The IPCC gets a global drubbing for peddling recycled WWF glacier-ganda, Al Gore loves astroturf and there’s more green-on-green action than a superbowl between the Eagles and the Jets. Oh, and Megan Fox is your weekly hottie, so scroll down and get it out of your system now while the links are still fresh.
Part One: Al Gore & Friends
Al Gore is beyond parody. In a post entitled ‘Green Pastors’, Al blogs about ministers that use the environmental agenda to pull in more bums on pews:
“”We actually encourage it as a way to get people into the churches,” said Lee Anne Beres, the executive director of Earth Ministry, a Seattle group founded in 1992 that has guided many area congregations through environmental upgrades over the past decade but has recently emphasized more direct political action for pastors and parishioners. “That is what people are interested in, and I don’t see anything Machiavellian in that.””
Nothing wrong with a bit of inter-faith cooperation, I guess. Al Gore takes a lesson in branding from a diminutive musician from the Twin cities and ‘The Phenomenon Formerly Known as Global Warming’ is born. Maybe next Al will carve ’slave’ onto his cheek too? (satire, as if you didn’t know) How green is my astroturf? Good question Al, good question. Meanwhile, most letters to the editor these days are far more skeptical in tone. That ’settled’ science is looking far more shaky with each revelation from the crooked world of climatology, as this poll shows. Also, for anyone that thought you needed to be smart to be a member of the ‘elite’ the poll provides proof to the contrary. More evidence of this later. Burning books is never a great idea, although some titles are more tempting than others. Enjoy the video, but forgive them their bad English accents, they tried. Bless ‘em. The ignoble Nobel. Klockarman wants it revoked, but that’s against the rules. I know one moonbat who don’t care about rules and revocations: .. The prophet likes the idea of electronics being labeled with information that tells you how quickly your new TV is going to kill a polar bear. Or something. Harry Reid is to most people a vindictive little bureaucrat that long ago exceeded his Peter Principle potential. But to Al, Dingy Harry is a beacon of hope, and, dare I say it… change? Shame that Al’s best Senate buddy looks like he has an expiry date.
Part Two: AGW Scaremongers
Global warming muppet Jim Hansen, not content with representing the US Government’s support for civil disobedience in the UK, is endorsing a book by wannabe eugenecist Keith Farnish that longs for the return of the stone age. You know, instead of trying to pry iPods from our cold, dead hands, isn’t there some fetish camp for these hippies if what they really want to do is drag chicks around by the hair and bash flints together all day long? Sheesh. More here on NASA’s mad scientist. The CRU investigation turns into a thin whitewash job, and while there was law-breaking, they’ll walk on a technicality. Which makes Phil Jones into OJ Simpson, or something. The Mother Nature network rushed to prove that glaciers do still melt, despite the IPCC’s recent embarrassment, but forgets about a basic little something the rest of call ‘winter’ and ’summer’. Doh! Oh noes, global warming causes the Thames’ eel population to crash, threatening a popular east ender delicacy. One local was concerned, “‘cor blimey guv’ner, strike a light. Me luvverly jellied eels are all Father Ted? Now we’re proper Donald Ducked, innit?” Help here. The Royal Society, given a chance to buffer the hapless climate scientists, ducks and passes. Steve McIntyre, the human kryptonite to warmists, notices that one particularly awkward fallout from Glaciergate is that the science behind the EPA’s finding that CO2 is a toxic danger to life on Earth (yeah, I know) might not meet, er, EPA standards for peer-review. Awkward. Donna LaFramboise dug into the glaciergate affair, looking for nefarious work from the WWF. And found it, lots of it. She promises to expose Greenpeace next, which has me rubbing my hands together in anticipation. The green movement has more gates than a place with a lot of gates. Or something. Anyway, say hello to Amazongate. And, no it’s not about a rogue online bookseller. Call the whaaaaambulance, a warmist without the wit to win in a fair debate blames the nasty well-funded vast global-warming skeptic conspiracy. Which reminds me, Big Oil, your check hasn’t arrived yet. Hello? Jennifer Marohasy has a linkilicious page of, er, links and wonders when Pachauri will resign and where is Al Gore. And more. Fun and gates from Jo Nova:
Weather hysteric Gwynne dyer sounds about ready to give up. We can dream, right?READ THE REST OVER AT THE DAILY BAYONET!