Check out the Manny Can Effort. An excellent resource for all the climate realists out there.
Author: admin
Shock: Global temperatures driven by US Postal Charges
By Joanne Nova
The rise in global temperatures since 1880 closely correlates with increases in postal charges, sparking alarm that CO2 has been usurped as the main driver of climate change.
Click on the graph for a larger image SOURCES: NCDC global temperatures, Law Dome & Mauna Loa CO2 levels, US postal charges, Andrew Dart. |
Back in 1885 it cost 2 cents to post a letter. Who would have thought that as postal charges climbed by 40 cents through the next 120 years, that global temperatures would mirror that rise in timing and slope and gain almost one full degree? Ominously, US Post is set to raise the charges 2c to 44c on May 11, 2009. Postal Action Network (PAN) has already sprung into existence this afternoon and plans to produce a boycott campaign of the new 44c Homer Simpson stamps. Overworked postal workers are enthusiastic. Homer Simpson is reported to have said “Give me the number for 911.”
Barbara Boxer, majority Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, immediately set up an inquiry, announcing that all future changes in price for US post must be approved by the EPA. “We’ll need a full environmental impact statement. We can’t just let global damage be done willy nilly on the basis of some arbitrary postal expenses committee’s need to balance the books. No other government service has to balance their budget, why should US Post?” President Obama immediately convened a task force at the Federal Reserve to loan $450 billion to US Post to keep prices constant until 3400 A.D.. Tuvalu promptly announced they would cut their postal charges in half ‘just in case’. They are asking for donations in order to keep their postal service running, but are considering shifting to carrier pigeons. The mechanism is far from clear. Professor Chrichton-Boots from the Chicago Schools of Economics, cautioned that US Post prices are a good proxy for inflation, and that it may be inflation that is really behind the recent change in climate. He admitted it was puzzling that there appears to have been global temperature changes for 3-5 billion years before the advent of either US Postal services, or inflation. “You would think the planetary climate would have been stable.” But Harvard social researchers are calling for funding for archaeological digs to find postage stamps from the precambrian. “It’s under-researched”. US Post said this type of finding would be very important but, if any stamps were found, they would be unable to honor them: “Since at the time, the US didn’t exist, in government, in theory, or even as a landmass”. A spokesman from US Post pointed out that the ‘Forever’ series of stamps (which cost 41c, but are ‘good forever, regardless of price rises’) are anti-inflationary. They were issued in 2007 which “may explain the cooler weather since then”*. Critics pointed out that correlation is not causation, and “you can produce a link between any two monotonically rising lines on a graph”. The newly formed UN Intergovernmental Panel on Postal Changes called them deniers, while Jim Hansen from NASA pronounced that executives from The Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service should be jailed henceforth and also retrospectively. The Russians (Pochta Rossii) announced they would lift the cost of letters from 10 roubles to 100, effective from Monday. “Siberia is too cold”. *(As a curious aside, the Forever stamps may have been the US Government’s most successful investment tool in recent times, gaining 14% in value since 2007, while the Dow and everything else, lost over 40%. Thus proving that the US Federal Reserve could better maintain US purchasing power parity if they switched the world’s Reserve Currency from US Dollars to “Forever Stamps”. )
Obama's Big Lies and Small
By Alan Caruba
Watching President Obama’s third prime time press conference in three months, I found myself wondering how the White House press corps had been reduced to a bunch of bit players in the great drama of Barack Hussein Obama. They are absolutely in love and enthralled.
He, of course, knew exactly who he was going to call on so it hardly mattered that the other reporters even showed up. They were just part of the scenery. Those who were called upon did not ask anything that evoked anything more than his typical long response designed, I suspect, to bore everyone to the point where the original question was forgotten. There were no follow-up questions. The New York Times reporter was pathetic, an embarrassment to the profession of journalism.
Notably, this third press conference attracted far fewer viewers than numbers one and two. After the first hundred days of White House orchestrated massive media exposure, people have experienced Too Much Obama.
All this, however, probably wouldn’t matter were not for the fact that the President of the United States is telling some very big lies and not being called on them. From my personal perspective, Obama seems to lie about everything all the time. On the campaign trail a certain amount of hyperbole is expected, but when the liar is the President, it becomes a serious matter.
Just about everything Obama said is a flat-out lie
In remarks in Arnold, Missouri on April 30, released by the White House Press Office, the President said,
“The average person problem thinks, yes, climate change, that’s kind of a drag, but it’s not one of my top priorities—because you don’t really see it or feel it, it doesn’t hit your pocketbook, it doesn’t have to do with your job directly. And so the tendency is just to kind of push it off. People think, well, this just has to do with polar bears, and I feel bad about polar bears, but I’ve got other things to worry about.”
For the record, the polar bear population is just fine and has been expanding for decades since the 1950s.
“I don’t think people fully appreciate the potential damage—economic damage, as well as environmental damage—that could be done if we are not serious in dealing with this problem,” said Obama. “If the temperature goes up a couple of degrees, well, it will change weather patterns pretty significantly. It could create droughts in places where we haven’t had drought; it could bring insect-born diseases up into places like Missouri that we haven’t seen before.”
Obama went to say, “You’re now looking at huge, cataclysmic hurricanes, complete changes in weather patterns. Some places will get hotter, some places will get colder. Our economy would be disrupted by tens of trillions of dollars. So this is no joke. And the science shows that the planet is getting warmer faster than people expected.”
Just about everything Obama said is a flat-out lie. It begins with the biggest lie of all; that human beings have any control or influence over the weather. When I say weather, I mean what is happening outside right now. When I say climate, I am talking about trends that involve hundreds of years.
To claim that the Earth “is getting warmer faster than people expected” is a more specific lie. The Earth has been in a cooling cycle for a decade. No doubt the President will, at some point, say he received poor information, but the truth is he knows full well that “global warming” is the vast hoax that underpins the justification for his administration to impose a punishing, needless tax on all energy use via the “cap and trade” legislation making its way through Congress. It is a so-called “carbon tax” and it will do more harm to the nation’s economy than anything anyone can imagine.
Earth to Obama! All the recent polls regarding “global warming” demonstrate that most Americans know it is a pile of crap. A Zogby survey found that only 30% support “cap-and-trade” of emissions, while 57% oppose it and 13% were not sure. In February, a Rasmussen telephone survey revealed that 54% of U.S. voters said the news media “make global warming appear worse than it really is. Only 21% say the media present an accurate picture.”
President’s lapdog media
So the President is lying about something most Americans distrust and don’t believe. Meanwhile, the lapdog media continues to report “global warming” despite the fact that more than half the voters have concluded they are just hyping it. And that’s exactly what they and the President are doing.
A voter backlash is coming, but those living in the D.C. bubble and drinking deeply of the Potomac waters have no clue.
The word "theory" should be removed. New name: Global Warming "Speculation"
By C3 Headlines
Although the global warming theory has been the favorite adopted theory of the political class, grant-seeking scientists and guilt ridden celebrities/journalists, it has not returned all the love bestowed on it by the reverent. Other than the period between the mid-70’s and late 90’s, the hypothetical human CO2 causation of global warming has meager observation evidence to support it. That being the case, the term “Global Warming Theory” has become an incorrect scientific description, no longer deserving the respect of ‘theory’ status.
Instead, based on the following widely accepted definitions, a simple review reveals it has become, at best, Global Warming Speculation, unsubstantiated by any real world data or proof. Unfortunately for the devoted, global warming can’t even sustain a position of being a convincing hypothesis.
A speculation is a conjecture expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
A hypothesis is a proposition that attempts to explain a set of facts in a unified way. It generally forms the basis of experiments designed to establish its plausibility. Simplicity, elegance, and consistency with previously established hypotheses or laws are also major factors in determining the acceptance of a hypothesis.
A scientific law is a hypothesis that is assumed to be universally true. A law has good predictive power, allowing a scientist (or engineer) to model a physical system and predict what will happen under various conditions.
A theory is a set of statements, including laws and hypotheses, that explains a group of observations or phenomena in terms of those laws and hypotheses. A theory thus accounts for a wider variety of events than a law does. Broad acceptance of a theory comes when it has been tested repeatedly on new data and been used to make accurate predictions.
Global warming is not a theory; not a scientific law; and, no longer a hypothesis. Its relevance in the rational, scientific realm is tenuous, and as a UK judge recently ruled, global warming belief is actually a religion. In addition, as the believers of global warming not only embrace, but proclaim profusely, at every opportunity, the belief of catastrophic, doomsday results caused by the hand of global warming, the terms religious beliefs or speculations have become that much more appropriate.
Back to the "good old days"
US energy and climate plans would drag us back to 1905 – or 1862
By Paul Driessen
Think back to 1905.
The Wright brothers had just made history. Coal and wood heated homes. Few had telephones or electricity. AC units were handheld fans. Ice blocks cooled ice boxes. New York City collected 900,000 tons of vehicle emissions – horse manure – annually, and dumped it into local rivers. Lung and intestinal diseases were rampant. Life expectancy was 47. Today, President Obama wants to prevent “runaway global warming,” by slashing US carbon dioxide emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. According to Oak Ridge National Laboratory data, this reduction would return the United States to emission levels last seen in those halcyon days of 1905! But America’s 1905 population was 84 million, versus 308 million today. We didn’t drive or fly, or generate electricity for offices, factories, schools or hospitals. To account for those differences, we’d have to send CO2 emissions back to 1862 levels. The Civil War was raging. Nine of ten Americans were farmers (versus 2% today). The industrial revolution was in its infancy. Malaria halted construction on the Washington, DC aqueduct. Typhus and cholera killed thousands more every year. Life expectancy was 40 – half of what affordable hydrocarbon, hydroelectric and nuclear power helped make it today. None of this seems to matter to the Obama Administration or liberal Democrats. The 648-page Waxman-Markey climate bill would compel an 80% CO2 reduction, by imposing punitive cap-and-tax restrictions on virtually every hydrocarbon-using business, motorist and family. That’s making some legislators nervous, as they ponder the health, economic and employment effects of restricting energy supplies and driving up the cost of everything we eat, drink, make and do – especially in 20 states that get 60-98% of their electricity from coal. So to prod Congress into action, or achieve the 80% target via regulatory edict, the Obama Environmental Protection Agency has decreed that natural, plant-enhancing, life-sustaining carbon dioxide “endangers human health and welfare.” The authoritarian actions it is contemplating would regulate cars, trains, boats and planes; pave the way for regulating farms and factories, hospitals, schools, malls and apartment buildings, computer servers and lawn mowers; and send energy prices skyrocketing. It is astonishing how casually activists, bureaucrats, politicians and even some corporate executives advocate arbitrary CO2 reduction targets and timetables – as though they were possible, desirable or necessary. The targets reflect worst-case scenarios generated by computer models. But the models assume human CO2 now drives climate changes that have been occurring for eons. They ignore many natural forces, and inadequately analyze incomplete data, based on our still limited grasp of complex climate processes. They cannot accurately replicate last year’s regional climate shifts or predict changes even one year in the future. They ignore Earth’s history of repeated climate changes, and failed to anticipate the slowly declining global temperatures of 1995-2008. Thousands of climate and other scientist say there is no climate crisis, and CO2 plays little or no substantive role in climate change. A new Rasmussen poll finds that 48% of registered American voters now believe climate change is caused by planetary and other natural forces. Only a third still believe it’s due mostly to humans. Climate realists also recognize that, even if America eliminated all of its greenhouse gas emissions, increasing Chinese and Indian carbon dioxide emissions would promptly offset our draconian cuts. This alarms Climate Armageddonites. They fear it’s now or never to wrest control over energy and the economic, manufacturing and transportation activities it fuels. Now or never to profit from cap-and-tax laws, renewable energy mandates, and a forced shift away from hydrocarbons that now provide 85% of US energy. “Socially responsible” corporate groups like the Carbon Offset Providers Coalition are banking on passage of Waxman-Markey or similar legislation. They want to ensure that any CO2 regime is “rigorous and efficient,” to foster high carbon prices, maximum subsidies and strong profits. President Obama says cap-and-trade will “raise” $656 billion over the next decade. The National Economic Council and other analysts put the tax bite at $1.3 to $3.0 trillion. This is not monetary manna. The wealth will be extracted from every hydrocarbon-using business, motorist and family. The intrusive energy rules and taxes will clobber households, manufacturers, farmers, truckers and airlines. The poorest families will get energy welfare, to offset part of their $500-3,000 increase in annual heating, cooling, transportation and food expenses. Everyone else will have to trim health, vacation, charity, college and retirement budgets to pay for energy. Every increase in energy prices will result in more businesses laying off workers or closing their doors, more jobs sent overseas, more families forced into welfare, more school districts, hospitals and churches into whirlpools of red ink. Exactly how will they, your family, your business eliminate 80% of CO2 emissions by 2050? Exactly how will you pay those skyrocketing fuel bills? The Nature Conservancy predicts that, by 2030, “eco-friendly” wind, solar and biofuel projects will require extra land equivalent to Minnesota, to produce the energy we now get from oil, gas and coal. Interior Secretary Salazar’s proposal to have offshore wind turbines replace gas, coal and nuclear electricity generators would mean 336,000 3.25MW behemoths off our coasts – if they operate 24/7/365. Far more if they don’t. Where exactly will we site those turbines – and get the billions of tons of concrete, steel, copper and fiberglass it will take to build and install the expensive, unreliable, subsidized monsters? My grandmother used to say, The only good thing about the “good old days” is that they’re gone. Few Americans will be enthralled by the prospect of returning to that era. Fewer will relish the hefty price tag – and damage to their freedoms, budgets, jobs and living standards. The White House, EPA and Congress need to take a chill pill. _______________ Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Congress of Racial Equality and Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow. Sourced via email
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, May 1st 2009
By The Daily Bayonet
May Day, when Englishmen dance around the maypole and young men’s thoughts turn to the darling buds. Or something. It’s also the international commie day of showing off your missiles, and organized labor’s day off. In 2009, May day also welcomes this weeks skeptics delight, the weekly round-up. Discover who is the Dian Fossey of hippies and how Barry White might have saved Ursus maritimus. Really, sort of.
Enjoy, I know I did.
In case you lived under a rock since the last round-up, Al Gore testified to congress about his new religion and how spending billions of dollars will make him even richer save the planet. Or something.Al’s version of the day can be found at his own blog, but there are many other accounts of the day, so let’s take a boo at some, since this is Part One and is all about the Goreacle. If you are a masochistic insomniac, feel free to watch Al’s entire testimony on video at Gore Lied.Here is a moment when Rep. Scalise held Gore’s feet to the fire, which probably took Al by surprise after his buddies tried to silence the opposition. Pay attention to Al’s facial expressions as he tries to spin Scalise as a denier:
Did Al lie about giving away all his book and movie profits to climate organizations, or does he think his own pocket is a non-profit?
Rep. Marsha Blackburn also tried to nail the Goreacle, and scored a hit:
Away from Washington, Al’s volunteers seem to be shrinking, or shirking.What is about people beaten by George W. Bush and global warming, is it a comfort blanky for losers?Part Two: AGW Scaremongers
Click here to read the rest and see this weeks global hottie!
ILCD responds to CBC's alarmist "science" reporting
On April 24, 2009, CBC’s Quirks and Quarks blog ran a story entitled Another Blow For Climate Change Skeptics. Written by Bob McDonald, clearly an AGW alarmist, the article tries to discredit the recent cooling of the Antarctic as being a product of man-made climate change and claims it will revert to full-blown warming “within decades”.
Once again, an incredibly unscientific article full of very weak theories and classic alarmism typical of the CBC. So here’s our response:
We’re growing extremely tired of these AGW (anthropogenic global warming) myth believers shouting about “unprecedented pollution from humans” causing “climate changes”.
Pollution? Maybe so, like oil spills and nuclear waste, etc, but CO2 (carbon dioxide) is NOT pollution and it is NOT at high levels. More CO2 equals more plant life and it’s been at levels over ten times higher than today, even during ice ages, and an ice age is exactly what many many many climatologists are predicting we are currently heading into due to the quietness of our sun. The planet has been cooling overall for over a full decade now, and this is not disputed. It’s simply ignored by alarmists, major green corporations, and Big Environment who are all cashing in on all the “warming” hype.
This includes Al Gore’s own “carbon credit” company, None of these people will tell you that Greenland was once green, and warmer is always better than colder for all life.
Regardless, anyone who actually believes mankind’s microscopic contribution to the already microscopic CO2 portion of the 3% of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is causing anything but the further greening of our planet, well, is often simply a Gore-loving, human-hating, and science-ignoring alarmist. Carbon is life. It’s not something we should be restricting. However, it’s so easy to tax, unlike the sun. Now that’s what I call an inconvenient truth. And it won’t be struck down as fraudulent in court, like Al Gore’s science fiction movie was.
AGW believers are the real deniers. They seem to deny the existence of the SUN and it’s incredible affect on our planet, and they cling to their ridiculous belief that a harmless trace gas and plant food called CO2 can affect global climate changes.
Outside of the UN’s fraudulent IPCC reports (which are not approved by all their scientists and many have resigned over it), it’s clear the majority of the NON-GOVERNMENT FUNDED scientists around the world do not agree with the AGW theory. Get educated. Start here:
Termites emit ten times more CO2 than humans. Should we cap-and-tax them?
By Edmund Contoski, Liberty Unbound
“Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen.”— Sir John Houghton, first chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and lead editor of its first three reports.
During the 20th century, the earth warmed 0.6 degree Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit), but that warming has been wiped out in a single year with a drop of 0.63 degree C. (1.13 F.) in 2007. A single year does not constitute a trend reversal, but the magnitude of that temperature drop — equal to 100 years of warming — is noteworthy. Of course, it can also be argued that a mere 0.6 degree warming in a century is so tiny it should never have been considered a cause for alarm in the first place. But then how could the idea of global warming be sold to the public? In any case, global cooling has been evident for more than a single year. Global temperature has declined since 1998.
In the last 1.6 million years there have been 63 alternations between warm and cold climates, and no indication that any of them were caused by changes in carbon dioxide levels. A recent study of a much longer period (600 million years) shows — without exception — that temperature changes precede changes in carbon dioxide levels, not the other way around. As the earth warms, the oceans yield more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, because warmer water cannot hold as much carbon dioxide as colder water.
The public has been led to believe that increased carbon dioxide from human activities is causing a greenhouse effect that is heating the planet. But carbon dioxide comprises only 0.035% of our atmosphere and is a very weak greenhouse gas. Although it is widely blamed for greenhouse warming, it is not the only greenhouse gas, or even the most important. Water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas and accounts for at least 95% of any greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide accounts for only about 3%, with the remainder due to methane and several other gases.
Not only is carbon dioxide’s total greenhouse effect puny, mankind’s contribution to it is minuscule. The overwhelming majority (97%) of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere comes from nature, not from man. Volcanoes, swamps, rice paddies, fallen leaves, and even insects and bacteria produce carbon dioxide, as well as methane. According to the journal Science (Nov. 5, 1982), termites alone emit ten times more carbon dioxide than all the factories and automobiles in the world.
Natural wetlands emit more greenhouse gases than all human activities combined. (If greenhouse warming is such a problem, why are we trying to save all the wetlands?) Geothermal activity in Yellowstone National Park emits ten times the carbon dioxide of a midsized coal-burning power plant, and volcanoes emit hundreds of times more. In fact, our atmosphere’s composition is primarily the result of volcanic activity. There are about 100 active volcanoes today, mostly in remote locations, and we’re living in a period of relatively low volcanic activity.
There have been times when volcanic activity was ten times greater than in modern times. But by far the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions is the equatorial Pacific Ocean. It produces 72% of the earth’s emissions of carbon dioxide, and the rest of the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, and the other oceans also contribute. The human contribution is overshadowed by these far larger sources of carbon dioxide. Combining the factors of water vapor and nature’s production of carbon dioxide, we see that 99.8% of any greenhouse effect has nothing to do with carbon dioxide emissions from human activity. So how much effect could regulating the tiny remainder have upon world climate, even if carbon dioxide determined climate?
Since carbon dioxide is a very weak greenhouse gas, computer models predicting environmental catastrophe depend on the small amount of warming from carbon dioxide being amplified by increased evaporation of water. But in the many documented periods of higher carbon dioxide, even during much warmer climate periods, that never happened. During the time of the dinosaurs, the carbon dioxide levels were 300–500% greater than today. Five hundred million years ago, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 15–20 times what it is today. Yet the catastrophic water-vapor amplification of carbon dioxide warming never occurred.
Today we’re told catastrophic warming will result if carbon dioxide doubles. But during the Ordovician Period, the carbon dioxide level was 12 times what it is today, and the earth was in an Ice Age. That’s exactly opposite to the “runaway” warming that computer models predict should occur. Clearly the models are wrong; they depend upon an assumption of amplification that is contrary to the climate record of millions of years. There is no reason to trust the computer predictions — or base public policies on them. Reid Bryson, founding chairman of the Department of Meteorology at the University of Wisconsin, has stated, “You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide.”
There are other examples where the computer models fail to agree with reality. According to the greenhouse hypothesis, the warming should occur equally during day and night. But most of the warming that has been observed has occurred at night, thus falsifying the models.
All of the models agree — for sound theoretical reasons — that warming from a greenhouse effect must be 2–3 times greater in the lower atmosphere than at the earth’s surface. This is not happening. Both satellites and weather balloons show slightly greater warming at the surface. These atmospheric temperature measurements furnish direct, unequivocal evidence that whatever warming has occurred is not from the greenhouse effect.
Everyone knows the sun heats the earth, but the public is generally unaware that the sun’s heat is not uniform. Solar radiation is affected by disturbances on the surface of the sun, called “sunspots,” which correspond to the sun’s 11-year magnetic cycle. There are also several solar cycles of longer duration. Superimposed, these cycles might augment or cancel each other. There are also periods when sunspots “crash,” or almost disappear, which can lead to dramatic cooling of the earth for several decades. This is what happened 400 years ago during the Maunder Minimum, which was the coldest part of the Little Ice Age. During one 30-year period during the Maunder Minimum only about 50 sunspots were observed, compared to a typical 40–50 thousand.
Sunspots have now virtually vanished. You can check out pictures of the sun day after day after day for the last few years here. Very few show more than one sunspot and many show none. We are currently at a solar minimum, awaiting the start of the next solar cycle. If sunspot activity does not pick up soon, we could be in for some seriously cold climate. The jury is still out on sunspot numbers.
In any case, some climate scientists believe the length of past solar cycles points to a cool phase in this century. Professor Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the Pulkovo Observatory in Russia, believes a slow decline in temperatures will begin as early as 2012–15 and will lead to a deep freeze in 2050–60 that will last about 50 years. Climatologist Tim Patterson thinks that by 2020 the sun will be starting its weakest 11-year sunspot cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on earth. He says, “If we’re to have even a medium-sized solar minimum, we could be looking at a lot more bad effects than ‘global warming’ would have had.”
The global warming advocates make all sorts of false claims about dire consequences of global warming. They claim it will result in the spread of malaria, food shortages, more human deaths, more violent weather, and a loss of biological diversity through the extinction of species. All untrue. The largest number of species — the greatest biological diversity — is in the tropics. As you move away from the equator, you find fewer and fewer species, until you reach the earth’s poles, where there is zero diversity because nothing can live there.
Agricultural productivity is also reduced by cold climate, not a warmer one. That’s why Siberia and Alaska are not noted for agricultural abundance. A warmer climate would mean longer growing seasons and would make agriculture possible in areas where it isn’t today. And there are at least 300 studies showing plants and forests grow faster and more luxuriantly under conditions of increased carbon dioxide.
NBC Affiliate Meteorologist Rips MSNBC for Apocalyptic Global Warming Special
By Jeff Poor, Business & Media Institute
NBC Universal and its networks have been criticized for the global warming alarmism it parades on a regular basis. However, now the criticism is coming from its own affiliates. Prior to its April 26 airing on MSNBC, shows on NBC had been promoting the first part of the climate special “Future Earth” – an MSNBC program that used computer animation to show the possibilities of a polar icecap melting. That prompted Bill Steffen, a meteorologist for NBC’s Grand Rapids, Mich. affiliate, to call out MSNBC for that special.
Steffen challenged several premises of “Future Earth: Journey to the End of the World,” on his blog. Steffen debunked the entire series premise that is posted on the MSNBC Web site: “Find out why Earth’s climate machine — the North Pole — is melting alarmingly fast. Learn about our planet’s future, and how you can stop its decline.”
“First, the North Pole is not ‘Earth’s Climate Machine,’” Steffen wrote. “There is far more heat and area in the Tropics than at the North Pole. Second, YOU can’t stop its decline (assuming it’s declining)! Nature is big – you personally are insignificant compared to nature. Don’t you wish you had the power to control icecaps! If you don’t mind some profanity, check out George Carlin’s take on ‘Saving the Planet.’ Third, MSNBC does not know ‘our planet’s future.’” Steffen rebutted claims of the MSNBC special saying that ice in the Antarctic has actually been expanding and that polar ice melting alone would not cause sea level to rise as depicted in the “Future Earth.”
“Keep in mind that if the Polar icecap (without Greenland) melted…it would hardly cause sea level to rise, because the icecap is currently displacing water in the Arctic Ocean,” Steffen wrote. Steffen also pointed out, as many others have, the financial stake NBC Universal’s parent company General Electric (NYSE:GE) has invested in cap-and-trade [carbon taxes] becoming law.
“One last point, MSNBC is owned by General Electric,” Steffen wrote. “GE is already making money off the issue with their Carbon Credit Master Card (link from ‘Treehugger,’ no less). Here’s CNN’s story on the new credit card.” Steffen even showed how much GE has spent lobbying for environmental causes, originally reported by the Washington Examiner on March 3.
“Interesting note: In the fourth quarter of 2008 as GE/NBC stock fell 30 percent, GE spent $4.26 million on lobbying — that’s $46,304 each day, including weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Steffen wrote. “In 2008, the company spent a grand total of $18.66 million on lobbying. Reviewing their lobbying filings, GE’s specific lobbying issues included the ‘Climate Stewardship Act,’ ‘Electric Utility Cap and Trade Act,’ ‘Global Warming Reduction Act,’ ‘Federal Government Greenhouse Gas Registry Act,’ ‘Low Carbon Economy Act,’ and ‘Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act.’ Do you think this ‘big business’ is just concerned about the environment?”
Do not read this column …
… if all you’re going to do is tell me to stop picking on that nice Al Gore and David Suzuki.
By Lorie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
Today’s column is written as a public service to all my readers who think everything they need to know about global warming they learned from Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth and who demand I stop attacking that nice man, David Suzuki. I implore you, I beg you, I beseech, you — STOP READING THIS COLUMN. I can barely keep up with my correspondence from readers who have intelligent things to say. Then there’s you. To all those described above — who don’t understand the difference between weather and climate or how cap-and-trade works, although you always think you do — please, go buy a book on climate change, sit down, read, learn. Then maybe we can have a rational discussion. Look, I’ll help you. Start with Robert Henson’s The Rough Guide to Climate Change: The Symptoms, The Science, The Solutions — the most readable, balanced, and informative book on the subject I’ve come across. Read just the first chapter “The basics — global warming in a nutshell” and, at the end of 40 pages, I promise you, you’ll know more about climate change than 90% of the politicians promising to “fix” it. And don’t worry, Henson’s no “denier.” Even Suzuki would endorse him. After that, read George Monbiot’s Heat: How to Stop The Planet from Burning; The Heat is On: The Climate Crisis, The Cover-up, The Prescription, by Ross Gelbspan; The Weather Makers: How We Are Changing the Climate and What it Means to Life on Earth by Tim Flannery; Stormy Weather, 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change by Guy Dauncey with Patrick Mazza; The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back and How We Can Still Save Humanity by James Lovelock; and a new Canadian book, Carbon Shift: How The Twin Crises of Oil Depletion and Climate Change Will Define the Future, edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon. I encourage skeptics to read these books as well because (a) as some of these authors point out, the energy industry did try to discredit scientific research on global warming — although these days it’s looking for ways to cash in; (b) it was only after reading books like these that I understood why, if the science is right, none of the “solutions” to global warming spouted by our politicians — Kyoto, carbon taxes, cap-and-trade, carbon credits — will work, and (c) reducing our reliance on fossil fuels makes sense to reduce air pollution and increase global security, regardless of global warming. But the problem, if you only read books of this type, is that you don’t come to understand that Kyoto wasn’t an environmental agreement at all, but an economic one, primarily designed to hobble the U.S. economy and that far from lowering global greenhouse gas emissions, it guaranteed they would rise. You don’t understand the irresponsible way Jean Chretien signed Canada onto Kyoto, without realizing the consequences for a big, cold, energy-exporting country with a small population and huge land mass. You don’t understand how a toxic combination of UN bureaucrats, opportunistic politicians, special interests, rent-seekers and scientists-turned-ideologues, has oversold not the reality of anthropogenic climate change, but the certainty about what’s going to happen, where, when, how severe and most important, what we should do. To understand those controversies you need to read books like The Deniers: The World-Renowned Scientists Who Stood up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution and Fraud by Lawrence Solomon; Taken by Storm: The Troubled Science, Policy and Politics of Global Warming by Christopher Essex and Ross McKitrick; The Emperor’s New Climate: Debunking the Myths of Global Warming by Bruno Wiskel (these first three books are by Canadians); The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism, and Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud and Deception To Keep You Misinformed, by Christopher Horner. (Paul Wells’ Right Side Up, The Fall of Paul Martin and the Rise of Stephen Harper’s New Conservatives, while not about climate change, describes the bizarre way Chretien signed us on to Kyoto.) IT’S COMPLICATED Finally read A Moment on the Earth — The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism by Gregg Easterbrook, who, while highly critical of environmental fear-mongering, as opposed to environmentalism, has also come to view global warming as a much more serious threat than when he wrote this thoughtful and authoritative work in 1995. In other words, it’s complicated. So please, go read a book. After all, if global warming poses the immediate, existential threat you say it does, don’t you think you should read at least one !!@#$#$* book on the subject before the apocalypse? Just one? Can’t connect to mysql.