of course, all we really wanted now was for some anti-carbon scaremonger to blame it all on alleged global warming.

And sure enough, we just got it! The predictable alarmist (not climatologist) David Suzuki jumped all over the chance to make the absurd AGW claim. And the reactions have begun:

David Suzuki, the local rabid hippie totalitarian hasn’t gotten the memo that blaming everything on global warming is so 2009, and beclowns himself trying to hijack the Olympics to the global warming hoax.

Thankfully the people aren’t buying his garbage anymore. Every time Suzuki’s articles are published online, hundreds of readers leave their comments, and very few of them are kind to the senile old hippie.

Meteorologists predicted last July that El Nino was coming and that warm weather would hit us in January and February of this year.

Mr. Suzuki, you claim to be a scientist, so please don’t tell me you’ve never heard of El Nino, the natural weather pattern that circulates warm air from Hawaii up to the Canadian west coast? Or the fact that 30 years ago there was NO snow on the local mountains for most of the season and Vancouver’s Grouse Mountain went bankrupt? Perhaps you were too stoned at the time to remember that. Clearly you still haven’t quit smoking it either.

And how come you conveniently brush off the fact that the rest of the entire top half of planet earth is currently experiencing the coldest winter in a century? Your press releases claim that the coldness everywhere else is a result of “local weather patterns, not climate”. So how come when we get a WARM spell in one area – Vancouver – you suddenly blame it on “global climate change”, and not local weather??? LMFAO. How convenient. You and your foundation are hilariously stupid. Your attempts at fear mongering for support and funding are absolutely disgusting.

And you also ignore the fact that average global temperatures are dropping and have been dropping for a decade.

Oh that’s right, I forgot. Global cooling is also because of global warming. And CO2 aka plant food is poison.



Global Warming Makes the Case Against Global Government

By Alan Caruba

The utterly baseless case for “global warming” is melting a lot faster than the glaciers in India’s Himalayas which, by the way, are not melting.

It is time for the Nobel Committee to rescind the Peace Prize given to Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

It is time for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences committee to take back Al Gore’s Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth”, an alleged documentary that became mandatory viewing for students in the U.S. and around the world. Purporting to “prove” that the Earth was rapidly warming due to the rise in “greenhouse gases”, it is a fraud.

In the event the news hasn’t reached you, in mid-August 2009, after repeated requests for the Climate Research Unit’s raw data from which it calculated global temperatures, the CRU at the University of East Anglia (UK), a key element of the UN’s IPCC, announced that it had discarded the data, thereby making it impossible to determine if their assertions of rising global temperatures were accurate and true. Or not.

In October 2009, in the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, it was demonstrated that the IPCC’s tree ring data from Russia that showed a cooling after 1961 had been disguised in its report (AR4) that, of course, asserted the Earth was warming.

A month later, just prior to a huge, international Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen, emails from the CRU were leaked, revealing the lengths to which the CRU staff had gone to discredit and suppress any independent studies that disputed the global warming thesis.

In brief, the entire “scientific” basis on which the IPCC “scientists” and global warming advocates like Al Gore made their claims was a fraud. It rendered AR4 “scientifically questionable” in the polite parlance of the worldwide scientific community.

In January, Joe D’Aleo and E. Michael Smith released a detailed report that indicted the U.S. National Climatic Data Center and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies for having eliminated many meteorological stations from their data bases in recent years and, to no one’s surprise, the stations were mostly in colder climate areas. Without their data, the “warmists” could continue to claim the Earth was in a warming cycle.

None of this came as a surprise to the “deniers” and “skeptics”, many of them internationally renowned climatologists and meteorologists, who had attended the Heartland Institute’s two international conferences on climate change, participating in seminars and addressing attendees to provide the truth; the Earth has been in a cooling cycle since 1998, any prior warming was a normal and natural cycle following the Little Ice Age that ended around 1850, and the claims of the IPCC and other alleged science-based government agencies were utterly false.

The sheer magnitude of the deception, directed and orchestrated from within a United Nations entity, given support by United States and British agencies, and further supported by multi-national groups such as the European Union, made it difficult for the average person to believe anything other than the elements of the hoax that were constantly proclaimed and then reinforced by the media and Hollywood.

When the global warming dam burst, millions around the world would conclude what they had always suspected; there was no global warming and all the billions spent in the name of “reducing greenhouse gases” or “clean energy” was part of a massive fraud, a set-up to permit new forms of taxation and to enrich the participants.

That is the case against multinational organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union, to name just two. They are, too often, giant propaganda machines whose agenda is to eliminate fundamental concepts of individual liberty and freedom, replacing them with faceless bureaucrats with no obligation to be responsive to citizens anywhere.

A U.S. President, Barack Obama, who attended the UN Copenhagen Conference and would, in the course of his State of the Union speech, claim that there was “overwhelming evidence” of climate change a.k.a. global warming, is part of the cabal that would waste taxpayer’s billions on “green jobs”, “clean energy”, and “biofuels” as opposed to actually encouraging the building of nuclear and coal-fired plants, exploring and extracting offshore oil and natural gas reserves, and maintaining the nation’s vital infrastructure.

A rogue government agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, is brazenly warning Congress that it will regulate carbon dioxide if it does not pass the patently false “Cap-and-Trade” legislation intended to limit so-called “greenhouse gases.” The EPA must be reined in and a complete housecleaning is necessary to repeal the many regulations and laws based on the global warming fraud.

The U.S. needs a new Congress filled with men and women who want to protect the nation against the frauds perpetrated by its own science-related agencies, to kill legislation that would impose a massive tax on energy use, and bring the global warming advocates within the government to the bar of justice.

The world needs to dissolve the United Nations in the same way it shunted aside the useless League of Nations. The present institution should be broken into units that perform legitimate services, but governance is not a legitimate purpose. No global taxes. No global army. No global propaganda machine.

Nations, worldwide, need to reclaim their sovereignty and then work together for the mutual goal of peace and other worthwhile causes.