By Robert D. Brinsmead

The fear of carbon is the fear of life. The love of carbon is the love of life. Humans are animated carbon. Everything we consume and emit is carbon-based. Everything we make or purchase causes carbon emissions. It is not possible to control and regulate carbon without controlling and regulating every aspect of human existence. To be anti-carbon is to be anti-human freedom.

The war on carbon is an ill-disguised war on humanity, a war on human freedom. Carbon and carbon emissions are simply a proxy for human activity. This whole movement to demonize carbon is driven

by a world-denying, man-hating worldview. It is time to rip away the mask and expose the movement whose real aim is to put the human race in chains to a system that controls every aspect of human

existence. It is time to stand up and say, “You take your jackboots off my carbon and off my life.”

It is heartening to see that more and more scientists are waking up to the junk science of man-made global warming alarmism and that they are now coming out of the woodwork to say so. The movement to shut down our energy sources by a beat-up against CO2, if successful, would turn off the lights of civilization. It is fitting that the symbolism of the recent Earth Hour was darkness rather than light.

There has never been more than a small coterie of pseudo-science activists and social engineers driving this global warming alarmism cart. They have been remarkably successful in closing down the debate and silencing opposition by their big lie about their enjoying an overwhelming scientific consensus. They have intimidated a lot of scientists with the fear of losing academic funding if they should open their mouths with a contrary opinion.

As for the Media that refused to obey their own credo of rigorous investigative journalism, that ducked from asking the hard questions, that forgot they were supposed to be independent journalists instead of advocates for the popular hysteria, its integrity and credibility has been trashed by its own hand. Long live the free spirits of the Internet, the indefatigable bloggers who would not be silenced.

Full essay attached and online at:
Robert D. Brinsmead is a Horticulturist and a free-lance Writer.

Via email

What Would Al Gore Do?

By The Daily Bayonet

The Daily Bayonet is pleased to present a guest post by Michael Duvinak.

As I read the Wall Street Journal this morning online, I stumbled across an editorial that inspired this article and, at least in a very limited sense, my return to blogging.

Mike Judge, creator of the animated shows Beavis and Butt-Head and King of the Hill, has set his sights on environmentalists in an upcoming series based around families that want to live like their green savior, Al Gore.

Just how difficult can it be to live like a former senator from Tennessee and vice president? Let’s look into the past and see how those who want to live like Gore should behave.

To behave like a Gore, you must think like a Gore. Therefore, you must believe in the benefits of food-based ethanol, even going so far as to cast the tie-breaking vote for its use. You must also, at the same time, ignore any and all reports of skyrocketing food prices across the globe as a result of your actions – even when those in foreign lands are rioting in the streets as food supplies dwindle and prices become unattainable. Death by starvation must not bother you, either. Of course, when those starving are halfway around the globe, it’s not a real drag on your everyday life.

Speaking of starvation, you must also believe that it’s your moral responsibility to curb man-made global warming, even if people die in the process. You must also base your carbon-is-killing-the-planet plan around incentives for reducing carbon and let other countries draw their own conclusions on how to implement these incentives. An Australian doctor proposed carbon taxes on live births but offer carbon credits for contraception and sterilization. Regardless, you must continue to maintain the moral high ground, even if folks in Australia undergo abortions to save themselves from additional carbon taxes.

Personal responsibility shouldn’t be high on your radar, either, if you want to live like Al. While pushing for carbon taxes and cap-and-trade plans to limit carbon “pollution”, you must ignore any financial hardships that have befallen the average citizen during this economic crisis and instead focus on how to make electricity and fuel even more expensive for the consumer. At the same time, you should continue to fly across the globe in your private jet, coordinate Live Earth events to bring global warming to the forefront (while emitting tons of carbon to do so), and use as much electricity as you can in your home. In fact, your home’s electricity usage should increase by ten percent year-over-year, and should be enough to power about 232 American homes each month. It’s all about personal responsibility. Remember that.

You must also like red meat, even though bovine and other livestock produce methane, a gas about 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at trapping heat. Ignore any and all calls to become more vegetarian and consume less meat. Surely the planet will die but the devoted followers of the Green One will be saved by the little green hybrid in the sky. Or something.

And the next time you have a speaking engagement, be sure to have your driver leave the limo idling with the air conditioning on for at least 20 minutes prior to your departure. After all, with all of this global warming, you could otherwise break a sweat.

So just remember, if you ask yourselves, “what would Gore do,” follow the directives above. If you’re an independent-thinking individual, continue with your average lifestyle and be happy. Certainly your lack of personal jets, worldwide speaking engagements, congressional tie-breaker votes and questionable moral judgment does more for saving the planet than those who seem most consumed by trying to save it.

Amazonian Tropical Forests Achieve Accelerated Growth, Despite Alarmist Claims

By CO2 Science

Phillips, O.L., Lewis, S.L., Baker, T.R., Chao, K.-J. and Higuchi, N. 2008. The changing Amazon forest. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363: 1819-1827.

What was done
The authors synthesized recent observational results from the network of Amazon-forest researchers known as RAINFOR (Red Amazonica de Inventarios Forestales), which represent the combined long-term ecological monitoring efforts of 35 institutions from all around the world, with plots that span Amazonia “from the driest southeast to the wettest northwest and the least fertile east to the most fertile west.” What was learned
Phillips et al. report finding evidence for “concerted changes in the structure, dynamics and composition of old-growth Amazonian forests in the late twentieth century,” noting that “in the 1980s and 1990s, mature forests gained biomass and underwent accelerated growth and dynamics, all consistent with a widespread, long-acting stimulation of growth” that “is normally distributed and has occurred across regions and environmental gradients and through time,” indicating “continued biomass sink strength through to the end of the century.”

In numerical terms, they say that “in the late twentieth century, biomass of trees of more than 10 cm diameter increased by 0.62 t C ha-1 yr-1 averaged across the basin,” which implies “a carbon sink in Neotropical old-growth forest of at least 0.49 Pg C yr-1.” And they add that “if other biomass and necromass components are increased proportionally, then the old-growth forest sink here has been 0.79 Pg C yr-1, even before allowing for any gains in soil carbon stocks.” This finding, in their words, “is consistent with the evidence from recent global inversions of atmospheric CO2 measurements and local aircraft measurements of atmospheric CO2 profiles, showing that the tropics are either carbon-neutral or sink regions, despite widespread deforestation.”

What has been driving these changes? This is the question the five researchers ask themselves; and they reply that “the simplest explanation for the ensemble result — more biomass, more stems, faster recruitment, faster mortality, faster growth and more lianas — is that improved resource availability has increased net primary productivity, in turn increasing growth rates.” And they say that “the only change for which there is unambiguous evidence that the driver has widely changed and that such a change should accelerate forest growth is the increase in atmospheric CO2,” because of “the undisputed long-term increase in concentrations, the key role of CO2 in photosynthesis, and the demonstrated effects of CO2 fertilization on plant growth rates.” What it means
Over the last two decades of the 20th century, when air temperatures rose to levels that climate alarmists contend were unprecedented over the past one to two millennia, and close to dangerous “tipping points” that could spell disaster for earth’s ecosystems living “dangerously close” to the upper end of their optimum temperature range, earth’s tropical forests not only did not suffer, they thrived! And it would appear that credit for their good fortune should be given to the concomitant and still ongoing increase in the air’s CO2 content, which climate alarmists contend is — you guessed it – bad for the biosphere.Source

NIPCC Report: Man-made Global Warming Does Not Exist; Carbon Emissions Harmless

By Dianna Cotter, Portland Examiner
In May 2006 we were told, with the most alarming language possible, that humans were causing the planet to warm with their use of Carbon based fuels. We must follow all of the recommendations of the IPCC report coming out in 2007 or humanity’s existence on earth would end. We were told that we must do something now, in order to prevent the deaths of untold millions, and the loss of humanity’s very ability to survive on earth. We must start taxing “Global warming Gasses” in order to stop their production, no matter the human cost! It’s a complete lie. The IPCC – the International Panel on Climate Change is a committee with an agenda, and one it was pre-programmed to execute. It was designed from the outset, from its very beginnings to come up with a specific result. This is in direct contradiction to every principle of real science, the aim of which is to describe reality as it is, not reality as one wishes it to be. To illustrate this, in 1995 the IPCC completely ignored Satellite evidence, very clear evidence, that there was no warming according to a report from the Heartland Institute Released in 2008. The full pdf. is titled Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate The institute claims, and is backed by anecdotal reports that the IPCC changed portions of the text of its report to make it appear that humans were the cause of the warming they artificially detected, or in other words, manufactured. Also attributed to the Heartland Institute’s report, the IPCC ignored further data confirming the lack of warming – if not showing a slight cooling – that became available after the May 2006 deadline. The report the column speaks of is the NIPCC. The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. A completely independent examination of all the evidence available in published peer-reviewed literature. They included every single piece or evidence available to them, positive and negative, they did not select research that proved their predetermined result as the IPCC did. They went through everything. Their conclusion, there is no human caused global warming.

“The 1995 IPCC report was notorious for the significant alterations made to the text after it was approved by the scientists – in order to convey the impression of a human influence. The 2001 IPCC report claimed the twentieth century showed ‘unusual warming’ based on the now-discredited hockey-stick graph. The latest IPCC report, published in 2007, completely devaluates the climate contributions from changes in solar activity, which are likely to dominate any human influence”

For anyone who has any sort of intellectual honesty at all, the report from the Heartland Institute is a MUST read. Dr. Fred S. Singer who conceived and directed the NIPCC project is an honored and decorated scientist. His Raison d’être is truth, not political machinations, or power. He is deeply concerned by the absolute mis-use of science in what has now become a multi-billion dollar business, that is based on what amounts to a hoax.

“The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC [IPCC-AR4 200 “When new errors and outright falsehoods were observed in the initial drafts of AR4(The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC [IPCC-AR4 2007]), SEPP [Science and Environmental Policy Project] set up a ‘Team B’ to produce an independent evaluation of the available scientific evidence. While the initial organization took place at a meeting in Milan in 2003, ‘Team B’ was activated only after the AR4 SPM appeared in February 2007. It changed its name to NIPCC and organized an international climate workshop in Vienna in April 2007.”

This group of scientists, who have looked at all available evidence, from satellite to very unreliable ground temperature readings to historical records, concludes correctly; if Human governments are going to be institution policies that will drastically affect the lives of its citizens, and the Waxman-Markley Cap and trade energy bill is without a doubt just that, then it must be utterly certain of the science that backs the supporting reasons for the existence of the legislation. This report states unequivocally that there is zero evidence of man-made global warming. We are about to kill a Nation, literally for hot air that does not exist. But wait, there more: In an article titled Proved: there is No Climate Crisis written by Robert Ferguson July 15th 2008, he reports on mathematical proof “that there is no “climate crisis”.

“Christopher Monckton, who once advised Margaret Thatcher, demonstrates via 30 equations that computer models used by the UN’s climate panel (IPCC) were pre-programmed with overstated values for the three variables whose product is “climate sensitivity” (temperature increase in response to greenhouse-gas increase), resulting in a 500-2000% overstatement of CO2’s effect on temperature in the IPCC’s latest climate assessment report, published in 2007.”

Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered demonstrates that later this century a doubling of the concentration of CO2 compared with pre-industrial levels will increase global mean surface temperature not by the 6 °F predicted by the IPCC but, harmlessly, by little more than 1 °F. Lord Monckton concludes – “… Perhaps real-world climate sensitivity is very much below the IPCC’s estimates. Perhaps, therefore, there is no ‘climate crisis’ at all. … The correct policy approach to a non-problem is to have the courage to do nothing.” “

Considering the likely ramifications of Waxman-Markley Cap and trade energy bill, indeed, we must have the fortitude to re-examine honestly all of the information available to us. For those of you who believe whole heartedly in Man-made Global warming, then these reports are a must read for you. They are peer reviewed documents based in fact. If you are supporting legislation that will wreck such economic devastation not only on your fellow Americans but also on yourself, it should be read so that you can counter those who do not believe in global warming caused by man. Because you will have some explaining to do. Be cautioned however, upon reading them, you will find yourself starting to realize that you have been had. On a Global scale. Human caused Legislation like the Waxman-Markley Cap and trade energy bill will do more harm to more people in a year, than human caused Global Warming will in the next century. It is nothing short of a massive money stealing scheme made by our Governement to pay for the whorish excesses of the last 6 months. Now that is an inconvenient truth. Source

Greens re-boot African genocide: WHO reverses on DDT

The Wall Street Journal

The U.N. bows to the anti-insecticide lobby.

In 2006, after 25 years and 50 million preventable deaths, the World Health Organization reversed course and endorsed widespread use of the insecticide DDT to combat malaria. So much for that. Earlier this month, the U.N. agency quietly reverted to promoting less effective methods for attacking the disease. The result is a victory for politics over public health, and millions of the world’s poor will suffer as a result. The U.N. now plans to advocate for drastic reductions in the use of DDT, which kills or repels the mosquitoes that spread malaria. The aim “is to achieve a 30% cut in the application of DDT worldwide by 2014 and its total phase-out by the early 2020s, if not sooner,” said WHO and the U.N. Environment Program in a statement on May 6. Citing a five-year pilot program that reduced malaria cases in Mexico and South America by distributing antimalaria chloroquine pills to uninfected people, U.N. officials are ready to push for a “zero DDT world.” Sounds nice, except for the facts. It’s true that chloroquine has proven effective when used therapeutically, as in Brazil. But it’s also true that scientists have questioned the safety of the drug as an oral prophylactic because it is toxic and has been shown to cause heart problems. Most malarial deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where chloroquine once worked but started failing in the 1970s as the parasite developed resistance. Even if the drugs were still effective in Africa, they’re expensive and thus impractical for one of the world’s poorest regions. That’s not an argument against chloroquine, bed nets or other interventions. But it is an argument for continuing to make DDT spraying a key part of any effort to eradicate malaria, which kills about a million people — mainly children — every year. Nearly all of this spraying is done indoors, by the way, to block mosquito nesting at night. It is not sprayed willy-nilly in jungle habitat. WHO is not saying that DDT shouldn’t be used. But by revoking its stamp of approval, it sends a clear message to donors and afflicted countries that it prefers more politically correct interventions, even if they don’t work as well. In recent years, countries like Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia have started or expanded DDT spraying, often with the help of outside aid groups. But these governments are also eager to remain in the U.N.’s good graces, and donors typically are less interested in funding interventions that WHO discourages. “Sadly, WHO’s about-face has nothing to do with science or health and everything to do with bending to the will of well-placed environmentalists,” says Roger Bate of Africa Fighting Malaria. “Bed net manufacturers and sellers of less-effective insecticides also don’t benefit when DDT is employed and therefore oppose it, often behind the scenes.” It’s no coincidence that WHO officials were joined by the head of the U.N. Environment Program to announce the new policy. There’s no evidence that spraying DDT in the amounts necessary to kill dangerous mosquitoes imperils crops, animals or human health. But that didn’t stop green groups like the Pesticide Action Network from urging the public to celebrate World Malaria Day last month by telling “the U.S. to protect children and families from malaria without spraying pesticides like DDT inside people’s homes.” “We must take a position based on the science and the data,” said WHO’s malaria chief, Arata Kochi, in 2006. “One of the best tools we have against malaria is indoor residual spraying. Of the dozen or so insecticides WHO has approved as safe for house spraying, the most effective is DDT.” Mr. Kochi was right then, even if other WHO officials are now bowing to pressure to pretend otherwise.Source


On Thursday 21 May 2009, at Stormont, Belfast, Dutch scientist Hans Schreuder, who now lives in East Anglia, told the Northern Ireland Climate Change Committee that there is no evidence for global warming or climate change being man-made.

Quoting from eminent scientists world-wide, Mr Schreuder dismissed the entire climate alarmist scenario.

From his testimony, these quotes:

“[…] the longstanding paradigm says that because of trace gases like CO2, the atmosphere heats the earth. But this isn’t true.”

“Any and all evidence that has ever been presented to support the idea that carbon dioxide has an effect on global temperatures has been biased, opinionated and based on an agenda that pre-emptively dismissed alternative explanations.”

“Computer simulations regard the earth as a flat disk, without North or South Pole, without the Tropics, without clouds and bathed in a 24 hour haze of sunshine. The reality is two icy poles and a tropical equatorial zone, with each and every square metre of our earth receiving an ever varying and different amount of energy from the sun, season to season and day to day. This reality is too difficult to input to a computer.
Did you realise that?”

“If carbon dioxide really is such a danger to mankind, as the US Environmental Protection Agency would have us believe, then the upcoming Olympic Games should be cancelled, as well as all other big sporting events, as well as all road transport and all air transport and all coal- and gas-fired powerstations should be shut down. Clearly there is no need for such drastic action and clearly carbon dioxide is not dangerous at all.”

“The above makes a mockery of saying that today’s level is unprecedented.”

“As a further rebuttal of the influence of carbon dioxide over the climate, the alleged IPCC greenhouse effect is a non-existent effect. No greenhouse, whether made from glass, plastic, cardboard or steel will reach a higher inside temperature due to the magic of re-radiated infrared energy. If it did, engineers would have long ago been able to design power stations made from air, mirrors and glass, extracting more energy out of it than was put into it – if only!”

“The periodicity in the data and the unequivocal solar linkage were not even addressed. This is not science. The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart. Heads will roll.”

“Any and all schemes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are futile in terms of having an effect on global temperatures or the climate and any and all carbon trading exchanges are a fraudulent exercise amounting to no more than hidden taxation.”


Hans Schreuder East Anglia, England
See thousands of other scientists also speaking out:

Via email

Green Bags: Poisoning Your Groceries

By The Daily Bayonet

Ontario greenwashers Loblaws recently began charging customers 5 cents for plastic bags, or they will sell you a reusable bag for about a dollar. Inconveniently, the reuseable bags might kill you and we need to return to plastic bags for public safety:

The study found that 64% of the reusable bags tested were contaminated with some level of bacteria and close to 30% had elevated bacterial counts higher than what’s considered safe for drinking water. Further, 40% of the bags had yeast or mold, and some of the bags had an unacceptable presence of coliforms, faecal intestinal bacteria, when there should have been 0.

death by greenwashingdeath by greenwashing

Once again, the unintended consequence of unhinged activism is sick people.Source

Temperatures falling, but your taxes will skyrocket

Global Warming: A Worn-Out Hoax

The human contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide is tailing off, rapidly. Unless there is some other dominant source of carbon dioxide that is tailing off. Temperature is tailing off. But your energy taxes, and what you will pay for your next car, is SURGING UP; to stop global warming you think, since geniuses in or from government told you I wouldn’t stand for it; but that’s me. The graph is difficult to attribute, but ICECAP is always a good place to start/visit/hang around. The real truth is here, if you can handle it. I added the green dashed line.

Carbon Dioxide Multiplier Less Than UnityCarbon Dioxide Multiplier Less Than Unity

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, May 22nd 2009

By The Daily Bayonet

Thursday, so we’re off to the races with another round-up. I was asked if I’m dateslexic because the post is dated for Fridays, but issued Thursdays. Call me quirky and see if I care, it’s just the way it is. Get beveraged up, there’s 100+ links of skeptilicious waiting for you. Part One: Al Gore & Friends The world was doubly blessed this week when Saint Al of Tennessee posted not once, but twice on his blog. In his first entry, Al descended from the mountain in his Prius to declare that he had seen the actions of The One, and that they were good. In the bonus second coming post, the Goreacle declared this week to be an important one, almost as important as the civil rights movement his dear old dad opposed. Alarmists dun gone country and headed to Nashville y’all. Unfortunately they went not for the Grand Ole Opry but for the Grand Ole Hoaxfest. Al Gore reminded everyone that he is not just the hippies spiritual leader in the struggle to enrich himself, he also used to be a lying scumbag politician. CNN’s John Roberts was momentarly seized by skeptical space aliens in a brain control ray and was forced to ask Al Gore an awkward question. Fortunately while Al was on screen not answering it, Roberts was fitted with a counter space alien ray hat and normal service resumed.

how CNN was savedhow CNN was saved

Al Gore, home town zero. Profit Al was asked another awkward question this week, but it was on the Internet, not on TV. Everyone knows that Al is not required to answer questions asked on the Internet, because he invented it and is therefore immune. It was a good question though. Part Two: AGW Scaremongers One of the scaremongers-in-chief, and muppet, Jim Hansen is roasted for his inability to make accurate forecasts. It’s not easy being green.