VIDEO: Leave the politics out of science class

This past weekend I was horrified to learn that my little sister was shown the “Day After Tomorrow” as part of her geology class. Scarier, for me, is that it happened at an University level. Shouldn’t students be horrified that they’re paying hundreds of dollars per credit to be fed environmental propaganda?

My story is one of many that we’ve encountered at Not Evil Just Wrong.

By Kristin McMurray


UPDATE: Many more videos are available at

35 Inconvenient Truths: Part One

35 Inconvenient Truths: Part Two

No atmospheric hotspot exists, greenhouse theory disproven

Reducing CO2 will WORSEN the Global Food Crisis

Klik hier om het video filmpje te bekijken

The Great Global Warming Swindle: Documentary

Not Evil Just Wrong: The True Cost of Global Warming Hysteria

The truth about “Dirty Old Fuels”

Going green with Cap and trade!


A Load Of Hot Air: ICCC Ad
January 29, 2009: Radio interview with Dr. Ian Clark, PhD, Professor (isotope hydrogeology and paleoclimatology), Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa, and Tom Harris, ICSC Executive Director, on “Late Night Counsell” on CFRA Radio, Ottawa, Canada.Listen (8 MB) to Professor Clark’s rebuttal of Al Gore’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony (28/01/09) comparison between the climates of Venus and Earth. Listen to the whole interview (listen while downloading (80 MB) if using Firefox browser).Read October 12, 2006 National Post OpEd by Professor Clark: “Look to the Sun; An experiment by Danish scientists shows the evidence linking global warming to an increase in cosmic radiation”.