An exceptionally cloudy period in the South East of England put something of a dampener on the holiday period as heavy rain fell across large swathes of the country.Read more
An exceptionally cloudy period in the South East of England put something of a dampener on the holiday period as heavy rain fell across large swathes of the country.Read more
By Alan Caruba
Wars come and go, cities are destroyed and rebuilt, monuments are erected, and life goes on. This is the traditional view of war, but right now the world is engaged in the latest battle of a “climate war” that has been going on since the 1970s when the Club of Rome concluded in a report titled, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself”, that the world’s population had to be reduced.
Whereas wars in the modern era have killed millions and communism as practiced in the former Soviet Union and the early decades of Red China under Chairman Mao killed millions more on a scale with which war could not compete, the advocates of population reduction rival the worst despots to have ever walked among us.
With the revelations from leaked emails between the conspirators who kept the global warming fraud going for many years, the so-called “climate scientists” who, in fact, had created phony computer models and engaged in endless studies to “prove” that global warming posed a threat to mankind, the term “Climategate” was coined to describe their collusion.
Billions are at stake so far as the “climate scientists” are concerned. They have received millions for their research in the United States and in England. Presumably other nations, too, have provided such grants and the result of the research must always be a continuation of the “global warming” fraud. Beyond the scientists are those who profit from the sale of “carbon credits” to permit “greenhouse gas emissions”, and the millions that environmental organizations such as Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club, and others rake in.
It is no surprise, then, that those who have been victimized by the fraud will see a coordinated campaign of opinion editorials in newspapers, advertisements, and other means to keep the “global warming” fraud intact. These efforts have been renamed “climate change”, but therein lies the utter mendacity of the campaign because the Earth has always passed through cycles of climate change and always will.
On February 15th, the Boston Globe published an opinion editorial by Kerry Emanuel, the director of the Program in Atmosphere, Oceans, and Climate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was filled with the usual “global warming” themes; the repetition of the lie that carbon dioxide and other minor atmospheric gases are causing a huge shift that is warming the Earth. Smoothly, the inaccuracies of climate computer models are dismissed as “uncertainties” resulting in “divergent predictions.”
The finest weather-related computer models available are unable to account for the action of clouds, an essential element in weather everywhere, nor can they include the unknown effects of countless undersea volcanoes in the world’s oceans that are another contributing factor. At best, if your local weatherman can accurately predict what will occur in the next two to four days, he’s doing fine.
Predicting what the climate—not the weather—will be decades and even centuries from now is pure fiction. It is the claim that is central to “global warming” and/or “climate change.”
In a rebuttal to Emanuel’s opinion editorial, Bill Gray, Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, noted that “A high percentage of meteorologists and/or climate scientists do not agree that the climate changes we have seen are mostly man-made. Thousands of us think that the larger part of the climate changes we have observed over the last century are of natural origin.” He added, “Over 31,000 American scientists have recently signed a petition advising the U.S. not to sign any fossil fuel reduction treaty.”
Myron Ebell, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has just released a statement based on the release of still more emails between desperate “climate scientists” whose careers depend on the “global warming” fraud.
“According to recently disclosed e-mails from a National Academies of Science listserv, prominent climate scientists affiliated with the U.S. National Academies of Science, have been planning a public campaign to paper over the damaged reputation of global warming alarmism.”
The emails explored the ways the public could be distracted from the revelations of Climategate and enticed back to believing that “global warming” is based in real science and occurring. Among the suggestions were “Op eds in the NY Times and other national newspapers would also be great.”
Referring to this as a climate war is no exaggeration. One email said, “Most of our colleagues don’t seem to grasp that we’re not in a gentlepersons’ debate, we’re in a street fight against well-funded, merciless enemies who play by entirely different rules.” One of those rules most certainly is to tell the truth!
What the public has never grasped is that this is not a science-based war. It is entirely political in nature and the Green’s enemy has been the resource industries, oil, natural gas, and coal that provide the means by which energy is generated for industrial use and for societies that depend on electricity to function. The subtext of the war is the deliberate destruction of human life on the planet on a mass scale.
That explains why it is especially troubling that President Obama continues to refer to global warming as real and advocates “cap-and-trade” legislation, the largest tax on energy use in the history of mankind. It is the reason he continues to divert millions to “clean energy” and “green jobs”, neither of which have ever proven to equal traditional energy sources or provide sufficient employment to merit support.
So now the climate wars shift into a new phase, one intended to obfuscate and confuse the public again in the quest to foist the greatest fraud and attack on mankind in human history
Editor’s Note: For further insight, read Dr. Tim Ball’s commentary at:
To learn why the world’s glaciers are not melting and the seas are not rising, click here:
By Robert Felix
8 Mar 10 – “Almost all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are melting — and seas are rising,” said Al Gore in an op-ed piece in the New York Times on February 27. Both parts of Gore’s statement are false. Never mind that Mr. Gore makes only passing reference to the IPCC’s fraudulent claims that the Himalayan glaciers will all melt by 2035. (“A flawed overestimate,” he explains.) Never mind that Mr. Gore dismisses the IPCC’s fraudulent claims that the oceans are rising precipitously. (“Partly inaccurate,” he huffs.) Never mind that Mr. Gore completely ignores the admission by the CRU’s disgraced former director Phil Jones that global temperatures have essentially remained unchanged for the past 15 years. I’ll let someone else dissect Gore’s lawyering comments, and concentrate on just the one sentence about melting ice, because neither part of that sentence is true. Contrary to Gore’s assertions, almost all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are growing, not melting — and the seas are not rising. Let’s look at the facts. If you click on the words “are melting” in Gore’s article, you’re taken to a paper by Michael Zemp at the University of Zurich. Mr. Zemp begins his paper by warning that “glaciers around the globe continue to melt at high rates.” However, if you bother to actually read the paper, you learn that Zemp’s conclusion is based on measurements of “more than 80 glaciers.” Considering that the Himalayas boast more than 15,000 glaciers, a study of “more than 80 glaciers” hardly seems sufficient to warrant such a catastrophic pronouncement. Especially when you learn that of those 80 glaciers, several are growing.
Growing. Not melting.
“In Norway, many maritime glaciers were able to gain mass,” Zemp concedes. (“Able to gain mass” means growing.)
In North America, Zemp also concedes, “some positive values were reported from the North Cascade Mountains and the Juneau Ice Field.” (“Displaying positive values” means growing.) Remember, we’re still coming out of the last ice age. Ice is supposed to melt as we come out of an ice age. The ice has been melting for 11,000 years. Why should today be any different? I’m guessing that most Canadians and Northern Europeans are very happy that the ice has been melting. Unfortunately, that millenniums-long melting trend now appears to be changing. No matter how assiduously Mr. Gore tries to ignore it, almost all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are now gaining mass. (Or, displaying positive values, if you will.) For starters, let’s look at those Himalayan glaciers. In a great article, entitled “World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown,” Jonathan Leake and Chris Hastings show that the IPCC’s fraudulent claims were based on “speculation” and “not supported by any formal research.”
As a matter of fact, many Himalayan glaciers are growing. In a defiant act of political incorrectness, some 230 glaciers in the western Himalayas – including Mount Everest, K2 and Nanga Parbat – are actually growing.
Scientific scandals and record snowfalls have begun to melt away the congressional appetite for more global-warming regulations. On Sunday, to take the latest example, a major scientific journal admitted that “oversights” compelled the retraction of its conclusion that sea levels were rising as a result of increased worldwide temperatures. Reports of this sort make it increasingly difficult for members of Congress to enter iced-over districts to ask their constituents to make economic sacrifices in an attempt to appease Mother Earth into favoring us with colder weather. This does not mean, however, that the left has given up on global warming as a means of exerting more government control over the economy. To avoid a potentially messy vote, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has turned to the administrative rule-making process to impose climate-control regulations. In December, the agency made an “endangerment finding” that declared that six gases – including the carbon dioxide you are exhaling as you read this – are putting the planet’s well-being in peril. The first major rule based on this finding will be finalized next month. President George W. Bush’s EPA administrator, Stephen L. Johnson, warned that such a finding would result in a major government power grab. “[T]he potential regulation of greenhouse gases under any portion of the Clean Air Act could result in an unprecedented expansion of EPA authority that would have a profound effect on virtually every sector of the economy and touch every household in the land,” he explained. Fortunately, Mr. Obama’s team might not get away with it. So far, 40 senators have signed on to an effort by Sen. Lisa A. Murkowski, Alaska Republican, to nullify the EPA endangerment finding. Three Democrats have been willing to co-sponsor the legislation, but Senate sources suggest a number of others may be willing to vote for the bill when it comes to the floor. Mrs. Murkowski, who takes a moderate stand on the issue, is key to lining up the bipartisan support required for passage. In the past, the Alaska senator has embraced government efforts to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions, including a limited form of cap-and-trade. Her resolution is evidence that both sides of the global-warming issue can agree that such a fundamental public-policy question should not be decided by unelected bureaucrats. Both sides also should be troubled by the EPA’s twisting of the Clean Air Act, which originally was designed to cut down on actual pollutants, into regulating so-called greenhouse gases. Instead of preventing smokestacks from belching noxious fumes and toxic chemicals harmful to the health of human beings, the agency has made its new enemy No. 1 a cow chewing grass in a field. Citing U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, the EPA declared “enteric fermentation” – a fancy phrase to refer to a cow’s natural emissions in the field – to be the primary source of methane, which is 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in planetary warming. The EPA placed what it called a “primary reliance” on reports like those of the IPCC instead of conducting independent research to make its finding. Given the retractions and revelations of faulty science surrounding the global-warming religion, especially at the IPCC, it’s time to take the issue out of the EPA’s hands so Congress can address it in the open. The Senate should pass Mrs. Murkowski’s disapproval resolution when it comes for an expected vote next month.
Oops. UK Times: ‘World may not be warming, say scientists’ — UN IPCC ‘faces a new challenge with scientists casting doubt on its claim that global temperatures are rising inexorably’ – –
‘Popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development’ — ‘IPCC’s climate data are contaminated with surface effects from industrialisation and data quality problems. These add up to a large warming bias’
Watch Now! Climate Depot’s Morano in MSNBC TV Debate with Daniel Weiss of Center for Am. Progress: Morano: ‘The whole entire [warming] industry has been exposed as sub-prime science’
Morano: ‘Now [the warmists] are trying to say global warming causes blizzards, that’s the level of climate astrology — it’s like a daily horoscope — nothing that happens falsifies the [warming] theory’ — ‘He (Weiss) need’s Tarot cards, that is what he needs, he is peddling astrology’
Hebrew University Scientists publish study in Nature: ‘AGW is refuted’ — ‘Claims that carbon emissions permanently increase global temperature are false’
‘Because the greenhouse effect is temporary rather than permanent, predictions of significant global warming in the 21st century by IPCC arenot supported by the data’ More info here.
Reuters on UN IPCC Train wreck: ‘Admitting yet another flaw’: UN climate panel admits sea level flaws
Via email
By Kevin Mooney
Washington D.C. and the Mid-Atlantic States have been hammered by another major snow storm, which exceeds the Dec. 19, 2009 storm that forced President Obama to curtail his time in Copenhagen. This is the first time since record keeping started that two storms of such magnitude have hit the region during one winter. Already some localities are reporting the largest snowfall ever recorded. To be sure, these events do not prove or disprove human caused global warming. But the momentum is now very much on the side of skeptical scientists who question these theories and President Obama should at least pull back from his awkward juxtapositions. Here’s what he said in The State of the Union: “I know there have been questions about whether we can afford such changes in a tough economy. I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change. But here’s the thing — even if you doubt the evidence, providing incentives for energy-efficiency and clean energy are the right thing to do for our future — because the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. And America must be that nation.” On Saturday, during a gathering of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in Washington D.C., Obama called this most recent storm “Snowmaggeddon” putting it on a par with what he experienced in Chicago. Looking ahead to the 2010 mid-term elections, Republicans should make more of an issue out of the “climategate” scandal involving leaked emails Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. It’s always possible to persuade the public on the basis of dire emergencies, which is why scientific evidence undermining alarmism deserves greater expression. The science the EPA has used to justify its finding that human emissions of carbon dioxide endanger public health and welfare should be subjected to vigorous criticism in the coming months. In the Federal Register, EPA states: “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level. … Global mean surface temperature was higher during the last few decades of the 20th century than during any comparable period during the preceding four centuries.” Last year The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) exposed how the EPA had suppressed a scientific study that concludes natural forces as opposed to human activity are largely responsible for temperature changes. Now is the time to attack the soft underbelly of unsubstantiated global warming alarmism. More snow is on the way tomorrow.
By Justin Credible
When it rains, it pours. And in the environmental movement, it’s a torrential downpour of idiocy!
With the recent Climategate and Glaciergate scandals, the so-called science of global warming has been rapidly crumbling into oblivion faster than anyone could have ever hoped for. The head of the IPCC has been called out for being just as fraudulent as Al Gore’s claims. Scientists and media have been demanding his resignation and the public is quickly realizing the climate change farce. But somehow, a few stubborn eco-terrorists are still making their crazy claims.
It was bad enough that someone actually blamed global warming for the Haiti earthquake, and now we have an even better funny farm minute for the 2010 Olympics.
Here in the one Canadian city famous for warm winters we are about to begin the Winter Games. There is little snow on Cypress Mountain, which happens every few years normally. I know, I worked there for years. The mountain is less than 20 minutes from Vancouver beaches. Warm? Huh? It’s not rocket climate science. So of course, all we really wanted now was for some anti-carbon scaremonger to blame it all on alleged global warming.
And sure enough, we just got it! The predictable alarmist (not climatologist) David Suzuki jumped all over the chance to make the absurd AGW claim. And the reactions have begun:
David Suzuki, the local rabid hippie totalitarian hasn’t gotten the memo that blaming everything on global warming is so 2009, and beclowns himself trying to hijack the Olympics to the global warming hoax.
Thankfully the people aren’t buying his garbage anymore. Every time Suzuki’s articles are published online, hundreds of readers leave their comments, and very few of them are kind to the senile old hippie.
Meteorologists predicted last July that El Nino was coming and that warm weather would hit us in January and February of this year.
Mr. Suzuki, you claim to be a scientist, so please don’t tell me you’ve never heard of El Nino, the natural weather pattern that circulates warm air from Hawaii up to the Canadian west coast? Or the fact that 30 years ago there was NO snow on the local mountains for most of the season and Vancouver’s Grouse Mountain went bankrupt? Perhaps you were too stoned at the time to remember that. Clearly you still haven’t quit smoking it either.
And how come you conveniently brush off the fact that the rest of the entire top half of planet earth is currently experiencing the coldest winter in a century? Your press releases claim that the coldness everywhere else is a result of “local weather patterns, not climate”. So how come when we get a WARM spell in one area – Vancouver – you suddenly blame it on “global climate change”, and not local weather??? LMFAO. How convenient. You and your foundation are hilariously stupid. Your attempts at fear mongering for support and funding are absolutely disgusting.
And you also ignore the fact that average global temperatures are dropping and have been dropping for a decade.
Oh that’s right, I forgot. Global cooling is also because of global warming. And CO2 aka plant food is poison.
The IPCC gets a global drubbing for peddling recycled WWF glacier-ganda, Al Gore loves astroturf and there’s more green-on-green action than a superbowl between the Eagles and the Jets. Oh, and Megan Fox is your weekly hottie, so scroll down and get it out of your system now while the links are still fresh.
Al Gore is beyond parody. In a post entitled ‘Green Pastors’, Al blogs about ministers that use the environmental agenda to pull in more bums on pews:
“”We actually encourage it as a way to get people into the churches,” said Lee Anne Beres, the executive director of Earth Ministry, a Seattle group founded in 1992 that has guided many area congregations through environmental upgrades over the past decade but has recently emphasized more direct political action for pastors and parishioners. “That is what people are interested in, and I don’t see anything Machiavellian in that.””
Nothing wrong with a bit of inter-faith cooperation, I guess. Al Gore takes a lesson in branding from a diminutive musician from the Twin cities and ‘The Phenomenon Formerly Known as Global Warming’ is born. Maybe next Al will carve ’slave’ onto his cheek too? (satire, as if you didn’t know) How green is my astroturf? Good question Al, good question. Meanwhile, most letters to the editor these days are far more skeptical in tone. That ’settled’ science is looking far more shaky with each revelation from the crooked world of climatology, as this poll shows. Also, for anyone that thought you needed to be smart to be a member of the ‘elite’ the poll provides proof to the contrary. More evidence of this later. Burning books is never a great idea, although some titles are more tempting than others. Enjoy the video, but forgive them their bad English accents, they tried. Bless ‘em. The ignoble Nobel. Klockarman wants it revoked, but that’s against the rules. I know one moonbat who don’t care about rules and revocations: .. The prophet likes the idea of electronics being labeled with information that tells you how quickly your new TV is going to kill a polar bear. Or something. Harry Reid is to most people a vindictive little bureaucrat that long ago exceeded his Peter Principle potential. But to Al, Dingy Harry is a beacon of hope, and, dare I say it… change? Shame that Al’s best Senate buddy looks like he has an expiry date.
Global warming muppet Jim Hansen, not content with representing the US Government’s support for civil disobedience in the UK, is endorsing a book by wannabe eugenecist Keith Farnish that longs for the return of the stone age. You know, instead of trying to pry iPods from our cold, dead hands, isn’t there some fetish camp for these hippies if what they really want to do is drag chicks around by the hair and bash flints together all day long? Sheesh. More here on NASA’s mad scientist. The CRU investigation turns into a thin whitewash job, and while there was law-breaking, they’ll walk on a technicality. Which makes Phil Jones into OJ Simpson, or something. The Mother Nature network rushed to prove that glaciers do still melt, despite the IPCC’s recent embarrassment, but forgets about a basic little something the rest of call ‘winter’ and ’summer’. Doh! Oh noes, global warming causes the Thames’ eel population to crash, threatening a popular east ender delicacy. One local was concerned, “‘cor blimey guv’ner, strike a light. Me luvverly jellied eels are all Father Ted? Now we’re proper Donald Ducked, innit?” Help here. The Royal Society, given a chance to buffer the hapless climate scientists, ducks and passes. Steve McIntyre, the human kryptonite to warmists, notices that one particularly awkward fallout from Glaciergate is that the science behind the EPA’s finding that CO2 is a toxic danger to life on Earth (yeah, I know) might not meet, er, EPA standards for peer-review. Awkward. Donna LaFramboise dug into the glaciergate affair, looking for nefarious work from the WWF. And found it, lots of it. She promises to expose Greenpeace next, which has me rubbing my hands together in anticipation. The green movement has more gates than a place with a lot of gates. Or something. Anyway, say hello to Amazongate. And, no it’s not about a rogue online bookseller. Call the whaaaaambulance, a warmist without the wit to win in a fair debate blames the nasty well-funded vast global-warming skeptic conspiracy. Which reminds me, Big Oil, your check hasn’t arrived yet. Hello? Jennifer Marohasy has a linkilicious page of, er, links and wonders when Pachauri will resign and where is Al Gore. And more. Fun and gates from Jo Nova:
Weather hysteric Gwynne dyer sounds about ready to give up. We can dream, right?READ THE REST OVER AT THE DAILY BAYONET!
ONCE global warming was the “great moral challenge of our generation”. Or so claimed the Prime Minister. But suddenly it’s the great con that’s falling to bits around Kevin Rudd’s ears. In fact, so fast is global warming theory collapsing that in his flurry of recent speeches to outline his policies for the new decade, Rudd has barely mentioned his “moral challenge” at all. Take his long Australia Day reception speech on Sunday. Rudd talked of our ageing population and of building stuff, of taxes, hospitals and schools – but dared not say one word about the booga booga he used to claim could destroy our economy, Kakadu, the Great Barrier Reef and 750,000 coastal homes. What’s happened? Answer: in just the past few months has come a cascade of evidence that the global warming scare is based on often dodgy science and even outright fraud.
Here are just the top 10 new signs that catastrophic man-made warming may be just another beat-up, like swine flu, SARS, and the Y2K bug. 1. Climategate THE rot for Rudd started last November with the leaking of emails from the Climatic Research Unit of Britain’s University of East Anglia. Those emails from many of the world’s top climate scientists showed them conspiring to sack sceptical scientists from magazines, hide data from sceptics, and cover up errors. One of the scientists, CRU boss Phil Jones, even boasted of having found a “trick” to “hide the decline” in recent temperature records. Jones was also on the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, so influential in convincing us our gasses are heating the planet that it won the Nobel Prize. But he showed how political the IPCC actually is by promising in yet another email that he and another colleague would do almost anything to keep sceptical studies out of IPCC reports. Just as damning was the admission by IPCC lead author Kevin Trenberth that the world isn’t warming as the IPCC said it must: “We cannot account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” 2. The Copenhagen farce MORE than 40,000 politicians, scientists and activists flew to Copenhagen last month – in clouds of greenhouse gasses – to get all nations to agree to make the rest of us cut our own emissions to “stop” global warming. This circus ended in total failure. China, the world’s biggest emitter, refused to choke its growth. So did India. Now the United States is unlikely to make cuts, either, with Barack Obama’s presidency badly wounded and the economy so sick. Not only did this show that Rudd’s planned tax on our emissions will now be even more suicidally useless. It also suggested world leaders can’t really think global warming is so bad. 3. The Himalayan scare RUDD has quoted the IPCC as his authority on global warming, claiming it’s a group of “guys in white coats” who “just measure things”. But the IPCC also just makes things up. Take this claim from its 2007 report: “Glaciers in the Himalaya are receding faster than in any other part of the world and, if the present rate continues, the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate.” In fact, we now know this bizarre claim was first made by a little-known Indian scientist in an interview for an online magazine, and then copied into a report by the green group WWF. From there, the IPCC lifted it almost word for word for its own 2007 report, without checking if it was true. It wasn’t, of course, as the IPCC last week conceded. The glaciers will be around for at least centuries more. But why did the IPCC run this mad claim in the first place? The IPCC’s Dr Murari Lal, the co-ordinating lead author responsible, says he knew all along there was no peer-reviewed research to back it up. “(But) we thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policy-makers and politicians … ” Note: you are told not the truth, but what will scare you best. 4. Pachauri’s response BUT what smells just as much is how IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri, a former railway engineer, first tried to defend this “mistake” by accusing sceptical scientists of practising “voodoo science”. Deny and abuse. That’s the IPCC way. Even more suspiciously, Syed Hasnain, the scientist who first made the false claim, then turned out to be now employed by The Energy Research Institute, headed by … er, Pachauri. More astonishing still, only two weeks ago TERI won up to $500,000 from the Carnegie Corporation to study exactly Hasnain’s bogus claim. See how cash follows a good scare? 5. Pachauri’s conflicts IN fact, Pachauri and TERI do amazingly well from his IPCC job. Britain’s Sunday Telegraph this month revealed TERI had created a global business network since Pachauri became IPCC chairman in 2002. Its recent donors include Deutsche Bank, Toyota, Yale University – and, sadly, Rudd, who last year handed over $1 million, hoping to win influence with such a big UN honcho. Pachauri himself is now a director or adviser to a score of banks, investment institutions and carbon traders, many involved in areas directly affected by IPCC policies. He denies any wrongdoing, and is not paid by the IPCC. But see again how cash follows a scare, and ask if the IPCC chief has a conflict of interest. 6. The green hand revealed WE’VE seen how the IPCC just copied its false claims about the Himalayas from a report by WWF, a green activist group which earn donations by preaching such doom. In fact, the IPCC’s 2007 report cites WWF documents as “evidence” at least another 15 times. Elsewhere it cites a non-scientific, non-peer-reviewed paper from another activist body, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, as its sole proof that global warming could devastate African agriculture. Whose agenda is the IPCC pushing? 7. More fake IPCC claims THIS week came more evidence that the IPCC sexed up its 2007 report, this time when it claimed the world had “suffered rapidly rising costs due to extreme weather-related events since the 1970s”, thanks to global warming. In fact, the claim was picked out of an unpublished report by a London risk consultant, who later changed his mind and said “the idea that catastrophes are rising in cost because of climate change is completely misleading”. 8. New research on our gasses AT least four new papers by top scientists cast doubt on the IPCC claim that our carbon dioxide emissions are strongly linked to global warming. One, published in Nature, shows the world had ice age activity even when atmospheric CO2 was four times the level of our pre-industrial times. Another, by NASA medallist John Christy and David Douglass, shows global temperatures did not go up as much as expected from man-made emissions over the past three decades. 9. New Australian research JAMES Cook University researcher Peter Ridd says Australian scientists have cried wolf over the threat to the Great Barrier Reef from global warming, and the reef was actually in “bloody brilliant shape”. The alarmist CSIRO this month also backed away from blaming global warming for a drought in Tasmania and in the Murray-Darling basin, saying “the jury is still out”. A new paper by another Australian academic, Assoc Prof Stewart Franks, says the Murray-Darling drought is natural, and has nothing to do with man-made warming. 10. The world still won’t warm AND still the world hasn’t warmed since 2001, even though we pump out more emissions than ever. Even professional alarmist Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers, admits “we haven’t seen a continuation of that (warming) trend” and “the computer modelling and the real world data disagree”. And with Europe, the United States and China hit with record cold and snow this winter, no wonder Kevin Rudd has suddenly gone cold on global warming, the mad faith that has cost us so many futile billions already.Source by Andrew Bolt