Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 17th 2009

It’s all gone Pete Tong for alarmists in Denmark as the curse of Brown descends and the inconvenience of climategate refuses to go away. Greenpeace was punk’d, Phelim was unplugged and Al Gore turned into the Gaffeinator. It’s all good clean fun in this, your last round-up of 2009. FYI, the latest Climategate Round-Up is here, and a Copenhagen Round-Up is here. The winner of the Most Alarming Alarmism by an Alarmist will be announced tomorrow, so if you haven’t voted yet, get to it.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

Al traveled to Hopenchangen in Copenhagen and made some ‘remarks’. He has a link to his own self on his blog, if you care to listen to him for 42 minutezzzzzzzzzz Copenhagen was supposed to be the crowning moment for the ecovangelist-in-chief, he even got to hang out with a man who won an election. Instead the world seemed more interested in Al’s gaffes:

It’s no wonder that Al refuses to debate, even if the people do want to see a cage match between him and Sarah Palin. Al is much more comfortable ducking hard interviews and hiding behind security thugs rather than face questions about his belligerent denial about the importance of Climategate: .. Bonny Prince Chuckles is also in Copenhagen, because the world needs to know what an inbred over-privileged and under-educated horse whisperer thinks about the planet. Or something.

Part Two: AGW Scaremongers

Oh noes, global warming kills salmon. Add the delicious-when-barbecued pink fish to the list. You know why I hate dirty hippies? Because they want the rest of us to stop washing too. It’s called soap, hippies. Use it. As Copenhagen rolls on, the nastiest of all the activist pop their heads up. The anti-human ‘optimum populationists’ want a China-like one child policy for the whole world. No word yet from idiotarian Diane Francis on which of her two children will be sacrificed for Gaia. Did these folks not learn from Paul Ehrlich’s epic fail? Virtuous hippies might eco-shop, but they’re more likely to cheat and steal. Kinda like Prius drivers being more likely to cause a wreck. Everyone’s favorite eco-terrorist group Greenpeace got a taste of their own activism when skeptics boarded the Rainbow Warrior. Heh. How can you tell when a Green’s had enough? They drop the pretence at reason and start shouting and swearing. Profanity warning. Watermelon is a nice descriptor for green activists who are motivated by socialism. Not that the greens are exactly hiding their commie roots. Britain is doomed, there’s going to be no food and no water soon, so shut up and climb aboard the AGW bus. Monckton deconstructs a Greenpeace hippies world belief. Excellent fun: .. Will of the people, we don’t need no stinkin’ will of the people. Australia’s government was handed an embarrassing defeat over its ETS policy recently, but that can’t stop it. Zombie-ETS rises again. Joltin’ Joe Romm went nuts when Jon Stewart called ecomentalistism a neo-religion, but Stewart’s not the only one suggesting that notion. As most of the UK’s press focuses on Climategate, the Independent puts its fingers in its ears and pretends that the world will still buy the crap they peddled pre-CRU leak. Protests in support of Hopenchangen broke out all over the world. In Toronto, 250 people showed up and Tom giggles.Read the rest over at The Daily Bayonet!

Message to Copenhagen: In America, 'We the People Govern'

Our President Does Not Have Support in our Senate for Binding Carbon Emissions Limits

By Dan Kotman

As President Obama travels to Copenhagen tomorrow, he and the U.S. Delegates at the summit will be greeted by a full page ad in the Copenhagen Post with a “Message from America.”

The ad is a reminder that the Constitution requires Senate approval for any climate change agreement reached in Copenhagen. Just like Vice President Al Gore did in Kyoto in 1997, President Obama is able to sign an agreement, but once he returns home he will be bitterly reminded that, without the Senate’s approval, the agreement is meaningless. Senator Jim Webb from Virginia also recently wrote the President reminding him Senate approval is required to ratify a Copenhagen agreement.

Without the support of the Senate and the American people, President Obama is planning to circumvent the Constitution by claiming the EPA has the regulatory power to impose a cap and trade system of taxation similar to what Congress has so far refused to adopt.

That’s called “Taxation without Representation.” And the American people won’t stand for it.

See below or click here to download a copy of the ad.


Lord Monckton reports from Dopenhagen

From The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in Copenhagen

In the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen, a splendid Nordic classical space overlooking the Church of our Lady in the heart of the old city, rows of repellent, blue plastic chairs surrounded the podium from which no less a personage than Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC, was to speak. I had arrived in good time to take my seat among the dignitaries in the front row. Rapidly, the room filled with enthusiastic Greenies and enviro-zombs waiting to hear the latest from ye Holy Bookes of Ipecac, yea verily. The official party shambled in and perched on the blue plastic chairs next to me. Pachauri was just a couple of seats away, so I gave him a letter from me and Senator Fielding of Australia, pointing out that the headline graph in the IPCC’s 2007 report, purporting to show that the rate of warming over the past 150 years had itself accelerated, was fraudulent. Would he use the bogus graph in his lecture? I had seen him do so when he received an honorary doctorate from the University of New South Wales. I watched and waited. Sure enough, he used the bogus graph. I decided to wait until he had finished, and ask a question then. Pachauri then produced the now wearisome list of lies, fibs, fabrications and exaggerations that comprise the entire case for alarm about “global warming”. He delivered it in a tired, unenthusiastic voice, knowing that a growing majority of the world’s peoples – particularly in those countries where comment is free – no longer believe a word the IPCC says. They are right not to believe. Science is not a belief system. But here is what Pachauri invited the audience in Copenhagen to believe. 1. Pachauri asked us to believe that the IPCC’s documents were “peer-reviewed”. Then he revealed the truth by saying that it was the authors of the IPCC’s climate assessments who decided whether the reviewers’ comments were acceptable. That – whatever else it is – is not peer review. 2. Pachauri said that greenhouse gases had increased by 70% between 1970 and 2004. This figure was simply nonsense. I have seen this technique used time and again by climate liars. They insert an outrageous statement early in their presentations, see whether anyone reacts and, if no one reacts, they know they will get away with the rest of the lies. I did my best not to react. I wanted to hear, and write down, the rest of the lies. 3. Next came the bogus graph, which is featured three times, large and in full color, in the IPCC’s 2007 climate assessment report. The graph is bogus not only because it relies on the made-up data from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia but also because it is overlain by four separate trend-lines, each with a start-date carefully selected to give the entirely false impression that the rate of warming over the past 150 years has itself been accelerating, especially between 1975 and 1998. The truth, however – neatly obscured by an ingenious rescaling of the graph and the superimposition of the four bogus trend lines on it – is that from 1860-1880 and again from 1910-1940 the warming rate was exactly the same as the warming rate from 1975-1998.4. Pachauri said that there had been an “acceleration” in sea-level rise from 1993. He did not say, however, that in 1993 the method of measuring sea-level rise had switched from tide-gages to satellite altimetry against a reference geoid. The apparent increase in the rate of sea-level rise is purely an artefact of this change in the method of measurement. 5. Pachauri said that Arctic temperatures would rise twice as fast as global temperatures over the next 100 years. However, he failed to point out that the Arctic was actually 1-2 Celsius degrees warmer than the present in the 1930s and early 1940s. It has become substantially cooler than it was then. 6. Pachauri said the frequency of heavy rainfall had increased. The evidence for this proposition is largely anecdotal. Since there has been no statistically-significant “global warming” for 15 years, there is no reason to suppose that any increased rainfall in recent years is attributable to “global warming”. 7. Pachauri said that the proportion of tropical cyclones that are high-intensity storms has increased in the past three decades. However, he was very careful not to point out that the total number of intense tropical cyclones has actually fallen sharply throughout the period. 8. Pachauri said that the activity of intense Atlantic hurricanes had increased since 1970. This is simply not true, but it appears to be true if – as one very bad scientific paper in 2006 did – one takes the data back only as far as that year. Take the data over the whole century, as one should, and no trend whatsoever is evident. Here, Pachauri is again using the same statistical dodge he used with the UN’s bogus “warming-is-getting-worse” graph: he is choosing a short run of data and picking his start-date with care so as falsely to show a trend that, over a longer period, is not significant. 9. Pachauri said small islands like the Maldives were vulnerable to sea-level rise. Not if they’re made of coral, which is more than capable of outgrowing any sea-level rise. Besides, as Professor Morner has established, sea level in the Maldives is no higher now than it was 1250 years ago, and has not risen for half a century. 10. Pachauri said that if the ice-sheets of Greenland or West Antarctica were to melt there would be “meters of sea-level rise”. Yes, but his own climate panel has said that that could not happen for thousands of years, and only then if global mean surface temperatures stayed at least 2 C (3.5 F) warmer than today’s. 11. Pachauri said that if temperatures rose 2 C (3.5 F) 20-30% of all species would become extinct. This, too, is simply nonsense. For most of the past 600 million years, global temperatures have been 7 C (13.5 F) warmer than today, and yet here we all are. One has only to look at the number of species living in the tropics and the number living at the Poles to work out that warmer weather will if anything increase the number and diversity of species on the planet. There is no scientific basis whatsoever for Pachauri’s assertion about mass extinctions. It is simply made up. 12. Pachauri said that “global warming” would mean “lower quantities of water”. Not so. It would mean larger quantities of water vapor in the atmosphere, hence more rain. This is long-settled science – but, then, Pachauri is a railroad engineer. 13. Pachauri said that by 2100 100 million people would be displaced by rising sea levels. Now, where did we hear that figure before? Ah, yes, from the ludicrous Al Gore and his sidekick Bob Corell. There is no truth in it at all. Pachauri said he was presenting the results of the IPCC’s fourth assessment report. It is quite plain: the maximum possible rate of sea-level rise is put at just 2 ft, with a best estimate of 1 ft 5 in. Sea level is actually rising at around 1 ft/century. That is all. 14. Pachauri said that he had seen for himself the damage done in Bangladesh by sea-level rise. Just one problem with that. There has been no sea-level rise in Bangladesh. At all. In fact, according to Professor Moerner, who visited it recently and was the only scientist on the trip to calibrate his GPS altimeter properly by taking readings at two elevations at least 10 meters apart, sea level in Bangladesh has actually fallen a little, which is why satellite images show 70,000 sq. km more land area there than 30 years ago. Pachauri may well have seen some coastal erosion: but that was caused by the imprudent removal of nine-tenths of the mangroves in the Sunderban archipelago to make way for shrimp-farms. 15. Pachauri said we could not afford to delay reducing carbon emissions even by a year, or disaster would result. So here’s the math. There are 388 ppmv of CO2 in the air today, rising at 2 ppmv/year over the past decade. So an extra year with no action at all would warm the world by just 4.7 ln(390/388) = 0.024 C, or less than a twentieth of a Fahrenheit degree. And only that much on the assumption that the UN’s sixfold exaggeration of CO2’s true warming potential is accurate, which it is not. Either way, we can afford to wait a couple of decades to see whether anything like the rate of warming predicted by the UN’s climate panel actually occurs. 16. Pachauri said that the cost of mitigating carbon emissions would be less than 3% of gross domestic product by 2030. The only economist who thinks that is Lord Stern, whose laughable report on the economics of climate change, produced for the British Government, used a near-zero discount rate so as artificially to depress the true cost of trying to mitigate “global warming”. To reduce “global warming” to nothing, one must close down the entire global economy. Any lesser reduction is a simple fraction of the entire economy. So cutting back, say, 50% of carbon emissions by 2030, which is what various extremist groups here are advocating, would cost around 50% of GDP, not 3%. 17. Pachauri said that solar and wind power provided more jobs per $1 million invested than coal. Maybe they do, but that is a measure of their relative inefficiency. The correct policy would be to raise the standard of living of the poorest by letting them burn as much fossil fuels as they need to lift them from poverty. Anything else is organized cruelty. 18. Pachauri said we could all demonstrate our commitment to Saving The Planet by eating less meat. The Catholic Church has long extolled the virtues of mortification of the flesh: we generally ate fish on Fridays in the UK, until the European Common Fisheries Policy meant there were no more fish. But the notion that going vegan will make any measurable impact on global temperatures is simply fatuous. It is time for Railroad Engineer Pachauri to get back to his signal-box. About the climate, as they say in New York’s Jewish quarter, he knows from nothing.Source

Environmentalists Fire Projectile at Journalist Who Raises Climategate

By Justin, ILCD Editor

More positive proof the extremist left wing environazis are completely out of control, hate any kind of debate, and try to silence any and all opposition to their flawed and false ideologies. The more we see greenies act like this, the more ridiculous they look, and are comparable to a bunch of 5 year olds who didn’t get what they wanted.

KEEP FIGHTING, PHELIM! The whole world is now laughing at the childish environmentalists, and you are the true hero of the day, once again.

Greenpeace ships targeted, proper banners displayed!

Well, we’ve all seen the massive turn in public opinion against environmental groups over the last few years, and now people are using Greenpeace-style tactics to get their message across.

The wonderful folks at CFACT and Marc Morano’s Climate Depot intercepted the infamous Greenpeace vessel, Rainbow Warrior. They then proceeded to unfurl a banner reading “Propaganda Warrior”.

They also surprised the crew of another Greenpeace vessel, the Arctic Sunrise, and proudly displayed the “Ship of Lies” banner. This relays the message of Greenpeace’s tactics of spreading climate change propaganda, myths, and exaggerations. Here’s the vid:

We tip our hat to CFACT!


By Martyn Brown

CAMPAIGNERS yesterday attempted to pour scorn on “tenuous” global warming theories by issuing a dossier detailing 100 reasons why climate change is natural and not man-made. The list includes the controversial claim that there is “no scientific proof” that rising levels of greenhouse gases are caused by human activity. **SEE THE 100 REASONS HERE**
The report, by the respected European Foundation, also argues that a higher level of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main greenhouse gas – is not a problem because it helps to boost crop yields. And it claims that the warming we are now experiencing is “mostly natural”, pointing to historic shifts in the climate such as when Vikings farmed on Greenland in medieval times. Political analyst Jim McConalogue, who wrote the report, said: “This demonstrates how tenuous, improper and indeed false the scientific and political claims are for man-made global warming, from claims that climate change can be controlled by human activity to the proposition that CO2 emissions represent a severe threat to our way of life, when in fact there is little evidence to support any of these claims.” He warned that the Copenhagen climate summit was likely to lead to “nonsensical targets” to reduce emissions, which would result in a “burdensome regulatory agenda”. After Copenhagen, voters around the world “will see what travesty has been done in their name, as foolish politicians and indifferent industry associations have engulfed their countries in emissions legislation”. The report was issued as Gordon Brown prepared to fly out to the 192-nation Copenhagen summit today – two days early – vowing to work “tirelessly” to get a lasting deal. The talks were yesterday plunged into chaos by a half-day walkout by developing nations angry at an alleged “stitch-up” by richer countries who are responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions.Oxfam executive director Jeremy Hobbs said: “Africa has pulled the emergency cord to avoid a train crash at the end of the week. “This not about blocking the talks – it is about whether rich countries are ready to guarantee action on climate change and the survival of people in Africa and across the world.” Meanwhile, former US vice-president Al Gore – who won a Nobel Prize for his work on climate change – told the conference that new data suggested there was a 75 per cent chance the entire Arctic polar ice cap may disappear every summer within seven years. At the weekend the Environment Agency said climate change could empty rivers in southern England of trout and salmon while rising sea levels would destroy the salt marshes and mudflats needed by migrating birds. But at the European Foundation, Mr McConalogue rattled through his explanation of why global warming theories are wrong and insisted that solar activity was primarily responsible for climate change. He said: “Since the cause of global warming is mostly natural, then there is in actual fact very little we can do about it. We are still not able to control the sun.” The Met Office said the only way to explain the changing climate was through a combination of natural and man-made factors. A spokesman said: “The climate has always and will always change. This natural variability is caused by various cycles, including solar activity, volcanic eruptions and ocean circulations. “Even with these elements factored in to the complex climate projection models run by the Met Office, temperature increases – and perhaps more importantly, the rate of temperature increase – can only be mirrored by the amount of greenhouse gases that are warming the atmosphere. “It is not a coincidence that this rapid warming has occurred since the industrial revolution in the mid-19th century.”

The Copenhagen Round-Up

You knew this had to happen, Copenhagen is more in need of Round-Up than my weed-infested driveway. There was an earlier mini-round-up, it’s over here if you missed it. Denmark, home of the Vikings, was an inspired venue choice for a gathering of activists and politicians that fully intend to rape and pillage the global economy, but Big Green has seen much of the world expectedly Thumbelina it’s nose at the agenda, post Climategate. Read on and find out what’s what in the land of Hans Christian Andersen…

Scaremongers in Scandinavia

Tears for Fears: Bill McKibben cast aside any pretence at manhood and bawled his eyes out in a churchenhagen for Hopenchagen in Copenhagen :

As I watched them go by, all I could think of was the people I’ve met in the last couple of years traveling the world: the people living in the valleys where those glaciers are disappearing, and the people downstream who have no backup plan for where their water is going to come from. The people who live on the islands surrounded by that coral, who depend on the reefs for the fish they eat, and to protect their homes from the waves. And the people, on every corner of the world, dealing with drought and flood, already unable to earn their daily bread in the places where their ancestors farmed for generations.

You really have to read it all to get the full emo-meltdown, then jump to the comments where he gets no sympathy:

g3cko Says: I cried the other day,too, but it was because I sat on my testicles. Suggest you go find some, mister tears mcteary, and start acting like a man. Men and women solve problems- there’s no place at the table for whiners. December 15th, 2009 at 12:00 pm

I admit it, I LOL’d. As the world’s weather hysterics gather in the gloom of a Nordic December, we are warned that there are only ten years left to fix the broken planet. Which is actually good news, because we only had 10 years left 20 years ago. COP15 might be a huge undertaking, but for one alarmist, it’s a huge ploy because it won’t do enough. A boy man named Sue Hillary warns that the oceans are acidifying. Fish cheer the news, inconveniently. The Alarmist that came in from the cold.

not the COP15 hottienot the COP15 hottie

The developing world wants reparations, but that’s a beg too far for even the Obamanistration. Oh noes, the UK’s Met Office is scolded for political lobbying. Translation, don’t get caught – we’ve got enough trouble right now. Uh Oh, only ten years left, but we might have to wait another six until:

a) they’ve explained away Climategate b) people forget about Climategate c) Michael Mann and CRU find the original data they deleted under an old filing cabinet, right next to that Twinkie that Briffa dropped at the Christmas Party in 1993 d) global spinning is the new warming

The Grand-daddy of global warming, the Master of Disaster, the Profiting Prophet, Missssster Al Gore landed in Copenhagen. Swooning may have ensued. Climate scientists have learned after the Climategate fallout to listen and give full, transparent answers to even inconvenient questions. Or, they could just call security: ..

Discussions in Denmark

Bipolar Canada was punk’d. A mayor that presides over a crime-riddled cess-hole burned his tax-payer’s money to fly to Hopenchangen and act as the UN’s useful idiot and Quebec’s Premier jumped in to trash his own oppressor country either. Not a pretty sight. Some say an agreement is possible. Wait, it’s all off! No, wait, it’s back on again. Talk is cheap, unless you’re a planet in peril, then it’s downright expensive. Something called ‘climate change victims’ has emerged at Copenhagen, and they want your money. Tuvulu is an island of 10 sq. miles with 12,000 people. I’m sure Tuvulu is very nice, but does anyone really care if it disappears under rising whale habitat? It’d be cheaper to give each Tuvuluan a million bucks to say toodle-oo to Tuvulu when the water’s lapping at the front door, no? Too-ry-eh it would. Sharpen up your hunter-gatherer skills, we’ve got to cut CO2 output 50% by2050. You know they just made that up to get the 50-50 alliteration, right?

grocery shopping, circa 2055grocery shopping, circa 2055

Developing nations turn on each other. And not in the good way. Saved by indecision? We can only Hopenchangen. China and the USA are bashing heads, which is good news for skeptics that prefer for the talks to go nowhere fast**. Deja vu, anyone? What could be the worst thing to happen if the warmists get their way? It’s not like there are dishonest people out there waiting to take advantage of their naivety, right? Oh, wait… nevermind.

Viking Volkstheater

Nothing demonstrates the Green’s love of planet and the environment like trashing shops, beating cops and firing off fireworks. Excitable yoots, I guess. Klockarman has movies. You know how the Danes could stop global warming? Shut a door or two, that’s how. Skeptics in Scandi-land? Say it ain’t so. Who exactly is it that supports the Green movement, other than dirty hippies?: .. Only 12 years too late, a UK Labour Minister decides it’s time to get their act together. Heh. Fox News samples the fringe street life that blooms around the COP15 event. I think hippies are involved, you have been warned. 30,000 NGO representatives showed up in Copenhagen to get a slice of Hopenchangen. But they’re not getting in:

NGOs must apply months in advance, and typically only make travel plans to attend after receiving complete credentials from the United Nations,” said Amy Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research, an accredited COP-15 NGO organization that is as of now banned from the conference. “To give credentials to 45,000 people while choosing a building that holds 15,000 people is insane, though the United Nations, to be fair, has never been known for competence.”

The Gore Effect strikes back.

Hopenchangen Hottie

Since Denmark is hosting COP15, it only seems fair to choose a person with deep roots in the country. And by deep roots I mean that she starred in a movie 10 years ago with an American who has a Danish father. Deep is relative, you see. Whatever, the clue was in the nowhere fast link above, so welcome Diane Lane to the Round-Up.


Thanks for reading.Source

Climategate Round-Up #8

Alarmists act like rodents, Tony Blair says that science don’t matter and the Daily Mail won’t stop asking awkward questions. Life is good for skeptics and awful for weather hysterics, and there’s a hottie. Do Monday’s get any better than this?

The Leak/Hack

Deny, deny, deny. How damaging was the leak? Very, very damaging. And not just for the motley CRU:

ClimateGate doesn’t just bring down the scientists who wrote the emails, it brings down all the institutions and organizations that were supposed to have exacting standards and ought to have exposed the crimes years ago. The men whose work was so bogus, were lauded by the IPCC, published in Nature and Science, and defended by the National Academy of Science. This evidence of collusion, falsification, hiding data, and consistent deceit blows away the infrastructures of the practice of science. It doesn’t hurt the scientific method, but it destroys the premise that the IPCC expert review means anything, that peer review is capable of even picking up outright fraud, and that the National Academy of Science is functional.

Climategate Inconvenient Emails/Data

One atmospheric scientist suggests that the motley CRU “substituted the search for truth with an attempt at proving one point of view“. The UK Met Office doubles down on stupid, but wait, what’s that… coercion? Facts, damned inconvenient when you’re trying to hobble the world’s economic engine. Steve McIntyre, statistician and kryptonite to corrupt scientists everywhere, eviscerates the IPCC ‘trick’. I believe those are Michael Mann’s credibility entrails on the floor. It has much to do with this image, read it all:

end of the green line?end of the green line?

The climategate leak/hack broke the dam, and now there is more evidence of data being maniupulated coming from around the world. The 60 second video that destroys the hockey-stick myth once and for all: .. UPDATE: CRU has removed data from it’s website. What PR advice are these folks getting? They have even less clue about how to manage the fallout from their misbehavior than they do about the scientific method.

Climategate in the Media

CNN hosted a debate between John Christy and Gavin Schmidt wherein Schmidt plays the victim and spins the email content wildly: .. Canada’s Globe and Mail notices Climategate, sort of. Reluctant acknowledgement of the scandal, complete with extra-spin cycle from Australia’s National Times:

…accusations of fraud will persist because the so-called ”debate” on climate change has veered into the realms of fantasy. The fog on the public relations battlefield has obscured the real question: how to cut greenhouse gas emissions in a fast but sensible way.

The UK’s Daily Mail does a special investigation into Climategate and gets to be the must-read link of the Round-Up:

However, Warmergate strikes at something more fundamental – the science that justifies the basic assumption that the present warming really is unprecedented, at least in the past few thousand years. Take the now-notorious email that the CRU’s currently suspended director, Dr Phil Jones, sent to his IPCC colleagues on November 16, 1999, when he wrote he had ‘just completed Mike’s Nature trick’ and had so managed to ‘hide the decline’. The CRU’s supporters have protested bitterly about the attention paid to this message. In the course of an extraordinary BBC interview in which he called an American critic an ‘****hole’ live on air, Jones’s colleague Professor Andrew Watson insisted that the fuss was completely unjustified, because all Jones had been talking about was ‘tweaking a diagram’. Davies told me that the email had been ‘taken out of context’ adding: ‘One definition of the word “trick” is “the best way of doing something”. What Phil did was standard practice and the facts are out there in the peer-reviewed literature.’ However, the full context of that ‘trick’ email, as shown by a new and until now unreported analysis by the Canadian climate statistician Steve McIntyre, is extremely troubling.

The Economist, once a respected paper, beclowned itself over Climategate and is taken to the woodshed for it. Seth Borenstein of The Associated Press is far too close to those he was supposed to report on, and is exposed in great detail as a shill for the warmers. Another in-the-tank ‘journalist’ Andy Revkin of the NYT repairs his reputation with the warmistas. Awkward. Climategate questions in the UK Houses of Parliament. So much for the ‘nothing to see here, move on now’ spin. A hard editorial from the Washington Times, the tip of the Climategate iceberg. Got questions about Climategate in Copenhagen? Better bring a flak jacket.

Hexploding Hippie Heads

Absent any real defense for the dishonesty and lies revealed in the Climategate emails, most hippies try to draw attention to the ‘illegal hack’ that blew the lid off their cozy hoax. But, as Horner suggests, it’s the substance, stupid. You know the difference between an alarmist and a hamster? There isn’t one. armor pantsed Head of the UN IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri has his head buried in the sand with his fingers in his ears and denies that the CRU emails and code represent a problem with climate science. A memo to members of the global warming cult. Heh. Pielke Jr. rogers the HuffPo for telling porkies. Another IPCC scientist defects from the hysteric crowd and calls the behavior ‘fraud‘. Ouch. Tony Blair, not content with having wrecked a perfectly good country, wants to see action at Hopenchangen “even if the science is not correct”. Which says it all, really.

Climategate Hottie

Sticking with the hack movie linkery, 1995’s The Net told a tale of online chicanery. It also featured Sandra Bullock, which was nice. Welcome then, Mrs. Jesse James to the Round-Up:


Thanks for reading.Source