Graphical timeline of Climategate related events and emails available

The scandal that has rocked climate change science encompasses a 30 year time span and dozens of the world’s top climate scientists. A thorough analysis of all of the Climategate emails entailed an extraordinary amount of work to correlate the emails with the events that were happening at the time – until now. A new chart puts the entire event and the last 30 years of applicable climate science in an easy to use format. Created by Mohib Ebrahim, the new graphical timeline provides a complete picture of the events in the emails in an easy to read and use format. “ClimateGate: 30 years in the making” digests all of the pertinent emails, documents, historical events and graphs down to one large chart that can be viewed on screen or printed. The chart is hosted on the Australian website JoNova and will be updated regularly as new information is discovered and analyzed. It is an important document for anyone interested in the scandal and all of the events leading up to it. Follow the link below to download the chart.

Source by Tony Hake

Climategate Round-Up #9

How better to spend the dog days between Christmas and New Year than to catch up on your favorite climate conspiracy. Grab another eggnog and a mince pie, I have a mini-linkapalooza for you. If you missed them, Climategate Round-Ups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

The Leak/Hack

Thou Shalt Not Delete. So sayeth the Department of the Environment, in lawyer speak. The notice is too late for the very absent Phil Jones, who has received a few bucks from the DoE, but also has been careless with data. Oops. The Russki’s point a finger at CRU and accuses them of manipulating data to show more warming. Ouch, da? More on the Russian accusations:

The IEA believes that Russian meteorological-station data did not substantiate the anthropogenic global-warming theory. …The data of stations located in areas not listed in the Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature UK (HadCRUT) survey often does not show any substantial warming in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. The HadCRUT database includes specific stations providing incomplete data and highlighting the global-warming process, rather than stations facilitating uninterrupted observations. …

Global warming believers react to the Russian accusation, by attempting to discredit the accusers instead of questioning their faith. The revelations aren’t over yet, there’s more gold in them thar emails.

Climategate Inconvenient Emails/Data

Climategate brought very inconvenient science to light, and the neo-deniers try to explain away their deceit and corruption with terms like ‘noise’. Here’s a post that takes the ‘noise’ excuse and shoves it where the Sun don’t shine. Take that, alarmists. How bad was the CRU code and programming? Let’s ask a professional: .. Jo Nova charts the 30 years it took to manufacture Climategate. If you look at nothing else, check out her chart, it’s a work of art. Climate scientists, or common thugs and bullies? You decide.

Climategate in the Media

The Tyee bemoans the inept response of the ’scientific’ community to Climategate. Can’t say why they’re upset, the PR response is about as coherent as the science, so at least the global warming alchemists are consistent in their incompentence. Will Heaven, the appropriately named Telegraph writer on Catholicism and religion (I kid you not) met Delingpole face to face. Poor Will still can’t understand why the world’s newest religion is falling apart. The ripples of the Climategate fallout have reaches the doorstep of railway engineer Rajendra Pachaury, and the laundry list of his conflicts of interest makes Al Gore look like a rank amateur. Monckton piles on. Pachauri calls it a ‘pack of lies’, but that won’t save him when the UN starts looking for a scapegoat.

Pachauri celebrates China's surrender, or somethingPachauri celebrates China’s surrender. Or something.

When polls attack. Even loaded questions from alarmist organizations fail to hide the fact that fewer people than ever believe the carbon scaremongers hoax.

Hippie Heads Exploding

One of the IPCC authors turns on his own, and blows the lid off how IPCC reports are put together.

The second problem is that the technical publication is not completed by the time the IPCC reports. Instead, it produces a Summary for Policy Makers. Writing the s ummary involves the co-ordinators, the reviewers and the IPCC functionaries as before, and also various chairmen. The summary goes out in a blaze of publicity, but there is no means of checking whether it represents what the scientists actually said, because the scientific report isn’t published for another four months or more. In the Fourth Assessment, the summary was quietly replaced several months after it was first published because some scientists who were involved complained of misrepresentation.

The New Scientist decides that enough is enough, it’s time to hit back against Climategate. But instead of trying to answer the growing list of questions raised by the CRU leak, NS just tries to discredit skeptics with tired old arguments. That rushing sound you hear is the NS haemorrhaging subscribers, read the comments. Uh Oh, dirty rotten hippie scoundrels are discovering that the burden of proof has suddenly reversed polarities:

You can feel that most crucial of propaganda processes happening with Climategate: the reversing of the burden of proof. Unfair to all the fraud detectives (Watts, McIntyre, and the rest of them, including Monkton himself) though it undoubtedly was, those noble toilers, until the Climategate revelations erupted, had to prove everything, in defiance of the default position. Their every tiny blemish was jumped upon. Their major claims were ignored. Now the default position is slowly mutating into: It’s all made-up nonsense. And the burden of proof is shifting onto the shoulders of all those who want to go on believing in such ever more discredited alarmism.

The wikipedia global warmist-in-chief William Connolley has been working overtime to hide the effects of the ‘hide the decline’ fallout, but has his activism finally caught up with him?

Climategate Hottie

In Soviet Union, not everything is gray and cold. CRU might feel like to manipulate Russian data, but smarter skeptics prefer to admire the statistics of Russians like Anna Kournikova, da? Thanks for reading.Source by The Daily Bayonet

Truth Or Lies?

So what is the problem here, global warming, global cooling or global scamming?

Well we get spin from both alarmists and sceptics. So who knows what is truth and what is fiction? I for one do, having researched thoroughly both sides of the debate and all available evidence.

I am not a scientist, alarmist nor a conspiracy theorist. I am a lay person on the outside that took a look into, that looking glass and thought, hmmmm we have a problem, THIS JUST DOES NOT SIT RIGHT IN MY MIND.

As someone who is ex military I have seen a few things in my time. I will not discuss actual events but I will discuss propoganda and disinformation.

Propaganda is the use of all available media systems to disseminate information that conveys the message that you want those receiving it to believe.

Disinformation is similar to propaganda but you feed lies and truths into the machine to create confusion.

So how does this effect the issue of Climate Change?

The simple one word answer is MASSIVELY.

What we all must realise is that we are being fed a constant stream of information from mainstream media. It seems to me to be a mixture of both propaganda and disinformation. So we are fed, truths and lies by these media organisations, remember the owners of these organisations are power brokers and elite. So we are told what they want us to hear and we view what they want us to see. The end result has two outcomes, complete confusion or numbness, the I don’t care attitude. Either result is acceptable to these power brokers.

However there are a lot of people who are now waking up to the sham and scam that is going on. More and more websites are springing up that attack the lies of mass media and governments ( notice that I did not use a G in government, we govern them not vice versa).

Do I believe in Global warming, hell yes I do, do I believe in Global cooling hell yes I do. You see it happens every year, winter, spring, summer, autumn and then winter again and that’s only in one year! But if we look back 10, 20, 30 or 10,000 years we can see cycles of the change to the global climate. It is ALL COMPLETELY NATURAL and yet we are told otherwise.

So if we can accept thousands of years of data, real data I mean and not the, concoted data supplied by CRU in East Anglia, then as rational human beings we can see that peaks and troughs of the temp rise and fall are normal. Or do we? Well no we don’t as the media using propaganda tells us otherwise. The information provided to the masses is critical and the information provided is one sided. When do you ever see the arguments provided for sceptics such as Lord Monckton shown on main stream media?

This article is not about educating you, this article has been written to make you ask yourself the same questions I asked myself when looking into Global Warming.

My beliefs are these:

Global Warming exists
Global cooling exists
Anthropogenic global warming does not exist
Anthropogenic global cooling does not exist
Cap and trade is a tax scam
Carbon trading is a scam

If global warming was real and CO2 was the cause of global warming then carbon trading means nothing. What it actually means is that Me Pete can buy Justin’s unused carbon emissions and use them for myself. Thus, this means that emissions do not drop, instead the remain the same but money transfers and tax is applied. This is not global warming it is global scare mongering to make the rich even richer by taking what little the poor have left in the way of taxes.

The whole climate change operation and that is what it is, an operation, is a complete scam to strip people of their money by taxing those same people for a problem that does not exist.

But hey, don’t take my word for it, go do some digging yourselves and as free thinking people, reach your own decision. You still have choice so use it and make your decisions wisely.

Peter T Laird

I am no longer afraid to show my name!

Peace Out.


Volcanoes, blizzards, and climate fools

At the same time as the scam in Fraudenhagen ended in an anti-climax for the idiots believing in manmade climate change, the eastern United States is preparing for a major winter storm moving up the Atlantic coast. Also, in Sweden as well as most of Europe we’re seemingly facing one of the coldest X-mases for many years. In my recollection only the year I was in the military can measure up for the cold we’ve seen the latest week. Granted I’ve been living in other countries for many years, but I’m usually home over the holidays. Several football matches have been canceled and people in south of Europe is freezing to death. Warmer climate eh?

I wish for a couple of degrees warmer, that would benefit humankind and as back in the middle ages we could grow grapes in Sweden again. However, the signs recently seem to indicate we’re heading for colder times. I’m only waiting for the New World Order alarmists to start warning for a new Ice-age.

Anyway, the second worst ‘pollutant’ we have in the world, far worse than all the factories, planes and ships put together, have shown its face again. Of course this foe was, and is, ignored by the scheming tricksters in Fraudenhagen, but people of the island Tongatapu, Tonga, has first class tickets. The volcanic activity in that area has recently put up a magnificent spectacle that should scare the living daylights of any climatologist. However, such eruptions throwing out hundred times more carbondioxid than any country are not as fun to blame as mankind. Humans can be controlled, be told how many kids to have and what cars to drive, it’s slightly harder to tell a volcano to: “stop polluting so we can own you”.

The insanity our elected masters and bought for scientists tries to sell us have been found out many times over. It’s not only climategate or thirty thousand plus scientists suing Al Gore; it’s not only Russian investigators saying how it is or NASA being found out lying, it’s so much more. And what about common sense? Since there’s not a single evidence for the manmade global warming hoax and since we actually know – scientifically proven – that the sun runs our climate almost alone, how can anyone out there actually listen to the alarmists’ claims?

Source By The Oracle

Obama Has Failed in Copenhagen, Minorities and Women Will Benefit the Most

Fortunately for humanity and the civilization that sustains it, Barack Obama stayed true to his record of incompetence and failure, messing up the talks at Copenhagen. The talks have ended with nothing more than yet another agreement to meet again in a few years’ time. His last ditch instructions to Hillary Clinton, which led to her offering $100,000,000,000 of taxpayer dollars each year to nations hard hit by climate change could not band-aid the gaping gash that is the rift between developing and developed nations. The root of the conflict is very simple: curbing emissions produced in the territory of poverty-stricken nations would require them to regress to a poorer state of being. The politicians ruling over these nations recognize that such attempts would probably inspire revolts that would topple them and earn them an appointment with a noose and a lampost. In the meantime, the politicians ruling developed nations also recognize that if they allow people living in the developing nations to produce CO2, that global economic production will simply be moved to those territories. And the newly unemployed will come after the politicians who screwed them over with pitchforks. By the time Obama landed in Denmark with his entrourage of bodyguards, the conference was doomed. The failure lay in the groundwork; having failed to prioritize effectively between his desire to take over the medical industry, the financial industry, the automotive industry and the manufacturing industries, and having spent money like a drunken sailor with a fist-full of Continentals, the Obama administration was in no position to offer a credible deal of any sort. Most politicians outside the U.S. recognize that the days of U.S. hegemony are almost over. The vast welfare state and creeping state takeover of industry have emptied the U.S. treasury, and the U.S. government is having an increasingly difficult time borrowing the money it needs to meet its current obligations. Had Obama eschewed the “spend-your-way-into-prosperity” approach of George Bush, the U.S. government might have been in a position to make credible offers both to curb CO2 production. Instead, he showed up at the conference with a track record of leading a government that had no backbone, a reputation for rhetoric over substance, and a fiscal state that is laughably shaky. Moreover, he also has been consistently lying through his teeth throughout his time in office. For these reasons, no promise or offer he could make would carry serious weight. If the AGW alarmists are correct, the situation involving the production of CO2is an externality; Those who produce CO2 through economic activity gain the benefit of the wealth produced while the costs of warming are suffered by everyone. Thus, those who decide not to produce CO2 suffer, while those who engage in production gain the benefit of of the wealth they create. The proper way to handle an externality is to internalize it: to establish a regime where the people who cause ‘harm’ suffer a loss commensurate with the harm the do. This is not simple with the atmosphere. The plan favored by most alarmists, which essentially amount to requiring nearly every source of CO2 to require government permission to operate, permission that in essence controls how much CO2 is produced, are functionally equivalent to the centrally planned economies of the now defunct Soviet block. In essence they recreate the crippling economic coordination problems that Ludwig von Mises identified in Socialism. Obama seems to be oblivious to the economic collapse he is dicing with in his attempts to build a more fair world. For this reason, I am grateful for his incompetence. The socialism that he and many of the delegates in Copenhagen were advancing has a demonstrated track record of creating incredible misery particularly for the masses that are not politically connected. As a result, we are fortunate that Obama’s incompetence has postponed the AGW alarmist juggernaut. By the time the next meeting is held, the temperature trend will likely give lie to the dire alarmist predictions that gave the alarmists much of their political momentum.By Tarran

Leaders, Activists Throwing in the Towel in Copenhagen!

NOPENHAGEN — Has Copenhagen collapsed?

By William La Jeunesse, Fox News

That seems to be the growing sentiment inside the city’s Bella Conference Center, where officials, environmentalists and even delegates to the international climate conference began streaming out Friday evening. What began with excitement and anticipation two weeks ago ended Friday night with disappointment and anger for thousands.

“This is a sad day for my country,” said Mama Konate, chief delegate from the West African nation of Mali. “We have worked very hard to reach this agreement. And now it seems over. Without a deadline, I don’t know if we will ever finish.”

The conference, the largest of its kind, attracted scientists, activists and human rights supporters from every corner of the globe, who believe that without a climate accord limiting greenhouse gases, glaciers will melt, oceans will rise and the weather will go so warm it could wipe out 50 percent of the Earth’s species. Until Friday, they saw Copenhagen as their last chance to stop it.

“You can scapegoat the process. That wasn’t it. It was the unwillingness of people to move around big issues: China on verification, the U.S. on deeper emission cuts,” said the head of an NGO that does relief work in Africa.

“Judging by the proceedings and the obvious gulf that remains, this is dead anything short of a miracle.”

That was not the sentiment early in the day when 25 U.S. congressmen showed up at the summit, flying in on a Boeing 757 with Speaker Nancy Pelosi at considerable taxpayer expense. The delegation joined President Barack Obama and nearly 120 world leaders for the conference’s final day.

“This president is very, very unusual,” said Congressman Charlie Rangel. “His power of persuasion and his eloquence somehow brings together how the whole world feels. I think we are very close. I am optimistic.”

But as the hours passed, hope turned to doubt.

What went wrong? To get more than 100 nations big and small, rich and poor, developed and not, all on the same page — over issues that go to the heart of their economies, their standards of living and that reach into the pocketbooks of the public — may have been a bridge too far.

The summit got underway with grand expectations. Many environmental groups said this was the last best chance to get a climate accord, while Obama still had considerable first-year clout in office and a Democratic majority in Congress. The upcoming 2010 congressional elections could swing the Senate to Republicans who are opposed to aggressive environmental legislation, they worried. And without the U.S., any climate treaty is meaningless.

Yet a deep lack of trust underscored the talks from the beginning. As rivals in business, neither the U.S. nor China wanted to agree to anything that would give the other a competitive edge.

“I am very skeptical anything here in Copenhagen is good for the average U.S. citizen,” said Rep. Joe Barton, R-Tex. “The process is falling apart.”

Barton said he was especially appalled by the requests for aid from Third World dictators like Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who said the U.S. owes the world for having raped the planet.

“I owe Hugo Chavez nothing. Nothing-zip-nada,” said Barton. “The U.S. in the last 50 years has given trillions of dollars to the Third World. But to say they are going to be ravaged by climate change and deserve ‘Greenmail’ strains credibility.”

The U.S. said China’s planned cuts in “carbon intensity” (CO2 as a unit of GDP) were insufficient

Other developing nations pointed the same finger at the U.S. Obama proposed a 4 percent cut in U.S. emissions from their 1990 levels by 2020. That compares to much larger promised cuts in the EU of 20 to 30 percent. Climatologists say a cut of at least 25 to 40 percent is required if the world is to avert a climate disaster.

One of the problems, according to another NGO representative, is that the draft agreement is complicated and interconnected. When heads of state tinker with the text, they may be editing out a clause that was negotiated for months, in a compromise on an unrelated point. And typically only those who are intimate with the text understand what was compromised to get that language in the first place.

What set Copenhagen up for disaster? When heads of state arrive, an agreement is usually 99 percent complete. Not this time. Because of procedural delays, caused in large part by China, the document was far from finalized, leaving ministers and heads of state over their head on some issues.

“I’m leaving,” said Yousef Diakite, a representative from the Pan-African Parliament. “I’m unhappy, disappointed, not glad. Everyone was waiting for Copenhagen. This was our chance. And today it is over.”


Climategate 2 is front page news

Excerpted from The Daily Express

THE Meteorological Office was last night facing accusations it cherry-picked climate change figures in a bid to increase evidence of global warming.

UK climatologists “probably tampered with Russian-climate data” to produce a report submitted to world leaders at this week’s Copenhagen summit, it is claimed.

The Met Office’s study, which says the first decade of this century has been the warmest on record for 160 years, is being used to trumpet claims that man is causing global warming.

But experts at the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis say the British dossier used statistics from weather stations that fit its theory of global warming, while ignoring those that do not.

They accuse the Met Office’s Hadley Centre of relying on just 25 per cent of Russia’s weather stations and over-estimating warming in the country by more than half a degree Celsius.

Last night, leading global warming sceptic Dr Fred Singer, of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, said: “I have long suspected that this selective fiddle took place but have not assembled all the evidence.

“We know, and have published, that between 1975 and 2000 the number of weather stations was reduced from nearly 7,000 to only 3,000 with many of them in the former Soviet Union.

“The effect of this would be to produce an artificial temperature trend which we don’t see in the satellite data. So the warming of the past 30 years is likely to be an illusion.”

Professor Patrick Michaels, an environmentalist from the Cato Institute in Washington, said: “There is a significant lack of data coming from Russia in the last decade and a half.

“There will be many questions in the future about any reports that use what data there is. We want to know more about the Hadley Centre’s report but they won’t show us the raw data.”

The IEA’s report claims the Hadley Centre used incomplete findings from Russian meteorological stations “far more often than those providing complete observations” in order to build up a picture of overall warming.

It said the Hadley data overestimated warming in Russia by up to 0.64C between the 1870s and 1990s.

“Analysing the temperature trends received from Met stations, it is hard to get rid of the impression that they do not show any noticeable trend to warming in second half of the 20th and beginning of 21st centuries,” the IEA said.

It also said that since Russia was the world’s biggest country, any global theories drawn from its incomplete weather statistics would be invalid.

Russia’s semi-official RIA Novosti news agency said the Hadley Centre “probably tampered with Russian- climate data” by using statistics from only a quarter of available weather stations.

The Met Office data follows the row over hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit in East Anglia, seized upon by global warming sceptics as evidence that academics were massaging the figures.

On Monday the Daily Express revealed a dossier by the respected European Foundation think-tank detailing 100 reasons why global warming is a natural cyclical event.

And in a recent poll of readers 98 per cent said they believed they were being conned over global warming.


Lord Monckton Knocked Out by Copenhagen Cop

So, the UN cops are now resorting to physical abuse to silence dissenters? Here’s what Monckton had to say about the incident.

Is the European police state going global?

Today the gloves came off and the true purpose of the “global warming” scare became nakedly visible. Ugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela, blamed “global warming” on capitalism – and received a standing ovation from very nearly all of the delegates, lamentably including those from those of the capitalist nations of the West that are on the far Left – and that means too many of them. Previously Robert Mugabe, dictator of Rhodesia, who had refused to leave office when he had been soundly defeated in a recent election, had also won plaudits at the conference for saying that the West ought to pay him plenty of money in reparation of our supposed “climate debt”. Inside the conference center, “world leader” after “world leader” got up and postured about the need to Save The Planet, the imperative to do a deal, the necessity to save the small island nations from drowning, etc., etc., etc. Outside, in the real world, it was snowing, and a foretaste of the Brave New World being cooked up by “world leaders” in their fantasy-land was already evident. Some 20,000 observers from non-governmental organizations – nearly all of them true-believing Green groups funded by taxpayers – had been accredited to the conference. However, without warning the UN had capriciously decided that all but 300 of them were to be excluded from the conference today, and all but 90 would be excluded on the final day. Of course, this being the inept UN, no one had bothered to notify those of the NGOs that were not true-believers in the UN’s camp. So Senator Steve Fielding of Australia and I turned up with a few dozen other delegates, to be left standing in the cold for a couple of hours while the UN laboriously worked out what to do with us. In the end, they decided to turn us away, which they did with an ill grace and in a bad-tempered manner. As soon as the decision was final, the Danish police moved in. One of them began the now familiar technique of manhandling me, in the same fashion as one of his colleagues had done the previous day. Once again, conscious that a police helicopter with a high-resolution camera was hovering overhead, I thrust my hands into my pockets in accordance with the St. John Ambulance crowd-control training, looked my assailant in the eye and told him, quietly but firmly, to take his hands off me. He complied, but then decided to have another go. I told him a second time, and he let go a second time. I turned to go and, after I had turned my back, he gave me a mighty shove that flung me to the ground and knocked me out. I came to some time later (not sure exactly how long), to find my head being cradled by my friends, some of whom were doing their best to keep the police thugs at bay while the volunteer ambulance-men attended to me.

I was picked up and dusted me off. I could not remember where I had left my telephone, which had been in my hand at the time when I was assaulted. I rather fuzzily asked where it was, and one of the police goons shouted, “He alleges he had a mobile phone.” In fact, the phone was in my coat pocket, where my hand had been at the time of the assault. The ambulance crew led me away and laid me down under a blanket for 20 minutes to get warm, plying me with water and keeping me amused with some colorfully colloquial English that they had learned. I thanked them for their kindness, left them a donation for their splendid service, and rejoined my friends. A very senior police officer then came up and asked if I was all right. Yes, I said, but no thanks to one of his officers, who had pushed me hard from behind when my back was turned and had sent me flying. The police chief said that none of his officers would have done such a thing. I said that several witnesses had seen the incident, which I intended to report. I said I had hoped to receive an apology but had not received one, and would include that in my report. The policeman went off looking glum, and with good reason. To assault an accredited representative of a conference your nation is hosting, and to do it while your own police cameramen are filming from above, and to do it without any provocation except my polite, non-threatening request that I should not be manhandled, is not a career-enhancing move, as that police chief is about to discover to his cost. Nor does this incident, and far too many like it, reflect the slightest credit on Denmark. We must make reasonable allowance for the fact that the unspeakable security service of the UN, which is universally detested by those at this conference, was ordering the Danish police about. The tension between the alien force and the indigenous men on the ground had grown throughout the conference. However, the Danish police were far too free with their hands when pushing us around, and that is not acceptable in a free society. But then, Europe is no longer a free society. It is, in effect, a tyranny ruled by the unelected Kommissars of the European Union. That is perhaps one reason why police forces throughout Europe, including that in the UK, have become far more brutal than was once acceptable in their treatment of the citizens they are sworn to serve. It is exactly this species of tyranny that the UN would like to impose upon the entire planet, in the name of saving us from ourselves – or, as Ugo Chavez would put it, saving us from Western capitalist democracy. A few weeks ago, at a major conference in New York, I spoke about this tendency towards tyranny with Dr. Vaclav Klaus, the distinguished economist and doughty fighter for freedom and democracy who is President of the Czech Republic. While we still have one or two statesmen of his caliber, there is hope for Europe and the world. Unfortunately, he refused to come to Copenhagen, telling me that there was no point, now that the lunatics were firmly in control of the asylum. However, I asked him whether the draft Copenhagen Treaty’s proposal for what amounted to a communistic world government reminded him of the Communism under which he and his country had suffered for so long. He thought for a moment – as statesmen always do before answering an unusual question – and said, “Maybe it is not brutal. But in all other respects, what it proposes is far too close to Communism for comfort.” Today, as I lay in the snow with a cut knee, a bruised back, a banged head, a ruined suit, and a written-off coat, I wondered whether the brutality of the New World Order was moving closer than President Klaus – or any of us – had realized.Source

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Dec. 17th 2009

It’s all gone Pete Tong for alarmists in Denmark as the curse of Brown descends and the inconvenience of climategate refuses to go away. Greenpeace was punk’d, Phelim was unplugged and Al Gore turned into the Gaffeinator. It’s all good clean fun in this, your last round-up of 2009. FYI, the latest Climategate Round-Up is here, and a Copenhagen Round-Up is here. The winner of the Most Alarming Alarmism by an Alarmist will be announced tomorrow, so if you haven’t voted yet, get to it.

Part One: Al Gore & Friends

Al traveled to Hopenchangen in Copenhagen and made some ‘remarks’. He has a link to his own self on his blog, if you care to listen to him for 42 minutezzzzzzzzzz Copenhagen was supposed to be the crowning moment for the ecovangelist-in-chief, he even got to hang out with a man who won an election. Instead the world seemed more interested in Al’s gaffes:

It’s no wonder that Al refuses to debate, even if the people do want to see a cage match between him and Sarah Palin. Al is much more comfortable ducking hard interviews and hiding behind security thugs rather than face questions about his belligerent denial about the importance of Climategate: .. Bonny Prince Chuckles is also in Copenhagen, because the world needs to know what an inbred over-privileged and under-educated horse whisperer thinks about the planet. Or something.

Part Two: AGW Scaremongers

Oh noes, global warming kills salmon. Add the delicious-when-barbecued pink fish to the list. You know why I hate dirty hippies? Because they want the rest of us to stop washing too. It’s called soap, hippies. Use it. As Copenhagen rolls on, the nastiest of all the activist pop their heads up. The anti-human ‘optimum populationists’ want a China-like one child policy for the whole world. No word yet from idiotarian Diane Francis on which of her two children will be sacrificed for Gaia. Did these folks not learn from Paul Ehrlich’s epic fail? Virtuous hippies might eco-shop, but they’re more likely to cheat and steal. Kinda like Prius drivers being more likely to cause a wreck. Everyone’s favorite eco-terrorist group Greenpeace got a taste of their own activism when skeptics boarded the Rainbow Warrior. Heh. How can you tell when a Green’s had enough? They drop the pretence at reason and start shouting and swearing. Profanity warning. Watermelon is a nice descriptor for green activists who are motivated by socialism. Not that the greens are exactly hiding their commie roots. Britain is doomed, there’s going to be no food and no water soon, so shut up and climb aboard the AGW bus. Monckton deconstructs a Greenpeace hippies world belief. Excellent fun: .. Will of the people, we don’t need no stinkin’ will of the people. Australia’s government was handed an embarrassing defeat over its ETS policy recently, but that can’t stop it. Zombie-ETS rises again. Joltin’ Joe Romm went nuts when Jon Stewart called ecomentalistism a neo-religion, but Stewart’s not the only one suggesting that notion. As most of the UK’s press focuses on Climategate, the Independent puts its fingers in its ears and pretends that the world will still buy the crap they peddled pre-CRU leak. Protests in support of Hopenchangen broke out all over the world. In Toronto, 250 people showed up and Tom giggles.Read the rest over at The Daily Bayonet!